40 Archaeology YouTubers in 2024
Archaeology YouTube Channels
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Adventure Archaeology
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHYTOnxvM.. Play
My name is Brandon and I have come to the realization that adventure can be found anywhere! This channel will be to share my adventures from Amateur Urban Archaeology to anything involving the great outdoors! I am an avid metal detectorist, bottle digger, and backpacker. If you enjoy saving history, urban exploration, camping, and outdoor exploration then this is the channel for you!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 83.8KFacebook Followers 736.7KInstagram Followers 13.6KType Micro Frequency 2 videos/week Since Feb 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEJXWn54p.. Play
A Christian apologetics and archaeological research ministry dedicated to demonstrating the historical reliability of the Bible and defending the Christian faith.
Email ****@biblearchaeology.org
YouTube Subscribers 69.4KFacebook Followers 9.2KTwitter Followers 1.6KType Micro Frequency 1 video/day Since Sep 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Ancient Origins
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCblsdi4Uw.. Play
Videos relating to ancient human origins, archaeology, anthropology, scientific mysteries, sacred writings, ancient places and more.
YouTube Subscribers 22.4KFacebook Followers 1.4MTwitter Followers 314.6KType Micro Frequency 4 videos/day Since Feb 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtdK0zt6.. Play
Historic Jamestowne is the site of the first permanent English settlement in America. The site is jointly administered by Preservation Virginia and the National Park Service. The Jamestown Rediscovery project has been conducting excavations at the site since 1994.MORE Email ****@preservationvirginia.org
YouTube Subscribers 24.1KFacebook Followers 21.3KTwitter Followers 1.4KType Micro Frequency 1 video/month Since Jun 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
Dig It With Raven
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6P0a1_YL.. Play
Hi! I'm Raven, and some days I pretend to be Indiana Jones. I make YouTube videos about Archaeology, Art Conservation and History. These are all the videos I wished I had in university, so I'm here to make science communication fun and exciting. Ready to learn? Grab your trowel, and let's get adventuring!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 30.1KFacebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 2.2KInstagram Followers 11.2KType Micro Frequency 6 videos/month Since Aug 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Recording Archaeology
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC08QKQO1q.. Play
This channel shows presentations from Archaeology conferences. If you are interested in the newest archaeology research then follow this channel.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 8.9KTwitter Followers 15.6KType Nano Frequency 3 videos/week Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0f9WxKxo.. Play
Archaeology videos from Wessex Archaeology, one of the UK's leading heritage practices. Wessex Archaeology is one of the UK's largest archaeological organisations, and an educational charity.MORE Email ****@wessexarch.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 15.8KFacebook Followers 15.5KTwitter Followers 24.8KType Micro Frequency 19 videos/year Since Jul 2006 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCynTDfkn5.. Play
Do you love archaeology? Do you watch Time Team and think: I want to do that? Have you always wanted to try a bit of digging, but found it too difficult to figure out how to make it happen? Does the thought of a whole week of excavation feel like too much -- or too little? Then DigVentures is for you!MORE Email ****@digventures.com
YouTube Subscribers 11.9KFacebook Followers 77.8KTwitter Followers 19.6KInstagram Followers 8.3KType Micro Frequency 1 video/month Since Dec 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu7oxHVBe.. Play
I'm a commercial Archaeologist working in the UK. Just trying to get people interested in archaeology and give advice to anybody interested in an archaeological career.
YouTube Subscribers 9.7KType Nano Frequency 3 videos/week Since Nov 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Cambridge Archaeology
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvvIHvQuX.. Play
Official YouTube channel for the Department of Archaeology at the University of Cambridge. Find out more about our research, what it's like to study archaeology at Cambridge and what courses we offer.MORE Email ****@arch.cam.ac.uk
YouTube Subscribers 8.6KFacebook Followers 16.9KTwitter Followers 10.5KType Nano Frequency 2 videos/month Since Mar 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeiaCdm5.. Play
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to understanding, teaching, and preserving the rich history of the ancestral Pueblo people through archaeological research. Crow Canyon brings the exciting study of archaeology to the public by offering day tours, archaeology programs in the field and in the lab.MORE Email ****@crowcanyon.org
YouTube Subscribers 6.3KTwitter Followers 1.5KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since May 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfsz4WrLK.. Play
Videos about archaeology by the Archaeological Institute of America - excavation, site preservation, interviews with archaeologists, and more!
Email ****@archaeological.org
YouTube Subscribers 9.3KFacebook Followers 158.7KTwitter Followers 47.8KType Nano Frequency 15 videos/year Since Sep 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRG3vav9.. Play
A not for profit organization dedicated to the practice of preservation archaeology. For three decades, Archaeology Southwest has practiced a holistic, conservation-based approach to exploring the places of the past. We call this Preservation Archaeology.MORE Email ****@archaeologysouthwest.org
YouTube Subscribers 7KFacebook Followers 34.4KTwitter Followers 1.1KType Nano Frequency 12 videos/year Since Jan 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Speaking Archaeologically
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjQG9s80.. Play
Speaking Archaeologically is an archaeological education group based in India, which focuses on object analysis and rescue archaeology.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 4.8KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Oct 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
The Archaeology Channel
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUA-4JFWL.. Play
Explore the human cultural heritage through streaming media. Travel through time and feel the thrill of discovery. Examine the wonderful diversity of the human experience!
Email ****@archaeologychannel.org
YouTube Subscribers 3.2KFacebook Followers 14KTwitter Followers 2KType Nano Frequency 2 videos/week Since Nov 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center at University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwAf249Q.. Play
The Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center (MVAC) is a research and education center based at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL). MVAC provides a wide range of educational opportunities and resources for the general public, K-12 teachers and students, and undergraduates.MORE Email ****@uwlax.edu
YouTube Subscribers 2.4KFacebook Followers 1.5KType Nano Frequency 1 video/month Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Maritime Archaeology Trust
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWnLs8dpB.. Play
Adventures in Maritime Archaeology.
Email ****@maritimearchaeologytrust.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KTwitter Followers 5.3KType Nano Frequency 1 video/month Since Nov 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
The Arizona Archaeological & Historical Society
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Ir6wU4P.. Play
The Arizona Archaeological & Historical Society (AAHS) was founded in 1916 by Dean Byron Cummings. The Society encourages scholarly pursuits in areas of history and anthropology of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.MORE Email ****@azarchsoc.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.9KType Nano Frequency 3 videos/quarter Since Mar 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
NE Pa History and Archaeology Search
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmkexlYWD.. Play
Amateur archaeology, Native American Arrowhead and relic hunting in NE Pennsylvania, metal detecting, some other things thrown in. I am from the Wyoming Valley in Northeast PA, which is very rich in historical and prehistoric history.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.5KType Nano Frequency 2 videos/quarter Since Jul 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Archaeological Research Unit - University of Cyprus
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjTR724hy.. Play
A channel dedicated to all thing archaeology.
Email ****@ucy.ac.cy
YouTube Subscribers 931Type Nano Frequency 1 video/day Since Jan 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
York Dept Archaeology Livestream
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVkPzhbus.. Play
The Department of Archaeology at The University of York.
Email ****@york.ac.uk
YouTube Subscribers 760Type Nano Frequency 1 video/month Since Jul 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Arc-Team Archaeology
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa-GKE-c3.. Play
Arc-Team is a research group dedicated to archaeological fieldwork, architectonic documentation and the study of historical and cultural heritage as well as cultural landscape with free and open source soft- and hardware.MORE Email ****@arc-team.com
YouTube Subscribers 377Twitter Followers 169Type Nano Frequency 4 videos/year Since Apr 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Penn Museum
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiiElpwq-.. Play
Founded in 1887, the Penn Museum has conducted more than 400 archaeological and anthropological expeditions around the world. Three gallery floors feature materials from Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Bible Lands, Mesoamerica, Asia and the ancient Mediterranean World, as well as artifacts from native peoples of the Americas, Africa and Polynesia.MORE Email ****@pennmuseum.org
YouTube Subscribers 78.4KFacebook Followers 40.3KTwitter Followers 22.1KInstagram Followers 33.5KType Micro Since May 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
Verde Valley Archaeology Center
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClNHd_6FP.. Play
The Verde Valley Archaeology Center's mission is to preserve archaeological sites and collections of the Verde Valley of Arizona and to promote their educational, scientific and cultural use.MORE Email ****@verdevalleyarchaeology.org
YouTube Subscribers 4.6KFacebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 34Type Nano Frequency 1 video/year Since Apr 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkKXCWHt0.. Play
'ARCHAEO RECONSTRUCTIONS' is a channel depicting all my original 3D archaeological reconstructions, art/design and animations. All my designs are often inspired in some way by the stylistic elements (typology) of particular ancient peoples, translated into my original contemporary designs with a futurist twist.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1KType Nano Since Aug 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Archaeology And Travel With Zorica
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjhZN7sqO.. Play
Here is everything you need to know about archaeology. You will also get great travel tips, amazing ideas for vacation and explore some off beaten tracks.
Email ****@yahoo.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.3KFacebook Followers 7.4KType Nano Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Illinois State Archaeological Survey
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjR-BqNx6.. Play
The Illinois State Archaeological Survey's mission is to investigate, preserve and interpret the archaeological heritage of Illinois within the contexts of long-term public needs and economic development through our scientific research, landscape preservation, public service, education, and outreach activities.MORE Email ****@illinois.edu
YouTube Subscribers 1.3KFacebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 1.3KType Nano Frequency 7 videos/year Since Feb 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Department of Archaeology & Heritage Management
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC62WeF5gj.. Play
A channel with all videos dedicated to archaeology.
YouTube Subscribers 1.6KType Nano Frequency 1 video/year Since Nov 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Archaeo Duck
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCew8zzxG.. Play
Educational and fun video blog about archaeology and archaeologists. Go beyond just looking at archaeological finds and sites, and learn how archaeologists think, and what techniques we use to understand the past.MORE Email ****@ncl.ac.uk
YouTube Subscribers 1.1KFacebook Followers 800Type Nano Since Dec 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Archaeology Sheffield
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSBtOI4cL.. Play
The Department was established in 1976 and has played a leading role in the development of archaeology as a modern discipline.
Email ****@sheffield.ac.uk
YouTube Subscribers 624Facebook Followers 188.8KTwitter Followers 132.3KType Nano Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Archaeology Institute UHI
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYbkUgfZy.. Play
The University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute is located in one of the most exciting archaeology areas in the world. The Archaeology Institute is well placed as a world-class teaching and research organisation to advance our understanding of the historic environment.MORE Email ****@uhi.ac.uk
YouTube Subscribers 611Facebook Followers 8.4KTwitter Followers 5.7KType Nano Frequency 4 videos/year Since Feb 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Department of Archaeology & Museums
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMlzb8YoN.. Play
The discipline of Archaeology involves surveying, excavation and also the eventual analysis of data collected, for learning more regarding the past.
Email ****@hugedomains.com
YouTube Subscribers 539Twitter Followers 7.2KType Nano Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Institute for Field Research - Archaeology Field Schools
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJRp04CJ.. Play
This channel is dedicated to the presentation of life in archaeology field schools. It describes the challenges, research and transformations that take place in the field to students and their faculty. It presents how the passion and joys of field archaeology make an impact on all participants, and present them with a great way to better understand the world around us and the importance of the past for our collective human future. Subscribe to keep track of new videos from this channel.MORE Email ****@ifrglobal.org
YouTube Subscribers 471Twitter Followers 14.1KType Nano Since Jan 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
UCL Institute of Archaeology (IoA)
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOOXnaq4q.. Play
The UCL Institute of Archaeology is the largest and one of the most highly regarded centres for archaeology, cultural heritage and museum studies in Britain, as evidenced by its top position in university league tables and National Student Survey results. It is one of the very few places in the world actively pursuing research on a truly global scale.MORE Email ****@ucl.ac.uk
YouTube Subscribers 603Facebook Followers 5.7KTwitter Followers 13KType Nano Frequency 7 videos/year Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Happy Archaeology Fun Time
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKDzv0xpx.. Play
Hello junior archaeologists and people who are curious about the lives and times of cultural resource management (CRM) archaeologists. Basically, I am here to make videos of interest to people who have questions about what the actual job of archaeology is like.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 399Type Nano Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology at SFU
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpdGua66p.. Play
Videos from the SFU MAE projects, exhibits and videos filmed at the MAE.
YouTube Subscribers 173Type Nano Since Jun 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Canadian Archaeology
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5n934rw5.. Play
A Canadian Archaeology Organization based out of Halifax Nova-Scotia. We routinely conduct archaeology field schools and public digs throughout the province.
Email ****@tardy.ca
YouTube Subscribers 64Facebook Followers 144Type Nano Frequency 1 video/year Since Oct 2015 Follow Get Email Contact