80 Animal Rescue YouTubers in 2025
Animal Rescue YouTube Channels
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Hope For Paws
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdu8QrpJd.. Play
Hope for Paws rescues animals who are suffering, facing death or extreme danger that nobody else are able to save. Its mission is to save the animals most in danger and sharing their rescues through video as it has proven to influence people to adopt animals in need. Watch videos on Youtube channel.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.4MFacebook Followers 1.7MTwitter Followers 61KType Mega Since Mar 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
Big Cat Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcftblae5.. Play
Big Cat Rescue provides the best home we can for the animals in our care and to reduce the number of cats that suffer the fate of abuse, abandonment or extinction by teaching people about the plight of the cats, both in the wild and in captivity, and how they can help through their behavior and support of better laws to protect the cats.MORE Email ****@bigcatrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.3MFacebook Followers 4.3MTwitter Followers 307.2KType Mega Since Aug 2006 Follow Get Email Contact
Viktor Larkhill | Animal Youtuber
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjISfp5zG.. Play
ANIMAL RESCUE VIDEOS.. At Let´s Adopt we rescue, treat and rehabilitate abused and injured animals around the world. We save their lives and we find them extraordinary homes. We use the most advance medicine techniques to save animal lives, offering a second chance to abused and injured animals that had lost all hope.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1MFacebook Followers 351.3KType Mega Since Oct 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
The Humane Society of the United States
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdFzLvGtt.. Play
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal protection organization, rated the most effective by its peers. Since 1954, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. We rescue and care for tens of thousands of animals each year, but our primary mission is to prevent cruelty before it occurs.MORE Email ****@humanesociety.org
YouTube Subscribers 762KFacebook Followers 3.1KTwitter Followers 773.2KType Macro Since Mar 2006 Follow Get Email Contact
World Animal Awareness Society
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtvKh4m9.. Play
World Animal Awareness Society - WA2S Films: Producers of TV series' about dogs and dog rescuers. When you subscribe to the WA2S Films YouTube Channel you are supporting important work by hundreds of animal rescue non profits around the world.An Award-Winning Non Profit Conceived To: Explore, Observe & Produce Programs Focused On Human - Animal Interaction.MORE Email ****@wa2s.org
YouTube Subscribers 395KFacebook Followers 94.7KTwitter Followers 644Type Macro Since Feb 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
International Animal Rescue IAR
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvTjxxIID.. Play
At International Animal Rescue we not only save animals from suffering, we also rehabilitate and release them back into the wild and work to protect their precious natural habitats. Our work includes cutting free and caring for captive bears in India and Armenia, rescuing and rehabilitating orangutans and other primates in Indonesia and treating injured and orphaned howler monkeys in Costa Rica. Our aim is to return animals to their natural environment wherever possible, but we also provide a permanent home for those that can no longer fend for themselves.MORE Email ****@internationalanimalrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 162KFacebook Followers 540.1KTwitter Followers 25KInstagram Followers 265.2KType Macro Since Jan 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Howl Of A Dog - Nonprofit animal rescue organization
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqeekxc7C.. Play
Our commitment is to rescue abandoned, homeless, neglected and abused dogs (and other animals) from the streets or from local kill-shelters and to find them suitable loving forever homes. At the same time, our efforts aim to build a more compassionate and responsible society, develop education programs for the young generations and support neutering/spaying campaigns.MORE Email ****@howlofadog.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.3MFacebook Followers 61.6KTwitter Followers 875Type Mega Since Aug 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
National Mill Dog Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_e6tvx69.. Play
National Mill Dog Rescue rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes retired commercial breeding dogs from puppy mills. NMDR gives these dogs a new beginning and a final chance to find happiness and comfort in a loving home.MORE Email ****@nmdr.org
YouTube Subscribers 35.3KFacebook Followers 813.5KTwitter Followers 25.4KType Micro Since Oct 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTujOpyqq.. Play
Lucky Dog Animal Rescue is a volunteer powered animal rescue that saves homeless and abandoned dogs and cats from certain euthanasia. With no boarding facility or shelter of their own, Lucky Dog holds events across D.C., Maryland and Virginia.MORE Email ****@luckydoganimalrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 8.8KFacebook Followers 53.6KTwitter Followers 6.5KType Nano Since Jul 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjYPfEYL.. Play
Our mission is to provide shelters and rescues with blind cats who are not able to find a suitable adoptive home for these animals an alternative to euthanizing them.
Email ****@blindcatrescue.com
YouTube Subscribers 6.3KFacebook Followers 1.2MTwitter Followers 16.5KType Nano Since Oct 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx7MVgw3e.. Play
The PetSmart Charities channel highlights adoption stories and the work we do to end pet homelessness through adoption efforts and our spay/neuter program.
Email ****@petsmartcharities.org
YouTube Subscribers 3.1KFacebook Followers 316.6KTwitter Followers 53.4KType Nano Since Dec 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Muttville Senior Dog Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUzQZxRox.. Play
Meet our wonderful senior dogs for adoption through these videos created by Muttville's talented volunteers.
Email ****@muttville.org
YouTube Subscribers 6KFacebook Followers 531.5KTwitter Followers 11.3KType Nano Since Jul 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
Explore Dogs
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfC0RcYzD.. Play
These dog live cams are powered by explore.org. Explore helps raise service dogs for vets with PTSD as well as provides a tool for rescued dogs to become adopted.
Email ****@explore.org
YouTube Subscribers 63.8KFacebook Followers 9MTwitter Followers 158.8KType Micro Since Jun 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Furkids Animal Rescue and Shelters Cat Shelter
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnGyCSPDO.. Play
Furkids, headquartered in Atlanta, GA, is a 501c3 nonprofit charitable organization that operates the largest cage-free, no-kill shelter in the Southeast for rescued cats and Sadie's Place, a no-kill shelter for dogs. Furkids also operates one of the only facilities in the Southeast dedicated to the care of FIV positive cats. The Furkids mission is to rescue homeless animals, provide them with the best medical care and nurturing environment while working to find them a forever home. Furkids heals the whole animal, physically and emotionally, restoring its health and its spirit.Visit...MORE Email ****@jaddams.com
YouTube Subscribers 6.4KFacebook Followers 88.6KTwitter Followers 3.9KType Nano Since Jul 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Arizona Humane Society
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHqZrGGnL.. Play
Every pet deserves a good life. With a vision to end animal suffering, we rescue, heal, adopt and advocate for sick, injured and abused animals.
YouTube Subscribers 3.3KFacebook Followers 134.8KTwitter Followers 14.2KType Nano Since Sep 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
CityDogsRescue Media
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1wqtBygz.. Play
City Dogs Rescue & City Kitties saves adoptable cats and dogs from high-kill and overcrowded shelters and adopts them to loving homes in the Washington, DC area with the help of fosters.
Email ****@citydogsrescuedc.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KFacebook Followers 51.1KTwitter Followers 4KType Nano Since Jan 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Margaret Green Animal Rescue | Youtube
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCm9aoSV.. Play
Established in 1965, Margaret Green Animal Rescue is the oldest and largest animal rescue charity founded in Dorset. Every year we cares for over 1,200 animals, many of which have been abandoned, unwanted and ill-treated, and rehome them to loving owners.MORE Email ****@mgar.org.uk
YouTube Subscribers 469Facebook Followers 29KTwitter Followers 2.3KType Nano Since Mar 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5MzAFj1U.. Play
Animal Place rescues farmed animals from slaughter, provides them with permanent sanctuary or homes, and promotes veganism. We operate a 600-acre sanctuary in Grass Valley, California and a 60-acre adoption center in Vacaville, Calif.MORE Email ****@animalplace.org
YouTube Subscribers 24.4KFacebook Followers 257.8KTwitter Followers 14.9KType Micro Since Mar 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Axarquia Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoDkYcHzx.. Play
Axarquia Animal rescue are dedicated to saving lives and rehoming abused and abandoned animals.
Email ****@axarquiaanimalrescue.com
YouTube Subscribers 710Facebook Followers 8.4KTwitter Followers 136Type Nano Since Mar 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Animal Rescue Corps
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT7J4MgNx.. Play
Animal Rescue Corps (ARC) is a nonprofit animal protection organization. Its mission is to end animal suffering through direct and compassionate action, and to inspire the highest ethical standards of humanity towards animals. It is founded by Scotlund Haisley, a 20-year veteran in this field.MORE Email ****@animalrescuecorps.org
YouTube Subscribers 28.2KFacebook Followers 496.8KTwitter Followers 4.4KType Micro Since Jan 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Barking Mad Dog Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPXzUqs87.. Play
We are a registered Charity working with a hands on team in Romania, running our own shelter for 200 rescued dogs in Constanta. We also wholly support a privately owned shelter with 120 dogs in Calarasi, Romania. In our shelters, abandoned and neglected dogs find safe haven from some of the most unimaginable abuse. We feed another 350 dogs daily in two other shelters, in Bucharest and Craiova.MORE Email ****@barkingmaddogrescue.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 414Facebook Followers 46.3KTwitter Followers 2.5KType Nano Since Nov 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWhSkxSu0.. Play
ony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) saves dogs and cats who have run out of time at public shelters and brings people and animals together to enrich each others lives. ARF strives to create a world where every loving dog and cat has a home, where every lonely person has a companion animal, and where children learn to care.MORE Email ****@arflife.org
YouTube Subscribers 725Facebook Followers 42.9KTwitter Followers 9.6KType Nano Since Feb 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
The Animal Rescue League of Boston
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDA89RpR0.. Play
The Animal Rescue League of Boston is an unwavering champion for animals in need, committed to keeping them safe and healthy in habitats and homes.
Email ****@arlboston.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.8KTwitter Followers 16KType Nano Since Dec 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Wildlife Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlOCC53Z.. Play
The Wildlife Rescue Association of BC was established in 1979 to rehabilitate wildlife affected by human activity and provide education to the public on co-existing with urban wildlife.
Email ****@wildliferescue.ca
YouTube Subscribers 222Type Nano Since Sep 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Just Paws Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7lUsGYH8.. Play
Just Paws Animal Rescue is a not for profit animal rescue and rehoming organization. We are a foster based rescue based in the GTA and surrounding areas. Our mission is to rescue and rehome unwanted, abandoned, abused and unloved pets that find themselves alone and frightened in shelters.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 281Facebook Followers 21.5KTwitter Followers 277Type Nano Since Jul 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
North Clwyd Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6PSKZWl-.. Play
This channel showcases some of our dogs, who are looking for forever homes, by showing them as we at the rescue see them. We also have videos showing some of the training and behavioural work we do with our dogs as we help them through any issues they might have.MORE Email ****@ncar.org.uk
YouTube Subscribers 2.8KFacebook Followers 36.8KTwitter Followers 2.5KType Nano Since Dec 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Odessa Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXcoz05xS.. Play
Odessa Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc. is a 501(c)3 animal rescue that has devoted its energy to passionately bettering the lives of animals that can no longer be cared for by others, to provide the Best Forever Homes we can.MORE Email ****@odessawildlife.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.9KFacebook Followers 8.8KType Nano Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Animal Rescue Albania
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTzyktIDt.. Play
Animal Rescue Albania is an Albanian non-profit animal welfare organization, run by a small group of volunteers. Our primary goal is to be the voice of the abused animals in Albania.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 264Facebook Followers 62.6KType Nano Since Nov 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrGiLE5XX.. Play
Welcome to the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League's YouTube page! We are also known as the Humane Society of the Palm Beaches. On this channel you will see videos of facility, staff, volunteers and special events. We will also share videos of loving dogs and cats that are in search of finding their forever homes.MORE Email ****@peggyadams.org
YouTube Subscribers 954Facebook Followers 65.8KTwitter Followers 4KType Nano Since Jun 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
TEARS Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZVI_669W.. Play
TEARS is a pro-life, non-profit organisation whose core aims are to rescue, rehabilitate, re-home and reunite lost, abandoned, abused and neglected dog and cats. We strive to uplift the lives of companion animals in low-income communities by offering free sterilisations, providing primary health care and a scheduled, daily Mobile Clinic and empowering pet owners through education and guidance.MORE Email ****@tears.org.za
YouTube Subscribers 914Facebook Followers 53.1KTwitter Followers 170Type Nano Since Jul 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Friends For Life Animal Shelter
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOA-baifW.. Play
LEED-certified green No Kill animal shelter in Houston, TX. Offering No Kill solutions for the animals in Houston and the people who want to help them -- rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, education and animal supply support.MORE Email ****@adoptfriends4life.org
YouTube Subscribers 341Facebook Followers 48KTwitter Followers 2.3KType Nano Since Feb 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Angels Among Us Pet Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMGKeAgqN.. Play
Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to rescuing dogs and cats from high-kill shelters in North Georgia. It was created in February 2009 by a group of people in the Atlanta area who wanted to do more to save the many adoptable dogs and cats who found themselves on death row in Georgia animal control facilities.MORE Email ****@angelsrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 842Facebook Followers 852.8KTwitter Followers 5.2KType Nano Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Farm Animal Rescue (Australia)
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC788q05Ux.. Play
Farm Animal Rescue is a place of refuge for animals that have been freed from abusive situations and factory farms, each of which receives the best of life time care. The farm is open to visitors on a regular basis, so that people can come to meet our residents.MORE Email ****@farmanimalrescue.org.au
YouTube Subscribers 406Facebook Followers 21KTwitter Followers 324Type Nano Since Oct 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSh3bpoEV.. Play
In Alberta, thousands of cats and dogs are homeless, abandoned, abused or living in horrendous conditions. We work closely with rural and First Nations communities where there is limited to no animal services. In 2015, AARCS took in over 2,000 cats and dogs. We cared for them by providing medical care, spaying/neutering, vaccinating and then found their forever families.MORE Email ****@aarcs.ca
YouTube Subscribers 423Facebook Followers 111.2KTwitter Followers 6.6KType Nano Since Jun 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Forest Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb5gDwSl_.. Play
Welcome to the videos of happenings at the sanctuary! Forest Animal Rescue by Peace River Refuge & Ranch is a non-profit wild animal sanctuary and educational facility.
Email ****@forestanimalrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 475Facebook Followers 10.5KTwitter Followers 340Type Nano Since Jun 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
WIRES Wildlife Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNR0B9B6-.. Play
WIRES Wildlife Rescue has been rescuing and caring for native Australian animals for more than 30 years. Our mission is to actively rehabilitate and preserve Australian wildlife and inspire others to do the same.MORE Email ****@wires.org.au
YouTube Subscribers 400Facebook Followers 173.2KType Nano Since Sep 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
MN Pocket Pet Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN17SjWsd.. Play
MN Pocket Pet Rescue is one of the best youtube channel for everything related to pet rescuing.
Email ****@mnpocketpetrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 163Type Nano Since Apr 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Foster Army Animal Rescue & Pet Rescue Thrift Store
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcZQf7ftH.. Play
We take in animals most in danger of euthanasia - the young, the overlooked, the ill, the misfits, the outcasts, and the injured. Our mission is rescuing vulnerable at-risk companion animals from animal control facilities and placng them in caring foster homes until they can be placed in forever homes.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 127Facebook Followers 4.3KTwitter Followers 159Type Nano Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
BrightHaven Animal Sanctuary
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC12JilRUF.. Play
BrightHaven is dedicated to the rescue, care, and enhancement of the lives of senior and disabled animals.
Email ****@brighthaven.org
YouTube Subscribers 85Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 267Type Nano Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Cat Buddy cat rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4cbuf0hc.. Play
Cat buddy helps to rescue cats and kittens in England. You can help by simply watching a video.
YouTube Subscribers 224Type Nano Since Jun 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
LALDR - Loved at Last Dog Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ0X-QSfx.. Play
Loved at Last Dog Rescue is committed to saving dogs from high kill countries around the world. We are a non-profit, dog rescue based in Vancouver, BC, Canada working closely with international dog rescues in countries such as Iran.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 97Facebook Followers 8.9KTwitter Followers 25Type Nano Since Jul 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Animal Rescue Kingdom
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnIwoXaw3.. Play
Animal Rescue Kingdom (A.R.K.) is a no-kill rescue group that is dedicated to the rehabilitation and placement through adoption of stray, shelter and owner surrendered animals. All of the animals that we are helping have found their way into our hearts, but we know that they need to find good permanent homes of their own.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 195Facebook Followers 14KType Nano Since Mar 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary Inc
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwrofYqSL.. Play
All about the animals we rescue.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 16Type Nano Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Asian Pet Rescue Center
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ul-7YO2.. Play
On this channel, you will find interesting animal and animal rescue videos by Asian Pet Rescue Center.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 111KFacebook Followers 805Type Macro Since Aug 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxYiNpPF9.. Play
ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) is a pioneering charity and Institution of Public Character, founded by Singaporeans in 2001 with the aim of advocating an end to animal cruelty in Asia. Our mission is to create a caring and socially responsible society where animals are treated as sentient beings and where the environment is preserved for future generations.MORE Email ****@acres.org.sg
YouTube Subscribers 2.9KFacebook Followers 54.2KTwitter Followers 964Type Nano Since May 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLHXkfIDl.. Play
Tune into our channel to get to know the amazing animals of Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue! All of our incredible creature friends are Native Canadian Wildlife. Soper Creek Wildlife is both a Wildlife Rehabilitation as well as an Animal Education Centre, located about 1 hour outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada in Durham Region.MORE Email ****@sopercreekwildlife.com
YouTube Subscribers 3.3KFacebook Followers 19.8KTwitter Followers 169Type Nano Since Mar 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Catskill Animal Sanctuary
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2VpDQ3Ib.. Play
Catskill Animal Sanctuary rescues farmed animals, ignites social change to end their exploitation, and champions vegan living.
Email ****@casanctuary.org
YouTube Subscribers 3.5KTwitter Followers 8.2KType Nano Since Aug 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
barcs animal shelter
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXPsA6-QI.. Play
The official YouTube channel for the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS). We are Maryland's largest companion animal shelter and Baltimore City's only open admission shelter, caring for more than 11,000 animals per year.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 315Facebook Followers 165.7KTwitter Followers 9.1KType Nano Since Apr 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Wollongong Animal Rescue Network
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK4yKcr90.. Play
WARN aims to transform the way we see rescued pets by giving value and quality of life to the nameless. Animals deserve the very best and we strive to inspire and demonstrate the true meaning of unconditional love by saving companion animals and transforming their lives forever.MORE Email ****@wollongonganimalrescuenetwork.com
YouTube Subscribers 1KFacebook Followers 25.6KTwitter Followers 87Type Nano Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Cat Rescue Crew
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Q6a6V1a.. Play
Hello, My name is Des from Cat Rescue Crew. This channel is dedicated to my animal rescue efforts.
Email ****@aol.com
YouTube Subscribers 596Facebook Followers 2.2KType Nano Since Sep 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Emerald City Pet Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLmrbUFay.. Play
Emerald City Pet Rescue is a non-profit dedicated to rescuing, nurturing, and rehabilitating homeless and neglected animals as well as animals in need due to relinquishment.
Email ****@emeraldcitypetrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 798Type Nano Since Dec 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Dog Rescue Newcastle Australia
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3idxAtz1.. Play
We are a volunteer organisation rescuing pets from pounds and finding permanent homes for them all over Australia. We also seek volunteers and donations. We are located in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Our pets are available to home all over Australia.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 256Facebook Followers 5.2KTwitter Followers 2.1KType Nano Since Feb 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
2nd Chance Cat Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0MpfTbUq.. Play
Youtube channel for all the cats and kittens of 2nd chance cat rescue victoria.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 138Type Nano Since Nov 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
All About Animals Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_-tqaDqj.. Play
All About Animals Rescue, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is dedicated to No More Homeless Pets and the prevention of needless euthanasia through high quality, free to low-cost spay/neuter, adoptions, wellness care, cat trap-neuter-return training and pet food assistance.MORE Email ****@allaboutanimalsrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 308Facebook Followers 37.3KTwitter Followers 1.9KType Nano Since Feb 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Main Line Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTrQ35k5I.. Play
Main Line Animal Rescue, located minutes from Valley Forge National Park in scenic Chester County, Pennsylvania, is considered by many to be the finest animal shelter in the United States. With more than four hundred active volunteers, thousands of animals helped every year, a state-of-the-art veterinary clinic, innovative training.MORE Email ****@mlar.org
YouTube Subscribers 202Facebook Followers 59.6KTwitter Followers 917Type Nano Since Feb 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Little Shelter Animal Rescue & Adoption Center
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJf8sRjM0.. Play
One of Long Island's oldest no-kill shelters, is dedicated to saving all companion animals whose lives are in jeopardy. Through rescue from kill facilities, rehabilitation of sick and un-socialized pets, and a 100% spay/neuter program, Little Shelter hopes to end pet overpopulation and place all dogs and cats in loving homes.MORE Email ****@littleshelter.com
YouTube Subscribers 198Facebook Followers 188.3KTwitter Followers 16.4KType Nano Since Jun 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Burrowed Hearts Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDoooRApP.. Play
We are a small animal rescue based in Nottingham (UK). We are non-profit & run on vegan ethics. This channel is full of videos of rescue animals we've cared for, past and present
Email ****@outlook.com
YouTube Subscribers 259Type Nano Since Jun 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Home for Good Dog Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO-lVS8hc.. Play
Home for Good is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dog rescue. Our mission is to save dogs from euthanasia and give them a second chance at life. We are a 100% foster-based rescue.
Email ****@hfgdr.org
YouTube Subscribers 177Facebook Followers 57.8KTwitter Followers 1.1KType Nano Since Feb 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Community Animal Rescue Effort - C.A.R.E.
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGme67pA9.. Play
Community Animal Rescue Effort is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization with a mission to serve the communities of Chicago's North Shore by fostering and supporting healthy, positive relationships between people and companion animals. C.A.R.E. rehomes companion pets into safe, healthy, lifelong homes; serves as an educational and counseling resource; and works to reduce pet overpopulation.MORE Email ****@carenorthshore.org
YouTube Subscribers 97Facebook Followers 9.1KTwitter Followers 742Type Nano Since Sep 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Pawprint - weekly podcast for animal rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-clDSpM0.. Play
Nancy & Harold Rhee focus on animal rescue, foster, adoption, & training in a shelter, SPCA, or humane society. Be a Paw Print hero - volunteer, adopt a dog, cat, or pet. Stop abuse, and help protection & welfare.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 201Facebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 322Type Nano Since Jan 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Last Day Dog Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeqkXYj9D.. Play
Last Day Dog Rescue of Michigan is a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to providing new beginnings for homeless dogs and cats who have been abandoned, neglected, abused, relinquished by their owners or just left at local shelters to await an uncertain future.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 96Facebook Followers 24.9KTwitter Followers 2.1KType Nano Since Sep 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Zoes Animal Rescue Society
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2W4JYgwa.. Play
Our mission at Zoe's Animal Rescue is to make positive changes in the lives of cats and dogs in need. We strive to save one animal at a time, acknowledging that 'saving one animal will not change the world, but for that animal, the world will change forever.'MORE Email ****@zoesanimalrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 147Facebook Followers 46.3KTwitter Followers 3.3KType Nano Since Mar 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Safehome Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6S5ac6RQ.. Play
To provide information to those around us regarding the need to help the animals in the their community and abroad and to be directly involved in the rescue of abused, neglected, and homeless pets...Although most of our work takes place in North America, we are ambitiously but slowly embarking on a global campaign that will help animals across the world.MORE Email ****@safehomeanimalrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 67Facebook Followers 8.5KTwitter Followers 283Type Nano Since Mar 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
EASEL Animal Rescue League
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChm2x6Ba1.. Play
EASEL's mission is to reduce the number of unwanted dogs, cats, and horses euthanized in Mercer County, through the power of collaborative coalitions and community alliances.
Email ****@easelnj.org
YouTube Subscribers 116Facebook Followers 15.5KTwitter Followers 365Type Nano Since Jul 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Annex Cat Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqQ-nxRrI.. Play
Annex Cat Rescue is a 100% volunteer charity dedicated to addressing the plight of homeless cats in the Greater Toronto Area.
Email ****@annexcatrescue.ca
YouTube Subscribers 44Facebook Followers 7.8KType Nano Since Jan 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Humane Animal Rescue Project
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-CyNi2Xx.. Play
Started in 2012, in Hempstead Texas, as a reaction to poor animal care and overcrowding at the local shelters, H.A.R.P has rescued over 150 dogs as well as many strays. Many of the dogs come to us in poor health, poorly mannered, anti-social , and fearful. Our commitment is a 100% dedication to giving the dogs a home they have missed out on.MORE Email ****@humaneanimalrescueproject.org
YouTube Subscribers 17Type Nano Since Mar 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Kitty City Cat Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCujtEkys8.. Play
Videos of the wonderful kitties of Kitty City Cat Rescue, Macon Ga-- no kill shelter, non profit, 'cage free' cats. Contact us through Facebook or email for info on adoptions or how to help!! Kitty City Cat Rescue is a non-profit cage free cat shelter located in Macon.MORE Email ****@yahoo.com
YouTube Subscribers 80Facebook Followers 11.4KType Nano Since Mar 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Lucky You! Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL1KQWzdT.. Play
Get your daily dose of cute cat videos by watching some of Lucky You Animal Rescue's finest adoptable cats and kittens be adorable. Since January 2015, Lucky You! Animal Rescue has dedicated itself to finding foster care and adoptive homes for Philadelphia and its surrounding areas'MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 28Facebook Followers 7.9KTwitter Followers 1.1KType Nano Since Jun 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC02pP7bHu.. Play
SA Dog Rescue is a registered not-for-profit organisation, supported by volunteers in South Australia, dedicated to saving pets from euthanasia, and finding them a new home where they can live the life they deserve. We remain continuously dedicated to providing a safe haven for animals that find themselves homeless.MORE Email ****@hotmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 131Facebook Followers 144.8KType Nano Since Apr 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Follow Your Heart Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQM6dbKH0.. Play
We are committed to preventing the unnecessary euthanization and abuse of abandoned and/or abused animals.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 32Facebook Followers 47.3KType Nano Since Oct 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Baywater Animal Rescue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZJCkUgT0.. Play
Since 1947 our staff and volunteers have been caring for and saving animals. Baywater Animal Rescue, a No Kill humane organization, is dedicated to the principle that every animal deserves to live. This Channel has been created to feature and highlight the animals we are working to save and place in New Homes.MORE Email ****@baywateranimalrescue.org
YouTube Subscribers 44Facebook Followers 18.8KType Nano Since Jan 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Animal Rescue Love
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC00otST-t.. Play
Animal Rescue Love is non-profit organisation that is in the beginning stages of operating. We are dedicated to finding solutions to help with the problems faced within the animal rescue world. ARL will work hard with other organisations to help and tackle these problems.MORE Email ****@animalrescuelove.com.au
YouTube Subscribers 5Type Nano Since Jun 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Rescue animals
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRODWLhjQ.. Play
Keep up with videos from Rescue animals
Facebook Followers 10.2KTwitter Followers 2Type Nano Since Jun 2014 Follow Get Email Contact