60 China Political YouTubers in 2024
China Political YouTube Channels
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Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIRXrnX2_.. Play
With my Chinese background and experience in finance, censorship, media, and totalitarian government, I offer a fresh perspective in analyzing and interpreting world political and economic events with a focus on China and Chinese economy. I believe that wisdom is knowing the value of kindness, and courage grows from being selfless. Those values have guided me through each step in making these videos.MORE Channel Name Lei's Real Talk
Youtuber Name Lei
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 190KType Macro Frequency 1 video/day Since Jun 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgrNz-aDm.. Play
China Global Television Network, or CGTN, is an international media organization launched on December 31, 2016. It aims to provide global audiences with accurate and timely news coverage as well as rich audiovisual services, promoting communication and understanding between China and the world, and enhancing cultural exchanges and mutual trust between China and other countries. Headquartered in Beijing, CGTN has three production centers, located in Nairobi, Washington D.C. and London, all staffed with international professionals from around the world.Adhering to the principles of...MORE Email ****@cgtn.com
YouTube Subscribers 3.1MType Mega Frequency 21 videos/day Since Jan 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
New China TV
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHBDXQDmq.. Play
We are public media for the public good. We never end our quest for facts and truth.Objectivity. Fairness. Balance.We don't pursue corporate interests, nor will we ever yield to the pressure of ideological stigmatization and political bias.MORE Email ****@xinhua.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.5MType Mega Frequency 24 videos/day Since May 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt5zpwa26.. Play
美国之音视频节目,从政治动态到社会新闻,从尖端科技到英语学习,内容包罗万象,应有尽有! 《时事大家谈》:专家与观众即时互动,深入剖析美中关系热点,全方位探讨中国重大议题 《美国热搜》:萃取西方主流媒体报道,搜罗网友街头巷议,美国热搜,让您听到墙外的声音! 《美中对标》:中国热点对标美国论据,爱思考的妖妖酱用一杯咖啡的时间让您了解中国热点的美国冷思考! 《鹰与盾》:...MORE Email ****@voanews.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.1MTwitter Followers 2.1MInstagram Followers 83.6KType Mega Frequency 12 videos/day Since May 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAsZ46UT.. Play
We strive to provide global audiences with news, reports and feature programs with a distinctive Chinese flavor and an international perspective.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.3MType Mega Frequency 7 videos/day Since Jan 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
China Insider with David Zhang
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGwRMUypK.. Play
Welcome to China Insider with David Zhang! David Zhang covers what is going on in China. Analysis, opinions, deep Dives, and much More!From the US-China relationship, and societal issues to Communist Party politics, there is so much to discover.For business inquiries: ****@purespringsmedia.comMORE YouTube Subscribers 1.1MType Mega Frequency 3 videos/day Since Sep 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
CCTV Video News Agency
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv5DbNpx.. Play
CCTV+ is a leading video news agency in China that offers Chinese news and Chinese perspective on international news. It offers quality news footage, live signals and archives to global media organizations and production companies.MORE Email ****@cctvplus.com
YouTube Subscribers 575KType Macro Frequency 14 videos/day Since Dec 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
BBC News 中文
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb3TZ4SD_.. Play
This is the official YouTube account of BBC News Chinese. 這是BBC News 中文的官方YouTube賬戶。
YouTube Subscribers 2MType Mega Frequency 3 videos/day Since Aug 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9dPMYgV.. Play
Send the voice of the Chinese to the worldFor more information about Phoenix's exciting programs, please pay attention Expressing the voice of Chinese to the world
Email ****@phoenixtv.com
YouTube Subscribers 688KType Macro Frequency 9 videos/day Since Jun 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
公子沈 Mr. Shen
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrGSFNEBm.. Play
新聞 訪談 閱讀 Terence Shen, now a social media influencer, initiated this YouTube channel named 'Mr. Shen' in 2019, quickly ascending to become one of the top political channels in Mandarin-speaking world. Through this platform, 'Mr. Shen' examines contemporary events, their connections to China, and sheds light on misinformation and distorted narratives perpetuated by the Chinese government and its state media. 'Mr. Shen' delves into current affairs, international relations, and East Asian Politics, serving as what the Toronto Star describes as 'a Toronto...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 594KType Macro Frequency 15 videos/week Since Jun 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ayKOXvI.. Play
How视频是由洛杉矶华人资讯网制作的超实用生活服务资讯频道。节目时间表:https://www.chineseinla.com/schedule.html每天都有直播节目,与您在线聊聊新闻热点,生活知识~也会邀请各行各业专家及达人,传授各类知识技巧,涵盖移民、法律、警察、财务、房产、医疗、美食、旅游、唱歌、运动等各方面。旨在帮助更多华人解决生活中的小问题,使生活更加轻松、精致、多彩。广告/商务合作邮箱: ****@ChineseInLA.com联系电话:626-657-6046MORE YouTube Subscribers 665KType Macro Frequency 6 videos/day Since Mar 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpbfXQsYB.. Play
China News Service, referred to as 'China News Service', is China's national news agency with foreign reports as its main news business. It is an international news agency with overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao compatriots, Taiwan compatriots and foreigners with relations with China as its main service targets. .China News Agency has established a multi-channel, multi-level, and multi-functional news information release system, which broadcasts texts, pictures, videos, layouts, charts, networks, new media and other news information products to all parts of the world 24 hours a day.MORE Email ****@chinanews.com.cn
YouTube Subscribers 228KType Macro Frequency 11 videos/day Since Oct 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
China in Focus - NTD
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBOqkAGTt.. Play
'China in Focus' is a Youtube channel created by NTD to provide viewers with fast, compelling, first-hand news from China.NTD is a New York-based, global television network founded in 2001. We remain free from all external influence—whether from political, financial, or special interests, and cover stories that others don't. NTD is part of Epoch Media Group.MORE Email ****@ntd.com
YouTube Subscribers 747KType Macro Frequency 1 video/day Since Feb 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
無綫新聞 TVB NEWS official
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ifDTtFA.. Play
Hong Kong TVB News Channel is a 24-hour non-stop Cantonese news and information channel based in Hong Kong and operated by TVB. TVB News Channel is run by the TVB News Division. If you like our Hong Kong News services, please subscribe and share our channel. Thank you for your support!MORE Email ****@cs.tvb.com
YouTube Subscribers 311KType Macro Frequency 29 videos/day Since Feb 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChvithwOE.. Play
I am Matthew Tye from Laowhy86. I am a human rights advocate for China. I lived in China for 10 years, and watched it change from an opening and liberalizing society into regression and authoritarianism.This channel explains China, Chinese culture, Chinese politics, and decodes Chinese propaganda so that you are armed with the knowledge to identify it. http://twitter.com/laowhy86http://instagram.com/laowhy86http://facebook.com/laowhy86For Motorcycle adventures around the world, and a talk-show on two wheels go to ADVChinahttps://www.youtube.com/advchinaFor my live Podcast go on...MORE Email ****@advchina.net
YouTube Subscribers 1MType Mega Frequency 1 video/week Since Apr 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT90pCh-c.. Play
WE ARE CHINA is a channel featuring video content all about China, its people and its socioeconomic development. Presented by People's Daily Online, the channel provides viewers with some of the most engaging and interesting videos available online.MORE Email ****@people.cn
YouTube Subscribers 761KType Macro Frequency 1 video/day Since Feb 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Greg's English & Politics
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf0-14Qkw.. Play
This channel has many videos to help you improve your English. I am an English teacher and a tutor to help people all over the world learn better English grammar, English pronunciation, English vocabulary, English listening and English speaking.MORE Email ****@englishwithgreg.com
YouTube Subscribers 204KType Macro Frequency 1 video/day Since Oct 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
China Fact Chasers
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwHPRkLWb.. Play
Current events related to China every single day.Join the full live show - http://youtube.com/advpodcastsAnd our personal channels - http://youtube.com/serpentza and http://youtube.com/laowhy86Our adventure talk show on 2 wheels - http://youtube.com/advchinaMORE YouTube Subscribers 166KType Macro Frequency 1 video/day Since Feb 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
China Update
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy287hC44.. Play
China Update provides viewers with the most up to date political, economic, and geostrategic analysis on China - so that you are on top of the world's number 2 economy.I am originally a lawyer who later studied Chinese foreign policy in Beijing, and now do consulting work for China analysis. These videos are based on hundreds of articles, think tank reports, government statements and other resources in English and Chinese every week. The views and analysis are all my own and I produce the videos.Disclaimer: China Update is not a financial advisory channel. While I take great care in...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 70.9KType Micro Frequency 1 video/day Since Oct 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
中国奇闻逸事Chinese chives
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAQ7RQvMs.. Play
你好,欢迎关注我的频道,关注中国政治经济事实新闻,传递普通百姓客观真实的心声。让那么裱糊匠原形毕露,揭露他们的嘴脸。Hello, welcome to follow my channel, pay attention to China's political and economic facts and news, convey the objective and true voices of ordinary people, expose their faces, and let people all over the world understand the truest side of Chinese people. May the world be peaceful.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 55.3KType Micro Frequency 4 videos/day Since Jan 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
TMHK - Truth Media Hong Kong
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPJGOTbtl.. Play
'TMHK' is an online media based in Hong Kong, focusing on reporting local and global social and political news, composed in Traditional Chinese. We are a registered media organisation registered to Hong Kong Information Service Department of the government and have already registered under the Registration of Local Newspaper Ordinance (Cap. 268) of Hong Kong Law.MORE Email ****@tmhk.org
YouTube Subscribers 64.7KType Micro Frequency 2 videos/day Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
环球时报 Global Times
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO9SfFMUH.. Play
China's national English language newspaper, under the People's Daily. The English-language Global Times has soon become essential reading for every China-watcher since it was launched in April 2009. The newspaper's readers, both foreign and Chinese, include ambassadors, business leaders, politicians, and intellectuals.MORE Email ****@globaltimes.com.cn
YouTube Subscribers 89.8KType Micro Frequency 4 videos/week Since Jan 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
National Committee on U.S.-China Relations
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1E5-wg_F.. Play
The National Committee on United States-China Relations is the leading American, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization devoted to promoting constructive engagement between the United States and Greater China.With over five decades of experience developing innovative programs at the forefront of U.S.-China relations, the National Committee focuses its exchange, educational and policy activities on politics and security, education, governance and civil society, economic cooperation, media and transnational issues, addressing these with respect to mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Our...MORE Email ****@ncuscr.org
YouTube Subscribers 81.3KType Micro Frequency 3 videos/week Since Sep 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
China Unlocked
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBLK7a-BF.. Play
We start this YouTube channel because we believe China story is different, but it does not mean China is to be feared, hated, or misunderstood. China is a country with thousands of years of history and its own political, economic, social and cultural traditions. It is easy to see China only through the West propagated lens like authoritarian, lack of freedom, but the perspective is profoundly limited, biased, and does not help build a peaceful world where the West-China relations is playing an increasingly important role. Find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MediaUnlockMORE Email ****@asia-experts-network.com
YouTube Subscribers 106KType Macro Frequency 5 videos/week Since Jan 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
Jerry's Take on China
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_DHAzg3m.. Play
Over the last two decades I've lived, worked, married, studied and now retired in China. I've travelled about 30,000 kilometres on a bike around China and there are only 3 mainland provinces I haven't visited yet.I may not be an expert, no one is, and anyone claiming to be certainly isn't. However, I have opinions, I research facts and I won't tell you lies on this, or any other channel.This is my China - the good (mostly) the bad (sometimes) and the Ugly (rarely, China is beautiful and so are the people)Please interact with courtesy, I will answer any question asked in...MORE Email ****@yahoo.com.au
YouTube Subscribers 37.6KType Micro Frequency 17 videos/month Since Mar 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
China News and Insights
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM3vD2LrV.. Play
Email ****@thechinaguys.com
YouTube Subscribers 11.5KType Micro Frequency 30 videos/quarter Since Oct 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
China Insider
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzN-3eMR.. Play
'China Insider' is an independent media channel dedicated to delivering fast-paced, engaging, and direct news from China. Our aim is to uncover the truths that the Chinese Communist Party tries to conceal from the outside world. We are committed to honoring truth and human rights, giving a voice to those oppressed under authoritarian regimes, and upholding humanitarian values.We have direct sources from within China and report based on world-renowned, reputable media channels. We remain free from all external influence—whether from political, financial, or special interests, and...MORE Email ****@scmp.com
YouTube Subscribers 13.6KType Micro Frequency 30 videos/quarter Since Dec 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
The China Current
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5tdYx6Zf.. Play
A dynamic storytelling experience that brings you up close to the fascinating people shaping our shared global future.Weekly videos and podcasts hosted by James Chau take you on an exciting journey to 'see' and 'hear' China first-hand.About James ChauJames has earned a special reputation for his interviews with world leaders in politics, science and health. Amongst them, Nobel Peace Prize winners Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan, Muhammad Yunus and Aung Sang Suu Kyi, and also Winnie Mandela, Arianna Huffington and Christine Lagarde. He serves as World Health Organization Goodwill...MORE Email ****@chinacurrent.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.6KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Mar 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
JChuck Vlogs
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65ClvQ8f.. Play
Principal coverage on this channel is East Asia China Politics. All content, including film, video, and commentaries on this channel is non-commercial in nature, non-monetized in perpetuity, and strictly not for income and revenue. We do not raise or collect revenue, whether directly or directly, whether now and in perpetuity. As it relates to any and all content herein, our core philosophy is anti-capitalist, anti-commercial, anti-profit, anti-popular, anti-advertisement, anti-bourgeois, and fundamentally pro-science in an anti-bourgeois and revolutionary manner...MORE YouTube Subscribers 963Type Nano Frequency 8 videos/week Since Mar 2021 Follow Get Email Contact
Chen Pokong: News & History
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDrwYVw-P.. Play
Chen Pokong (Chinese: 陳破空), is a Chinese-American columnist, political commentator, author, television pundit and YouTuber. Chen played a key role in organizing the democracy movement during the 1989 democracy protest in China, for which he was imprisoned and subsequently exiled to the United States.His Main Channel in Chinese:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwb7avxK-L5vPjMC1ZIGaywhttps://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%99%88%E7%A0%B4%E7%A9%BAMORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 12.4KType Micro Frequency 3 videos/month Since Sep 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXOtILmQE.. Play
ChinaTalk explores China's tech scene, economy and politics. Guests include policy analysts, business professionals, journalists, and academics. I'm your host Jordan Schneider, a fellow at the American think tank CNAS. I lived in China in the 2010s and previously I worked at the Rhodium Group, Kwai, Bridgewater, and the Eurasia Group.MORE Email ****@chinatalk.media
YouTube Subscribers 6.9KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since May 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxkkgWppE.. Play
Welcome to Asia Sky Media! We are a social media channel run by Patriotic Hongkonger-Americans based in California! We talk about REAL news, political and social issues, help Patriotic Candidates to run for office, educate our people about their voting rights, call out the Leftists, expose CCP (Chinese Communist Party), and help Hong Kong dissident refugees to integrate here. We believe in Freedom, Checks & Balances, Limited Governments, America First, and Anti...MORE Email ****@asiaskymedia.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.8KType Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Feb 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Congressional-Executive Commission on China
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRAT_7MIz.. Play
The Congressional-Executive Commission on China was created by Congress in October 2000 with the legislative mandate to monitor human rights and the development of the rule of law in China, and to submit an annual report to the President and the Congress. The Commission consists of nine Senators, nine Members of the House of Representatives, and five senior Administration officials appointed by the President.MORE Email ****@mail.house.gov
YouTube Subscribers 5KType Nano Frequency 13 videos/year Since Aug 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Shaomin Li 李少民
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXCnuu106.. Play
李少民1956年生于政治风暴中心北京,其家庭经历传奇。其父李洪林在毛泽东死后力主思想解放,提出'读书无禁区','不是人民忠于领袖,而是领袖应该忠于人民'。李洪林在1989年民主运动被镇压之后以'学运黑手'被中共关押十个月。李少民文革期间当美术兵,1977年考入北大经济系,1982年赴美,1988年获普林斯顿大学博士、后赴哈佛大学做博士后研究。2001年被中共以'危害国家安全'关押五个月。李少民现为美国欧道明大学(Old Dominion...MORE Email ****@odu.edu
YouTube Subscribers 5.9KType Nano Frequency 20 videos/year Since Mar 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
中华和平革命党(CPRP)Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5qBNIoUQ.. Play
Twitter中华和平革命党(CPRP)Chinese Peaceful RevolutionaryPartyhttps://twitter.com/CPRP_OfficialBlogger中华和平革命党(CPRP)Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Partyhttps://cprpofficial.blogspot.com/Telegram中华和平革命党(CPRP)-党务公开https://t.me/joinchat/eTxekV_eQf1kMmUx《追魂》高艺https://t.me/cprpwork/22Mattershttps://matters.news/@cprpofficeFacebookhttps://www.facebook.com/CPRP.GAOYI/MORE Email ****@matters.town
YouTube Subscribers 135Type Nano Frequency 11 videos/week Since Oct 2021 Follow Get Email Contact
UCA Channel 美國華人聯盟
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDhLuzyU-.. Play
United Chinese Americans (UCA 美國華人聯盟) is a nationwide nonprofit and nonpartisan federation and a community civic movement, inspired and dedicated to enriching and empowering Chinese American communities through civic engagement, political participation, heritage sharing, youth development and a greater understanding between US and China for the well-being of all Americans and this world.MORE Email ****@uca.edu
YouTube Subscribers 844Type Nano Frequency 1 video/week Since Aug 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtadvHqGY.. Play
Sinobabble is a podcast about China. Check out the 20th century China series for a history of the fall of the last Chinese empire and the rise of the CCP till 1976.The modern China series covers contemporary topics and puts them in their historical context for deeper analysis.Sinobabble content is produced so that it's easy to understand, relaxing to listen to, and most importantly of all, genuinely interesting. I encourage you to explore and learn with Sinobabble, and give me feedback and suggestions for what you want to know and how I can improve making Chinese history interesting for...MORE Email ****@sinobabble.com
YouTube Subscribers 3KType Nano Frequency 2 videos/quarter Since Apr 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
China Watch
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6-yBIZzX.. Play
This channel focuses on the lives of the grassroots population in China, highlighting hot topics in Chinese society, exposing systemic issues and the dark corruption within the Chinese Communist Party culture. Through authentic and credible native perspectives, it presents the reality of Chinese society to Western audiences without propaganda or political bias.MORE Email ****@china-cee.eu
YouTube Subscribers 908Type Nano Frequency 4 videos/quarter Since Feb 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
China Charged
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPBUCgL1.. Play
On this channel, we discuss everything to do with Chinese cars, tech & politics. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss anything.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 3.9KType Nano Frequency 9 videos/month Since Jul 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Women's Rights in China (WRIC)
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwHaz-KMQ.. Play
Women's Right in China (WRIC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. We are not affiliated with any government, political party or religious sect.Women's Right in China acknowledges universal human rights. We strive to protect and advance the political, economic, social and cultural rights of women and children in China.www.wrchina.org (Chinese) www.crchina.org (English)MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 144Type Nano Frequency 1 video/year Since Jan 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCatFxFdET.. Play
We are part of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy, IIPPE. The focus of our working group is to research and discuss the question of what type of socio-economic system exists in China, and to assess the trajectory and dynamics of change and development, both as in a historical and contemporary sense. We have been offering free training workshops since 2018.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 182Type Nano Frequency 5 videos/week Since Aug 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Philosopher Su's Political Philosophy 苏哲人的政治哲学
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0AwW-ezD.. Play
This channel is designed to share decades of years of my original research and philosophical thinking outcomes on many deep topics and ultimately on political philosophy. My primary targeting audiences are the ones from the global South.MORE Email ****@su.se
YouTube Subscribers 83Type Nano Frequency 1 video/quarter Since Oct 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
China's Political Reform - English Channel
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw9c_fGQf.. Play
The official English Channel of the 'China's Political Reform' TeamWithout democratic China, mankind cannot escape a Third World War.Democratize China is the vocation of our team. Western democracy is in crisis. We should use humanistic democracy to democratize China and create a new model of democracy for mankind. Tao Yun, team leader, was born in Shanghai in 1974 and graduated from Jiao-tong University in Shanghai and the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences in Paris. 20 years ago, he was a director in the government of Shanghai. 16 years ago, on a China political...MORE Email ****@asiasociety.org
YouTube Subscribers 62Type Nano Frequency 1 video/quarter Since Jun 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
The China Project
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqgLGmwFA.. Play
The China Project is a New York-based, China-focused news, information, and business services platform. We inform and connect a global audience regarding the business, technology, politics, culture, and society of China.'A jewel in the crown of China reporting. I go to it, look for it daily. Why? It adds so much insight into the real China. Essential news, culture, color.'—Max Baucus, former U.S. Ambassador to ChinaOur products include daily newsletters, which keep you up to speed on the country's most important business, political, and cultural news, and an ever-expanding...MORE Email ****@thechinaproject.com
YouTube Subscribers 57.9KType Micro Frequency 9 videos/year Since Dec 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
State of Play in China
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFdWxQ6Ru.. Play
Welcome to Wang Zhian's official English YouTube channel. I was once a renowned investigative journalist and news anchor at China Central Television. In 2019, I was banned by the Chinese government. Afterward, I moved to Japan and started my journalism career anew on YouTube. Here, I analyze Chinese politics, discuss social issues, and share in-depth interviews with key figures. From now on, I will bring my reporting and perspectives on Chinese current affairs to a global audience. Please join my channel and understand China through an unfiltered lens. 【TIP】: The commentary program...MORE YouTube Subscribers 14.7KType Micro Frequency 14 videos/year Since Nov 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Beautiful China
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWJ6J5YOL.. Play
We share News about Chinese Military, Chinese Navy, Chinese Army , Chinese Air Force, People's Liberation Army of China, Chinese Cyber Warfare, Chinese War, Chinese Space war, Chinese Nuclear weapons Famous Chinese News Channels:CGTN , China Xinhua News, China News, People's Daily, China, CCTV, Global Times, China Plus News, SCMP NewsAbout PLA:People's Liberation Army (PLA) is the armed forces of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and of its founding and ruling political party, the Communist Party of China (CPC). The PLA consists of five professional service...MORE Email ****@petliferadio.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KType Nano Since Jun 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCotx4n78Y.. Play
Professor Shirley Ze Yu is a leading voice on China's political economy, Director of China-Africa Initiative at the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, the LSE, and a Senior Practitioner Fellow with the Ash Center of Harvard Kennedy School. She is an MBA professor at the IE Business School and an Honorary Distinguished Foreign Faculty Professor at the National Defence University Pakistan. She is a member of the Davos Expert Network on China, 5G, and geo-economics. Shirley Yu is a frequent commentator and contributor to BBC News, Bloomberg, CNN, Al Jazeera, PBS Frontline, SP Global, Channel...MORE Email ****@shirley-yu.com
YouTube Subscribers 421Type Nano Frequency 1 video/year Since Mar 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCQA45Jo-.. Play
China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a country in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.3 billion. The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing.[17][18] It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau).[19] The PRC also claims Taiwan—which is...MORE YouTube Subscribers 433Type Nano Since Sep 2005 Follow Get Email Contact
china news
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSq3_bqgH.. Play
YouTube Subscribers 45Type Nano Frequency 30 videos/year Since Nov 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Truth About China
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHbFHd4b.. Play
Thank You
Email ****@manhattan-institute.org
YouTube Subscribers 8Type Nano Frequency 13 videos/year Since Nov 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Xiaomin's China
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-t7mMgPS.. Play
Xiaomin's China politics society education
Email ****@xiaomi.com
YouTube Subscribers 14Type Nano Frequency 1 video/year Since May 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
政治學報編輯部 Chinese Political Science Review
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6crIiPM.. Play
Email ****@springernature.com
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China Reporter
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKXnjQx2Y.. Play
Embark on a journalistic journey with 'China Reporter,' your window into the latest developments, stories, and insights from the heart of the Middle Kingdom. Navigate the complex tapestry of China's political, economic, and cultural landscapes through the lens of dedicated reporters, offering in-depth analyses and firsthand accounts. Stay informed, enlightened, and engaged as 'China Reporter' brings you compelling narratives, breaking news, and a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted dynamics shaping one of the world's most influential nations. Join us in uncovering...MORE Email ****@scmp.com
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中国政治笑话Chinese political jokes
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGuJA68gQ.. Play
YouTube Subscribers 1Type Nano Frequency 8 videos/year Since Oct 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwM7835y.. Play
中国共产党这个邪恶的政党虚假宣传几十年,蒙蔽老百姓,祸害中国,必须揭露他们的真面目,让我们说说他们那些不为人知的真实历史。The Chinese Communist Party is an evil political party that has been causing harm to China through decades of false propaganda.Their true face must be revealed.Let us talk about their unknown true history.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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