30 Barcelona Art YouTubers in 2025
Barcelona Art YouTube Channels
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MACBA Barcelona Oficial
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7EpXvOmt.. Play
Aquest és el canal oficial de YouTube del MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona. Aquí trobaràs un extens repertori de continguts audiovisuals per conèixer més a fons tot el que passa al Museu: xerrades amb artistes, reportatges de les exposicions, reflexions al voltant de les obres, retransmissions de conferències, seminaris i activitats, i molts altres recursos educatius.MORE Email ****@macba.cat
YouTube Subscribers 18.1KType Micro Frequency 1 video/week Since Mar 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Arthur Gain
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAsrBI8L6.. Play
Portrait painter. Instructor at Barcelona Academy of Art
Email ****@arthurgain.com
YouTube Subscribers 27.7KType Micro Frequency 1 video/month Since Jun 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Barcelona Cultura
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fyCk02w.. Play
Troba la teva proposta per viure la cultura de Barcelona al perfil de l'Institut de Cultura. Música, teatre, dansa, cinema, circ, cultura popular, art, fotografia, literatura,… Si vols estar al dia de tot el que passa a la ciutat en l'àmbit de la cultura, segueix-nos i ho descobriràs!Barcelona Cultura és el canal de difusió de les activitats culturals a la ciutat i la principal plataforma de comunicació digital de l'Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB).Com a agenda cultural, ens fem ressò de les activitats i esdeveniments culturals que tenen lloc a Barcelona, tant si són...MORE Email ****@bcn.cat
YouTube Subscribers 3.6KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Jan 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Cultura Popular Barcelona
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvSRW8lwv.. Play
Endinsa't en la cultura popular de Barcelona i les festes més destacades que es fan al llarg de l'any a la ciutat: Sant Antoni, Santa Eulàlia, Carnaval, Sant Jordi, Corpus, Sant Joan, la Mercè, Tots Sants, Nadal… A més de les festes majors de tots els barris barcelonins!Segueix el nostre perfil i viu de primera mà les activitats de les colles de la ciutat: castellers, diables, gegants, bestiari, esbarts, balls de bastons, corals, sardanes, música folk i molta cultura popular!En aquest perfil hi trobaràs:Vídeos d'activitats culturalsReportatges sobre les entitats de...MORE YouTube Subscribers 3.6KType Nano Frequency 1 video/year Since Jun 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Toni H Carné Artist
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLjCrGuiN.. Play
30 years moving ART.At the age of 14, I studied Graphic Design at the BAU school in Barcelona and Fine Arts at the EDRA art school in Rubí. At 16 years old i painted my first artwork and I began my professional career as a graphic artist and digital printer in the graphic arts industry. Since then, I combine this experience with my passion for Painting, Digital Art, Video editing and Photography focused in models, actresses, singers, dancers. My dedication to photography starts thanks to my passion about painting. Composition light and color are important in all my work. Always looking for...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.1KType Nano Frequency 2 videos/week Since Mar 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Barcelona
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoyG_tJuh.. Play
Canal de vídeo del Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
Email ****@museunacional.cat
YouTube Subscribers 2.4KType Nano Frequency 1 video/month Since Aug 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Institut d'Humanitats de Barcelona
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC97RMi6vs.. Play
Institut d'Humanitats de Barcelona, fundat el 1986, és una fundació privada sense ànim de lucre que té per objectiu la reflexió sobre la cultura amb el convenciment que el debat i la discussió a l'entorn dels grans temes humanístics ens faciliten la comprensió del món que ens envolta. Des de la filosofia fins a la literatura, des de la història fins a l'art, passant pel cinema i el teatre, l'Institut vol endinsar-se en el món de les humanitats i descobrir-ne les diferents disciplines a través de l'opinió d'intel·lectuals i pensadors rellevants, alhora que pretén...MORE Email ****@instituthumanitats.org
YouTube Subscribers 3.6KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Oct 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa3gXossa.. Play
Espai de coneixement i difusió de l'obra de Joan Miró i de la creació actual.
Email ****@fmirobcn.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.8KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Sep 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Julia Spiri
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCug1059o7.. Play
My name is Julia Spiri. I work as a freelance artist in my studio and painting is my full-time job. I have a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. But my first drawing lessons were received from my father, he is a painter too.For many years I have painted portraits, caricatures and illustrations. I illustrated a range of coloring books and children's story books. I have been painting all my life.I live near Barcelona in Spain and I have three big German shepherds. I'm a romantic, adore fantasy, and I portray it in my mysterious young women who captivate people with the direct stare of their...MORE Email ****@juliaspiri.com
YouTube Subscribers 3KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Sep 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Isis Navarro
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdTto54hu.. Play
Artist & Art Teacher BarcelonaComo apasionada del papel, este es un escaparate donde mostrar mis trucos, recursos y creaciones de collage y todo lo relacionado con el arte y los papeles. Me gusta crear y motivarte a ser creativ@, a dejarte ir, a disfrutar manchándote las manos,a recortar papeles y a conectar con tu esencia.MORE Email ****@isisnavarro.es
YouTube Subscribers 1.7KType Nano Frequency 1 video/quarter Since Apr 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Laura Romero Illustration
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzC5R5-uG.. Play
Artist | Aunque tal vez esto sea un poco caótico, espero que mi popurrí os guste tanto como a mÍ, disfrutando de mis aventuras y sobretodo de mi arte.♡ COMMISSIONS & ORIGINALS - PRINTS ● Solo tenéis que preguntar para daros más información por email.♡ SOCIAL MEDIA:● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauraromeroillustration/♡ BUSINESS INQUIRIES: ● ****@gmail.comMORE YouTube Subscribers 1.4KType Nano Frequency 2 videos/month Since Feb 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
IDEAL Barcelona
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCScZgnCDY.. Play
IDEAL Barcelona Centre d'Arts Digitals Centro de Artes Digitales Digital Arts Center #art #science #technology
Email ****@idealbarcelona.com
YouTube Subscribers 741Type Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Mar 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Amelia Johannsen
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrF4ZpNK1.. Play
Amelia Johannsen is a ceramic artist who merges her Pacific Northwest roots with the colorful, eclectic influences of Barcelona, where she lives and works since 2005. Her work combines rugged textures, organic lines, and coastal color schemes to create contemporary art with shapely curves and a free-spirited twist. Amelia's art appears in private collections, international exhibitions, galleries and press.Amelia shares her ideals and core values such as mindfulness, environmentalism, feminism and compassion for all beings. Her journey as an artist and creative entrepreneur allows her to...MORE YouTube Subscribers 1.4KType Nano Frequency 1 video/quarter Since Feb 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxhEB87RY.. Play
Este es el canal de DIAGONAL ART, estamos en Barcelona, nos dedicamos a la difusión y formación cultural en todos sus ámbitos y competencias, Artes Plásticas, Diseño, Video-Arte y Proyectos Culturales a nivel nacional e internacional.MORE Email ****@hotmail.es
YouTube Subscribers 50Type Nano Frequency 1 video/day Since Feb 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Davis Lisboa
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFK4f6vws.. Play
#storyboardartist #illustrator #painter #davismuseumbcn #barcelona #creativity #art #culture https://www.davislisboa.comhttps://www.davismuseum.com
Email ****@davislisboa.com
YouTube Subscribers 104Type Nano Frequency 2 videos/week Since Sep 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Sketching Prompter
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ug3hAVt.. Play
This channel is for very beginners in drawing. More advanced courses with my specific 'know-how's I publish on Patreon (link on the cannel banner from the right). My name is Evgeniy Stasenko, I am an artist and art teacher from Barcelona. From my experience, sketching is one of the most effective and quickest ways to start drawing. But, when you start to draw by yourself, sometimes a kind of embarrassment appears that can prevent you even from doing the first lines. The essence of it is a short question: what to start with? So, I'll show you the process of drawing step by step and...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.1KType Nano Frequency 4 videos/quarter Since Feb 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJZVOLY89.. Play
A EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona, impulsem la cultura del disseny i l'art com una manera d'entendre el món i transformar la societat
Email ****@eina.cat
YouTube Subscribers 268Type Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Jun 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwexwxGGU.. Play
Artista de caligrafía y lettering.Desarrollo mi trabajo dentro de distintos formatos, el muralismo, los tatuajes y el diseño gráfico.Durante mi trabajo he tenido la oportunidad de participar en diferentes eventos como:- The Creative Morning Barcelona, España 2020. (Pintura en vivo).- El Festival de intervención artística en las calles y comercios de Lavapiés, Madrid, España. 2020.- Urbanfest Cultura Inquieta Getafe, España 2020.- WRITERS JAM, Wallspot, Barcelona. 2021. España.- Meeting of style, Copenhague. Dinamarca. 2021- Festival Pintografía, Medellín, Colombia....MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 143Type Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcrdMV9N4.. Play
an Ukrainian artist currently living in Barcelona.new video - every Fridayadd. video - on Wednesdays
YouTube Subscribers 100Type Nano Frequency 5 videos/month Since Feb 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
JAD Artista
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe2-6DXh8.. Play
JAD Spanish painter born in Barcelona in the late 60s, his life a very peculiar , creative, self-taught path , immersed in each work.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 56Type Nano Frequency 15 videos/year Since Jun 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Museu de Montserrat
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkacAFrrK.. Play
Museu de Montserrat. Art i arqueologia en un indret emblemàtic. Barcelona, Catalunya.
Email ****@abadiamontserrat.net
YouTube Subscribers 113Type Nano Frequency 2 videos/quarter Since Apr 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Metàfora: Studio Arts
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZhQF8SFe.. Play
Metàfora is an independent art school in Barcelona, offering Studio Arts Programs on four differentiated levels form beginners to advanced practice. Courses range from short to four years of training. The school is located in an old factory complex located in Sants. It is close to the centre but also one of Barcelona's authentic, non-touristic areas.MORE Email ****@metafora.org
YouTube Subscribers 62Type Nano Frequency 4 videos/year Since Jun 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Museu Europeu d'Art Modern
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm0ZcsIR2.. Play
El MEAM es el primer museo con una colección destacada en el panorama del arte figurativo internacional. Su principal objetivo es dar a conocer una actitud crítica frente a la monótona situación del arte contemporáneo, en cuyo panorama no destacaba tendencia alguna que no fuera abstracción, experimentación o destrucción de la forma. La colección alberga de más de mil obras de más de 300 artistas internacionales...MORE Email ****@meam.es
YouTube Subscribers 12.4KType Micro Frequency 10 videos/year Since Jan 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Studjo Infinity
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaTa0iZAd.. Play
Hi and welcome to this channel!My name is Joshua, I'm a starting artist originally from Belgium but living in Barcelona and my studio is called Studjo Infinity where I make LED projects and infinity mirrors, and other art-related projects!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.3KType Nano Since Aug 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Davis Museum Barcelona
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbXxZjaLA.. Play
http://www.davismuseum.comDavis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona was founded on Facebook in 2009 by the Brazilian artist and illustrator Davis Lisboa. It is the first museum of contemporary art created in a ballot box in all History of Art. The Davis Museum is also the first readymade in the History of Art converted into a cultural entity. The Generalitat de Catalunya (Autonomous Community of Kingdom of Spain) formally recognizes the Davis Museum's permanent collection of contemporary...MORE Email ****@davismuseum.com
YouTube Subscribers 197Type Nano Frequency 2 videos/quarter Since Sep 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCacWcRuNR.. Play
Hi!I'm AxomUma, a digital artist and fursuit maker from Barcelona, Spain!Hope y'all enjoy my content! Make sure to check my social media if you want more content! :)Thanks for stopping by!
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 393Type Nano Frequency 1 video/year Since Jun 2016 Follow Get Email Contact