40 Consciousness YouTubers in 2025
Consciousness YouTube Channels
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Access Consciousness
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLdXSiUS9.. Play
Access Consciousness® ( htttps://www.accessconsciousness.com ) is a practical, dynamic, and pragmatic life-changing set of tools, techniques and processes designed to empower you to create dynamic change in every area of your life, with your body and with you. Access provides you with step by step building blocks to become totally aware and begin to function as the conscious being you really are. Founded by Gary Douglas in 1990 and expanding with the added contribution of Dr. Dain Heer over the last 14 years, Access Consciousness® is now available in many countries throughout the world...MORE Email ****@accessconsciousness.com
YouTube Subscribers 156KType Macro Since Feb 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdvKxJ69n.. Play
Welcome to @pkconsciousness, the vibrant and youthful hub of Ekam - The World Centre for Enlightenment! We're here to help you embark on a journey of self-realization, god-realization, and unlocking your true inner power. Dive into a world where spirituality becomes a meaningful and essential part of your everyday life, and awaken to the joy of living that's waiting for you.Join Mukthi Guru's Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji, our modern-day philosopher sages, as they guide you with groundbreaking insights on life, mind, self, presence, consciousness, and the universe. Their vision...MORE Email ****@pkconsciousness.com
YouTube Subscribers 77.8KType Micro Since Sep 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Conscious Discipline
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUVecCCnE.. Play
We empower adults to create safe, connected, problem-solving schools and homes.
Email ****@consciousdiscipline.com
YouTube Subscribers 41.5KType Micro Since Jan 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
Conscious Life
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgp-73d8_.. Play
Conscious 2 is your all access pass to mindfulness, yoga and spiritual teachings online. We features some of the worlds leading spiritual teachers, with a particular focus on inner awakening in the midst of daily life. Discover more at www.conscious2.comMORE Email ****@conscious2.com
YouTube Subscribers 40KTwitter Followers 978Instagram Followers 13.8KType Micro Since Mar 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Consciously Erin
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6fxTF9A_.. Play
Welcome, friend! The intention for this YouTube channel is to help others find the tools they need to illuminate their own path. All content is presented as I understand it - if something isn't resonating with you, no hard feelings! Just leave it for someone else to find. I am always open to respectful conversation and spreading light but I am not interested in negativity. Please keep your comments to helpful, respectful and kind.MORE Email ****@consciouschrysalis.net
YouTube Subscribers 12.3KType Micro Since Apr 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
Conscious Collective
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvE4dz6hD.. Play
Videos on Mindfulness, Non-Duality, Self-Healing, Personal Growth & Spiritual Awakening
Email ****@conscious-collective.com
YouTube Subscribers 21.8KType Micro Since Apr 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Conscious Awakening Network
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-r_srRee.. Play
The Conscious Awakening Network (CAN) is a progressive media platform that provides inspirational videos on humanity's evolutionary path. We offer 100's of hours of videos to help expand your awareness, evolve your consciousness, and transform your body/mind. Our 'out-of-the-box' interviews and educational programming includes topics such as ancient origins angelics, walk-ins, hybrids, starseed, extraterrestrials, ascension, deep space, spiritual awakenings, channeling, health & healing, light language, the paranormal and more. Our forward-thinking videos help to normalize...MORE Email ****@consciousawakeningnetwork.org
YouTube Subscribers 11.8KType Micro Since Sep 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
Ireland Clark
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAGwwPcON.. Play
My name is Ireland Clark your Consciousness Coach
Email ****@aol.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.4KType Micro Since Sep 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Awareness Shop
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmT4ZdEIj.. Play
The official Awareness Shop channel featuring tips, hints, tutorials, classes, news and reviews from Lisa, Anton & The Awareness Shop Familiars
Email ****@awarenessshop.com
YouTube Subscribers 13.6KType Micro Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
The Science of Consciousness TSC Conferences
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoNDcpkKX.. Play
'The Science of Consciousness'Tucson & International biennial conferencesCenter for Consciousness Studies-UArizonawww.consciousness.arizona.eduSince 1994 - The Science of Consciousness (TSC) is an interdisciplinary conference aimed at rigorous and leading edge approaches to all aspects of the study of conscious experience.These include neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, molecular biology, medicine, quantum physics, and cosmology, as well as art, technology, and experiential and contemplative approaches. The conference is the...MORE Email ****@email.arizona.edu
YouTube Subscribers 10KType Micro Since Jan 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Mind Science
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPcIJMtNJ.. Play
Explore the mystery of human consciousness! The Mind Science Foundation supports research and education aimed at discovering how the brain produces our sense of self, of being a unique presence in the world. How can understanding consciousness unleash our fullest potential? Can an understanding of brain science extend what it means to be human?MORE Email ****@mindscience.org
YouTube Subscribers 4.3KType Nano Since Dec 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Alchemy of Consciousness - Dennis W. Hauck
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd02ai-Pu.. Play
Dennis William Hauck is an author and researcher in consciousness studies. His work focuses on the nature of consciousness and the subtle interactions between matter and mind. Hauck attempts to merge various philosophical and scientific traditions into a broader science of consciousness and has contributed to many related areas, including the history of science, psychology and alchemy, and the serious study of exceptional human experiences. Hauck's recent books include THE MONAD MANIFESTO: MERGING SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY (Alchemergy 2022), ALCHEMY: ENERGIZE YOUR LIFE BY FREEING YOUR...MORE Email ****@alchemyguild.org
YouTube Subscribers 5.6KType Nano Since Mar 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Neural basis of Consciousness
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvRuQWqbK.. Play
Email ****@monash.edu
YouTube Subscribers 3.4KType Nano Since Mar 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Consciousness Chronicles
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu4MgHH2i.. Play
Welcome to 'Consciousness Chronicles,' we are a channel dedicated to exploring consciousness and spirituality. Our goal is to create an inclusive space where we delve into profound topics, including the nature of consciousness, mindfulness, altered states, and spiritual experiences. We offer practical tools such as meditation and energy healing techniques. By drawing wisdom from diverse traditions, we aim to unite perspectives and foster a sense of community. Engaging conversations, guided exercises, and integration strategies help viewers embody spiritual insights in their daily...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.2KType Nano Since Feb 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Conscious Conversations Podcast
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzPSyS_-Q.. Play
Welcome to my YouTube channel and my new podcast, Conscious Conversations! Join me on a transformative journey of spiritual awakening and conscious living as I interview and speak to humans from all walks of life. Through interviews with Truth speakers and teachers, practitioners of A Course in Miracles, and individuals seeking to apply spiritual principles to their lives, we'll explore the path to miracles, inspiration, and Truth. Embark on this sacred journey with me as we ignite the flame of consciousness and collectively return to the Truth of who we are. Subscribe now and join in...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 3.6KType Nano Since Jan 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Mathematical Consciousness Science
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Eq7alQ9.. Play
Exploring the role of mathematics in the scientific study of consciousness.
Email ****@math-consciousness.org
YouTube Subscribers 3.5KType Nano Since May 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgrPaCpq-.. Play
I help Healers, Spiritual Creatives & New Earth Visionaries step into service so they can inspire & lead change during this shift in consciousness.You Are the most powerful BEing on the Planet...BEing Human is the most expansive and complex journey in existence....The Earth School is your playground.You're here to know what it feels like to CREATE EVERYTHING.Join me for: Group & Individual Energy ClearingsCoaching & Mentoring Star Channeling Through Galactic ArtNamaste,InaMORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.1KType Nano Since May 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Caritas Consciousness Project
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCNBcn2c8.. Play
We present lectures & classes online on subjects relating to evolution of consciousness. Through energy healing, lectures and workshops, Caritas Consciousness Project:01Promotes the highest level of healing and awareness of body, mind and spirit by means of energy medicine, wellness technologies and psychospiritual training02Provides community access to experts and leading-edge research in the fields of consciousness, healing, and the convergence of science and spirituality.03Introduces Spiritist energy healing and philosophy as practiced in Brazilian Spiritist Centers a...MORE Email ****@caritascenter.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.1KType Nano Since Jul 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Center for Consciousness Studies • Moisés Esagui
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUoVkAd8C.. Play
Our purpose is to open the mind of those who want to evolve as human beings through the contact with knowledge and self-improvement.Moises Esagui is a psychoanalyst, spiritualist, lucid astral projector and clairvoyant; has founded CEC (Center for Consciousness Studies) with the intention to share his experiences and researches about Astral Projection, Chakras, Clairvoyance, Bioenergy, Laying On Of Hands, Reincarnation and many other subjects that we can summarize as Behavior and Spirituality. We are a nonprofit association that believes in building a better world from each one's...MORE Email ****@centrodeestudos.org
YouTube Subscribers 517Type Nano Since Oct 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Quantum Light Consciousness
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6PlhuxWE.. Play
Quantum Light Consciousness is a channel where the unorthodox views of quantum physics, mathematics, spirituality and philosophy can convene as one. In this forum you'll find profound topics and serious views on the fundamentals on being a human on the 3rd dimensional earth plane, living through the veil, raising your conscious awareness, and awakening to a new reality with yourself as the architect.If you're on this channel you've taken the red pill and have a curiosity, desire, or a love for what is true and nothing else. You love what it means to be human or are still learning,...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 803Type Nano Since Dec 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Conscious Matters
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAdRtVMGc.. Play
Stay true ~ Keep showing up for yourself ~ Let your soul lead the wayHey, I'm Melissa D. Barry. Welcome to Conscious Matters®, a safe space where I dive into conscious living through empowerment and holistic wellness, especially mindfulness. My philosophy is to empower ourselves through self-awareness, self-love, and self-development (aka doing the inner work) to reach our highest self and raise the collective consciousness together. This channel is a reflection of the evolution of my own growth, hoping it'll contribute to yours. Disclaimer: I'm not a medical professional....MORE Email ****@conscious-collective.com
YouTube Subscribers 818Type Nano Since Jan 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
Consciousness in Evolution
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUzk7a6_t.. Play
Consciousness in Evolution is a program from Reaprendentia that enables access to information about parapsychic phenomena, energies, projections of the consciousness and much more.Visit us: www.reaprendentia.org/enMORE Email ****@reaprendentia.org
YouTube Subscribers 323Type Nano Since Apr 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Eva Deli
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGEKmXtN9.. Play
The Science of Consciousness channel introduces a new hypothesis of the material world, evolution, and the mind. The mind both depicts the physical universe and is regulated by it. The ability to balance and produce intelligent responses depends on a precise, abstract mental model of the environment. The superb adaption of the physical laws means that the laws of quantum mechanics apply in psychology, such as decision making. We cannot think, feel, or comprehend something that our brain and nervous system are incapable of comparing. I will feature consciousness science from new angles and...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 217Type Nano Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Anthropology of Consciousness
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWSm-kxKd.. Play
The Association for the Anthropology of Consciousness is an interdisciplinary association of anthropologists, psychologists, mythologists, archaeologists, sociologists, and like minded scholar-practitioners united by a common interest in the study of consciousness from an anthropological perspective. Our research topics range from the cross-cultural study of consciousness as understood within and through various cultural traditions (including the shamanic, yogic, and 'magical'), to contemporary studies of depth psychology, neuroplasticity, human potential, ecopsychology, and...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 99Type Nano Since Aug 2021 Follow Get Email Contact
Galactic Super Quantum New Human Consciousness
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7VIwWpZ0.. Play
Welcome to Our New Channel Divine Family of Love & Light ,We Welcome You to Our New Andara Master Crystal/ Andaraian New Crystalline Diamond Galactic Super Quantum Human Consciousness - Multi Dimensional Embodiment Living Channel... Sacred Space ... with the Andara Collectives .... We Created this Living Light Library of New Galactic Nova New Earth Schools for All Souls on their Ascension Journey ...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 72Type Nano Since May 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Human Consciousness Consortium
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkNQIK0lR.. Play
The Human Consciousness Consortium is a conscious media company founded by Susan Nicholas, MD. It encompasses Dr. Nicholas' titular organization SusanNicholas.org and The Human Consciousness Consortium Publishing. The publishing entity has international distribution of conscious adult and illustrated children's books, publishing under two imprints. The organization produces the Be Conscious® Podcast that is broadcasted weekly. SusanNicholas.org houses her international speaking, guest podcasting, energy healing, educational programs, and professional coaching platforms. Susan...MORE Email ****@susannicholas.org
YouTube Subscribers 24Type Nano Since Aug 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Dylan James
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC96Ek-bKK.. Play
My name is Dylan James and I am a mindset coach that dives deep into understanding how the subconscious works in relation to creating the experiences you seek to manifest into your life. I love to specifically focus on relationships and helping individuals understand their subconscious state in order to create a fulfilling, and harmonious relationship. The topics I specialize in are understanding emotional wounds and traumas, as well as self-concept/identity beliefs that create a skewed perception of reality, and manifest as destructive and/or disconnected behaviors. I work with people from...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 143KType Macro Since Nov 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Conscious Power
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJq-F-1Rg.. Play
YouTube Subscribers 98.7KType Micro Since Feb 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Expanding on Consciousness
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuJi7PcZ6.. Play
The Monroe Institute's Expanding on Consciousness includes conversations about the many perspectives and ideas around consciousness: human, non-human, scientific, spiritual, experiential and more. We invite the curious… to speak, listen, learn and apply new ways of thinking about what it means to be interconnected conscious beings.Our host, Mark Certo, will engage well known experts, trainers and other fascinating guests in insightful and sometimes surprising conversations about the many disciplines and aspects of consciousness—in all its forms.Subscribe now and embark on a...MORE YouTube Subscribers 6.4KType Nano Since Jul 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Society for Consciousness Studies
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJvv0QfKt.. Play
The Society for Consciousness Studies is a professional scholarly organization that honors work of quality from all authentic scholarly traditions, including philosophical, psychological, sociological, and other scientific understandings of consciousness.Within this broad framework we explore potential advances beyond the classical and postmodern knowledge paradigms that have dominated science and scholarship during the past century.Everyone (including members of the public) is welcome to join us, and learn about the cutting edge of consciousness science!MORE Email ****@consc.org
YouTube Subscribers 2.3KType Nano Since Dec 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Conscious Works
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfF1Ozt93.. Play
Whether you call it mental health, mental well-being, performance, mental strength, resilience or agility there are a core set of daily behaviors to allow our brains to function at their best. These habits change the brain at the chemical and neurological level for a competitive advantage.MORE Email ****@consciousworks.com
YouTube Subscribers 1KType Nano Since May 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Illuminated Consciousness
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9H7M9hQy.. Play
This channel is to reawakened the lost souls and uplifting the youth back together to make it great again. Going from within and being on a high vibration.
YouTube Subscribers 1.7KType Nano Since May 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Consciousness Research
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4h3q5dn7.. Play
This is English language channel of Dr. KHB Singh.To join our organisation for research in consciousness contact at - +91 8699185022.
YouTube Subscribers 5.1KType Nano Since Mar 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
Quantum Mind
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu2E7Naq.. Play
Embark on a captivating journey with Quantum Mind, where the boundaries of reality are redefined and the depths of consciousness explored. Our channel is a sanctuary for the curious, the seekers, and the innovators who are fascinated by the enigmas of the human mind. From the transformative powers of meditation to the enigmatic phenomena of spontaneous healing, we traverse a landscape rich with groundbreaking research and stories that challenge the known limits of existence.We're deeply engaged in the odyssey of self-discovery, embracing the mysteries that propel us towards personal...MORE Email ****@quantumind.org
YouTube Subscribers 681Type Nano Since Oct 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Bernard Baars On Consciousness & The Brain
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg5BymDnq.. Play
ON CONSCIOUSNESS & THE BRAIN with Bernard Baars | @BAARSLAB Open-minded discussions on some new ideas about the scientific study of consciousness & the brain. Far from being some free-floating cloud around our heads, sensory consciousness is profoundly embedded in biology, anatomy, physiology, and above all, in adaptive brain functions that serve us in every second of waking life. This is not some philosophical speculation. It is now supported by numerous empirical findings. How can we understand the evidence? Join Bernard Baars, originator of Global Workspace Theory (GWT), acclaimed...MORE Email ****@thenautiluspress.com
YouTube Subscribers 754Type Nano Since Dec 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Collective Consciousness
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDv03CSlL.. Play
Imagine a world of peace, without disease, without people starving, and with a decrease in major crime. This may sound unattainable, but I have a pathway to get us there. Through a heightened level of consciousness, we would be able to create an environment on this earth where we can all live abundantly as intended. You don't know what you don't know. Raising the level of our consciousness is so important because we will see and understand how the connectivity of everything. Everything is connected. Our brains are mere transmitters and communicate with other brains (as do our hearts),...MORE Email ****@collectiveconsciousness.in
YouTube Subscribers 430Type Nano Since Jul 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Spiritual Center for Conscious Living
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEnJdqPD.. Play
OUR INTENTION:SCfCL is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity, We offer innovative spiritual teachings designed to enhance your awareness that Divine Presence and Power is available to you in every moment for all you desire.OUR FOCUS:We teach the principles of Conscious Living in ways that can be easily applied to your everyday experiences for a more fulfilling life.OUR INVITATION:Participate in the Energy Flow as you listen to today's message. Comment, Like, Share. Reciprocally, we open to receive from you with joy and honor - through the Energy of your Presence, your financial contributions,...MORE Email ****@spiritualcenterforconsciousliving.org
YouTube Subscribers 27Type Nano Since Oct 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Elevating Consciousness • Mind • Body • Skin •
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5JWznno.. Play
Team Page to Support & Empower the Members of our Arbonne Community. Through the elevation of consciousness we align ourselves with that is for our highest & greatest good, mind, body & skin.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 10Type Nano Since Aug 2021 Follow Get Email Contact