100 Craft YouTubers in 2025

Follow Top 100 Craft YouTube Channels from one place on FeedSpot Reader
Looking for Craft YouTubers for your outreach campaign or for collaboration to promote your brand or product? Our Craft YouTubers list is what you need.more When curating these Craft youtubers, we’ve considered not just their following, but also engagement, as well as overall influence in the Craft space.


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Craft YouTube Channels

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Tonni Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@Tonniartandcraft/
Channel Name Tonni art and craft
Youtuber Name Tonni
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 18.5MFacebook Followers 1.6KType Mega Since Aug 2017 Follow Get Email Contact

Moriah Elizabeth

Moriah Elizabeth Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@MoriahElizabeth/

Girl Crafts

Girl Crafts Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@GirlCrafts/
Channel Name Girl Crafts
Youtuber Name Girl Crafts
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 4.2MType Mega Follow Get Email Contact

Ayesha Firoz

Ayesha Firoz Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnQeH21u7..
Here u will find Some Unique Tutorials on :- How to make Slimes, Paper Craft,Art Video, Room Decor, Creative Activities for Kids, Diy Projects n many more.
Channel Name Twin Tag - Ayesha Firoz
Youtuber Name Ayesha Firoz
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 3.1MInstagram Followers 55.1KType Mega Since Sep 2014 Follow Get Email Contact


Esther Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5R0wgIYy..
DIY crafts channel: Here you will find very easy diy and crafts. Follow this channel to get easy diy craft tutorials.
Channel Name INNOVA Crafts
Youtuber Name Esther
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 2.3MFacebook Followers 4Twitter Followers 343Type Mega Since Jun 2014 Follow Get Email Contact

Ravisha Lakhera

Ravisha Lakhera Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsR9csH-2..
This channel is an Innovative way to share our own creativity and happiness with others.
Channel Name Kraft Story
Youtuber Name Ravisha Lakhera
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 556KFacebook Followers 9.9KType Macro Since Mar 2017 Follow Get Email Contact


Tatiana Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv7tyVGWp..
Channel Name DIY Crafts TV
Youtuber Name Tatiana
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 2.1MTwitter Followers 28Type Mega Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

Shagufta Fyms

Shagufta Fyms Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTvlm9lYW..
Channel Name Shagufta Fyms
Youtuber Name Shagufta Fyms
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 1.5MFacebook Followers 4.9KType Mega Since Oct 2013 Follow Get Email Contact

Jo Nakashima

Jo Nakashima Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ICcukYY..
Origami tutorials by Jo Nakashima. Follow this channel and learn how to make awesome origami models, from simple to complex!
Channel Name Origami with Jo Nakashima
Youtuber Name Jo Nakashima
Gender Male
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 2.2MFacebook Followers 436.9KInstagram Followers 310.9KType Mega Since Jun 2006 Follow Get Email Contact

Rachel Maksy

Rachel Maksy Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@rachelmaksy/
Channel Name Rachel Maksy
Youtuber Name Rachel Maksy
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 1.5MInstagram Followers 693.4KType Mega Follow Get Email Contact


Smita Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQRXOTOaL..
Channel Name MASS Art and Craft
Youtuber Name Smita
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 1.4MInstagram Followers 164.7KType Mega Since Mar 2018 Follow Get Email Contact

Vanessa Vargas Wilson

Vanessa Vargas Wilson Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@TheCraftyGemini/
Channel Name TheCraftyGemini
Youtuber Name Vanessa Vargas Wilson
Gender Female
Email ****@craftygemini.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 690KFacebook Followers 142.4KTwitter Followers 3.5KInstagram Followers 68.6KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact

Mark Montano

Mark Montano Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@MarkMontanoMakeYo..
Furniture, fashion, home decor & jewelry DIYs to brighten up your life!
Channel Name Mark Montano
Youtuber Name Mark Montano
Gender Male
Email ****@aol.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 218KFacebook Followers 152.6KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact

DIY-Paper Crafts

DIY-Paper Crafts Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvScO0Q9o..
DIY-Paper Crafts is channel that show you how make some art and crafts from crepe paper, tissue paper and origami paper.
Channel Name DIY-Paper Crafts
Youtuber Name DIY-Paper Crafts
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 453KFacebook Followers 37.3KTwitter Followers 22Type Macro Since May 2016 Follow Get Email Contact

Angie Holden

Angie Holden Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@AngieHolden/
Channel Name Angie Holden
Youtuber Name Angie Holden
Gender Female
Email ****@thecountrychiccottage.net
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 387KFacebook Followers 263.5KInstagram Followers 133.3KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact

Maymay Helms

Maymay Helms Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Le_ilaO..
Channel Name Maymay Made It Crafts
Youtuber Name Maymay Helms
Gender Female
Email ****@maymaymadeit.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 392KFacebook Followers 41.9KTwitter Followers 2.7KInstagram Followers 22.2KType Macro Since Oct 2011 Follow Get Email Contact

Yolanda Soto Lopez

Yolanda Soto Lopez Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@yolandasotolopez/
Channel Name All Crafts Channel
Youtuber Name Yolanda Soto Lopez
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 652KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact


Isabel Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNkz_Y5S4..
Channel Name Isa's World
Youtuber Name Isabel
Gender Female
Email ****@elmundodeisa.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 1MFacebook Followers 1.8MType Mega Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

Sushma Thakur

Sushma Thakur Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy0196vGb..
Channel Name Sushma's Craft and Creations
Youtuber Name Sushma Thakur
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 504KFacebook Followers 1.3KType Macro Since Feb 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

Mitanjali .M

Mitanjali .M Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm_dtqI5E..
Channel Name Mitanjali .M
Youtuber Name Mitanjali .M
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 866KType Macro Since Jun 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

Jennifer Bates

Jennifer Bates Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@SeaLemonDIY/
Channel Name Sea Lemon
Youtuber Name Jennifer Bates
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 1.1MFacebook Followers 31.3KTwitter Followers 4.3KInstagram Followers 53.7KType Mega Since Oct 2011 Follow Get Email Contact

Lia Griffith

Lia Griffith Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBVkQp7dL..
Channel Name Lia Griffith
Youtuber Name Lia Griffith
Gender Female
Email ****@liagriffith.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 198KFacebook Followers 56.6KTwitter Followers 2.8KType Macro Since Aug 2012 Follow Get Email Contact

Srushti Patil

Srushti Patil Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSySUTYRi..
Where craft unfolds... This is one of the most popular Youtube channel on Card Making. Follow this channel to find step by step video tutorials on cardmaking.
Channel Name Srushti Patil
Youtuber Name Srushti Patil
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 767KFacebook Followers 168.6KTwitter Followers 179Instagram Followers 55KType Macro Since Jun 2013 Follow Get Email Contact

Minadi Ida

Minadi Ida Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7KK71fT2..
Channel Name beading tutorials
Youtuber Name Minadi Ida
Gender Female
Email ****@yahoo.ca
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 331KTwitter Followers 563Instagram Followers 6.6KType Macro Since Feb 2009 Follow Get Email Contact

Alison Russell

Alison Russell Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@AlisonRussellsCroche..
Channel Name Alison Russell Crochet and Craft Channel
Youtuber Name Alison Russell
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 303KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact

Delonda Ford

Delonda Ford Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@CraftingwithDelonda/
Channel Name Crafting with Delonda
Youtuber Name Delonda Ford
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 180KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact

Craft Box IN

Craft Box IN Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU-PGOlAO..
Channel Name Craft Box IN
Youtuber Name Craft Box IN
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 305KTwitter Followers 6Instagram Followers 499Type Macro Since Sep 2019 Follow Get Email Contact

Hossain Tuhin

Hossain Tuhin Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnubdGJNP..
Channel Name Stitch and Flower
Youtuber Name Hossain Tuhin
Gender Male
Email ****@yahoo.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 566KFacebook Followers 307.2KTwitter Followers 79Type Macro Since Jul 2016 Follow Get Email Contact


Sayali Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVhr2Lmw0..
Channel Name Love For Crafts
Youtuber Name Sayali
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 414KFacebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 1Instagram Followers 2.1KType Macro Since Dec 2012 Follow Get Email Contact

Andreja Vucajnk

Andreja Vucajnk Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3gFIMCLh..
Channel Name Easy Peasy and Fun
Youtuber Name Andreja Vucajnk
Gender Female
Email ****@easypeasyandfun.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 137KFacebook Followers 2.2MInstagram Followers 39.6KType Macro Since Dec 2015 Follow Get Email Contact


AuntieTay Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcmJ6BXfj..
Channel Name AuntieTay
Youtuber Name AuntieTay
Gender Female
Email ****@auntietay.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 354KFacebook Followers 39.6KInstagram Followers 39.4KType Macro Since Aug 2007 Follow Get Email Contact

Minakshi Biswas

Minakshi Biswas Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp3QYWazi..
Hi, I am Minakshi Biswas. I am a housewife from India. I make DIY videos in my spare time. Hope you like them.
Channel Name Minakshi Biswas
Youtuber Name Minakshi Biswas
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 270KType Macro Since Aug 2012 Follow Get Email Contact


Jody Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@JodysCraftRoom/
Channel Name Jody's Craft Room
Youtuber Name Jody
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 136KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact

Sam Hammond Donald

Sam Hammond Donald Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFTjlTbV..
Independent Stampin' Up! demonstrator, bespoke gift packaging and box designer.
Channel Name PootlesPapercraft
Youtuber Name Sam Hammond Donald
Gender Female
Email ****@pootlespapercraft.co.uk
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 104KFacebook Followers 27.6KTwitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 16.9KType Macro Since Mar 2013 Follow Get Email Contact

Amber Dawn Riley

Amber Dawn Riley Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAlYA_jlo..
Hey, y'all! Welcome to my brand new channel, where you'll find loads of recipes, DIYs, and craft tutorials.
Channel Name This Southern Girl Can
Youtuber Name Amber Dawn Riley
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 338KFacebook Followers 594.7KInstagram Followers 126.9KType Macro Since Jul 2017 Follow Get Email Contact


Cristhian Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYIHXb0_l..
Channel Name Cristhian Crafts
Youtuber Name Cristhian
Gender Male
Email ****@hotmail.com.ar
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 373KFacebook Followers 2.7KTwitter Followers 1.4KType Macro Since Jun 2014 Follow Get Email Contact

Sam Calcott

Sam Calcott Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVzExvwnw..
Hey I'm Sam, a Wife, Crafter, Blogger and Youtuber. Sharing my love of all things crafty for you all to see.
Channel Name Sam Calcott UK - Mixed Up Craft
Youtuber Name Sam Calcott
Gender Female
Email ****@mixedupcraft.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 122KFacebook Followers 20.3KTwitter Followers 357Instagram Followers 13.6KType Macro Since Mar 2007 Follow Get Email Contact

Tatiana Bandurina

Tatiana Bandurina Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq93Ny0pV..
Channel Name T Art and Craft
Youtuber Name Tatiana Bandurina
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 282KTwitter Followers 68Type Macro Since Feb 2014 Follow Get Email Contact

Bindu Sri & Manoj

Bindu Sri & Manoj Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg4BjMjF7..
DIY Craft Ideas: Do-it-yourself projects and craft ideas that are easy to pull off. Fun crafts, experience the joy of doing it yourself!
Channel Name Arush DIY Craft Ideas
Youtuber Name Bindu Sri & Manoj
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 184KFacebook Followers 11.6KType Macro Since Jun 2017 Follow Get Email Contact

Renata Kolibova

Renata Kolibova Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpHdLCEy4..
Channel Name Renata Kolibova
Youtuber Name Renata Kolibova
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 97KFacebook Followers 618Instagram Followers 354.4KType Micro Since Nov 2014 Follow Get Email Contact

Rajni Chakra

Rajni Chakra Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxx58G-Y2..
Channel Name Rajni's Art n Crafts
Youtuber Name Rajni Chakra
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 207KFacebook Followers 6KTwitter Followers 43Type Macro Since Oct 2016 Follow Get Email Contact

Kit Canidae

Kit Canidae Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@SkillTree/
Channel Name Skill Tree
Youtuber Name Kit Canidae
Gender Male
Email ****@skilltree.how
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 195KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact

Craft Videos

Craft Videos Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwmdEDHG..
Craft Videos channel is dedicated to make easy crafts and easy cards for kids. Here in this channel we are making videos on handmade cards, handmade crafts and best out of waste as well.
Channel Name Craft Videos
Youtuber Name Craft Videos
Gender Female
Email ****@yahoo.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 192KFacebook Followers 9.1KType Macro Since Jan 2015 Follow Get Email Contact


Toni Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@Craftpurge/
Channel Name Craftpurge
Youtuber Name Toni
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 32.9KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Kanwal Ahmed

Kanwal Ahmed Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcfOtLiwC..
Channel Name Craft with Creativity
Youtuber Name Kanwal Ahmed
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 191KType Macro Since May 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

Wanda & Paula

Wanda & Paula Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXjk7eNk4..
Channel Name Alanda Craft
Youtuber Name Wanda & Paula
Email ****@alandacraft.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 188KFacebook Followers 4KType Macro Since Mar 2014 Follow Get Email Contact


Aimee Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@TheCrazyCraftLady/
Channel Name The Crazy Craft Lady
Youtuber Name Aimee
Gender Female
Email ****@thecrazycraftlady.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 96.1KInstagram Followers 23.5KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact


Felicia Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@craftwithfelicia/
Channel Name Craft with Felicia
Youtuber Name Felicia
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 40.4KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Ann Melvin

Ann Melvin Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuuewOzNo..
Channel Name Positively Papercraft
Youtuber Name Ann Melvin
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 123KFacebook Followers 9.9KInstagram Followers 2.9KType Macro Since Jan 2016 Follow Get Email Contact

Jane & Sonja

Jane & Sonja Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@Sustainmycrafthabit/
Channel Name Sustain My Craft Habit
Youtuber Name Jane & Sonja
Email ****@sustainmycrafthabit.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 53KFacebook Followers 535.7KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Huda Azhar

Huda Azhar Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-5Ihc1qo..
Channel Name Creative Hud
Youtuber Name Huda Azhar
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 109KFacebook Followers 254Twitter Followers 9Instagram Followers 2.9KType Macro Since Oct 2017 Follow Get Email Contact

Stephanie Canada

Stephanie Canada Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@StephanieCanada/
Vintage pattern enthusiast, owner of Backroom Finds, and is primarily sarcastic and occasionally funny.Sponsorship Requests: ****@thoughtleaders.io
Channel Name Stephanie Canada
Youtuber Name Stephanie Canada
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 50.1KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Andrea Alexander

Andrea Alexander Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@AndreaAlexander/
Documenting my creative adventures
Channel Name Andrea Alexander
Youtuber Name Andrea Alexander
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 13.8KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Michelle Beaton

Michelle Beaton Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@weekend-craft/
Cricut • Sublimation • Laser cutting • Craft Organization • Glue Enthusiast • DIY • RecipesHelping you craft a life and a home you love.
Channel Name Weekend Craft
Youtuber Name Michelle Beaton
Gender Female
Email ****@weekendcraft.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 8.4KFacebook Followers 471.1KInstagram Followers 192.7KType Nano Follow Get Email Contact

Patricia B.

Patricia B. Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@LeCafeCraft/
Channel Name Le Cafe Craft
Youtuber Name Patricia B.
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 13.8KFacebook Followers 874Type Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Martina & Hansi

Martina & Hansi Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@Nerdforge/
We're the Nerdforge couple Martina & Hansi! instagram & twitter: @thenerdforgediscord: discord.io/nerdforge
Channel Name Nerdforge
Youtuber Name Martina & Hansi
Email ****@night.co
Type of Channel Influencer
Facebook Followers 2.5MType Nano Follow Get Email Contact

Dayo's Craft

Dayo's Craft Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8KYH7q0C..
I fond to make paper flowers and flower garlands and many crafts. This is my passion to create hand crafts
Channel Name Dayo's Craft
Youtuber Name Dayo's Craft
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 635KType Macro Since Apr 2012 Follow Get Email Contact

Parshwanath D

Parshwanath D Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaoR_1kKo..
Origami & Paper craft demos made very easy to learn!
Channel Name Paper Folds - Origami & Crafts !
Youtuber Name Parshwanath D
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 355KFacebook Followers 2.8KTwitter Followers 176Type Macro Since Feb 2015 Follow Get Email Contact


Cony Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJp95Ct1..
Arte y Salud en Casa means art and health from home. Here, you will find easy DIY´s, crafts using easy to find supplies and much more.
Channel Name Arte y Salud en Casa (English)
Youtuber Name Cony
Gender Female
Email ****@hotmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 336KFacebook Followers 80.9KType Macro Since Jul 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

Ana Knoll

Ana Knoll Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3OtsZqon..
Channel Name Ana | DIY Crafts
Youtuber Name Ana Knoll
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 177KFacebook Followers 21.6KTwitter Followers 1.1KType Macro Since Jun 2014 Follow Get Email Contact

Idea Of The Day

Idea Of The Day Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-CXg9TZO..
Channel Name Idea Of The Day
Youtuber Name Idea Of The Day
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 117KType Macro Since Jan 2016 Follow Get Email Contact

Vineetha Dodda

Vineetha Dodda Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeRbjOXzn..
Channel Name Vinni's craft ideas
Youtuber Name Vineetha Dodda
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 103KFacebook Followers 554Instagram Followers 475Type Macro Since Dec 2013 Follow Get Email Contact


Nik Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@NiktheBooksmith/
Obsessively creating so you don't have to. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases made through affiliate links in video descriptions.
Channel Name Nik the Booksmith
Youtuber Name Nik
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 115KType Macro Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

Jen Mann

Jen Mann Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@icreatecrafts8462/
Channel Name I Create Crafts
Youtuber Name Jen Mann
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 29.6KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact


Altenew Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwHkwAQ3Z..
Email ****@altenew.com
YouTube Subscribers 57.1KFacebook Followers 50.3KInstagram Followers 90.1KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Crafter's Companion

Crafter's Companion Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8U4HMAhD..
Here you will find a number of videos, including handy hints, product and project tutorials, product trailers, company information and much, much more.
Email ****@crafterscompanion.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 77.6KFacebook Followers 106.1KTwitter Followers 12KType Micro Since Apr 2010 Follow Get Email Contact

Karen Titus

Karen Titus Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJkho_Z3..
This channel is all about stamping up card ideas, stamping techniques, and quick and easy hand made card ideas.
Email ****@karentitus.com
YouTube Subscribers 36.9KType Micro Since Aug 2011 Follow Get Email Contact

Stampin' Up!

Stampin' Up! Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaytKFVal..
Email ****@stampincolour.com
YouTube Subscribers 93.2KFacebook Followers 383.9KTwitter Followers 19.5KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Pearl's Crafts

Pearl's Crafts Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC01gLb6k7..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 276KFacebook Followers 14.3KType Macro Since Mar 2017 Follow Get Email Contact

Factory Direct Craft

Factory Direct Craft Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrs-3biva..
Factory Direct Craft uploads videos on diy crafts tutorials.
Email ****@factorydirectcraft.com
YouTube Subscribers 22.3KFacebook Followers 1.3MType Micro Since Jun 2013 Follow Get Email Contact

Art and Crafts Zone

Art and Crafts Zone Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQiWBTzlM..
We love doing Crafts, Drawing, Painting and sharing it with others!
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 94.8KFacebook Followers 397Type Micro Since Aug 2014 Follow Get Email Contact

Laurel Beard

Laurel Beard Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJMZLUZw0..
Covers beginner and advanced crafting techniques that anyone can do. Laurel dives into the word of cardmaking, watercoloring, mixed media, gel printing, alcohol inks and more!
Email ****@me.com
YouTube Subscribers 81.3KFacebook Followers 3KInstagram Followers 11.4KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Crafts And Drawings

Crafts And Drawings Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3SGKlKnk..
YouTube Subscribers 52KType Micro Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact

Rossy Craft Tube

Rossy Craft Tube Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbRFSViMq..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 24.2KFacebook Followers 6.8KTwitter Followers 90Type Micro Since Dec 2016 Follow Get Email Contact

Abbi Kirsten Gillespie

Abbi Kirsten Gillespie Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpex5XhEX..
I create tutorials for Paper crafting.
Email ****@abbikirstencollections.com
YouTube Subscribers 102KFacebook Followers 5.1MTwitter Followers 2.3MType Macro Since Oct 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

Craft Mind & Creativity

Craft Mind & Creativity Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpljysQi6..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 50.2KFacebook Followers 5.5KTwitter Followers 221Type Micro Since Jun 2017 Follow Get Email Contact

Lorien's Craft Box

Lorien's Craft Box Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVrN3z23m..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 64.4KFacebook Followers 20Instagram Followers 10.2KType Micro Since Mar 2012 Follow Get Email Contact


Hobbycraft Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaGHuBf8x..
Email ****@hobbycraft.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 50.4KFacebook Followers 517KTwitter Followers 38.5KType Micro Since Jul 2006 Follow Get Email Contact

The Crafty Chica, Kathy Cano-Murillo

The Crafty Chica, Kathy Cano-Murillo Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-tGTRy0_..
Happiness crafts and Latino DIY by Kathy Cano-Murillo, The Crafty Chica. Here you'll find all things shiny, happy, and easy-to-make.
Email ****@craftychica.com
YouTube Subscribers 38KFacebook Followers 94.6KTwitter Followers 21.5KType Micro Since Jun 2006 Follow Get Email Contact

Stamping Smiles - Youtube

Stamping Smiles - Youtube Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTFegm_sz..
Email ****@stampingsmiles.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.6KFacebook Followers 1.9KType Micro Since Jun 2011 Follow Get Email Contact

May Flaum

May Flaum Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn4_5l893..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 12.5KType Micro Since Sep 2010 Follow Get Email Contact

Cool Crafts N Artwork

Cool Crafts N Artwork Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoWoA_2Wq..
YouTube Subscribers 1.9KType Nano Since Mar 2020 Follow Get Email Contact


mojohandykraftz Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0cjlxyLU..
Follow to get craft videos from this channel.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 4.4KType Nano Since Aug 2016 Follow Get Email Contact


UtbCrafts Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmovAsniU..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.9KFacebook Followers 1.7KType Micro Since Jul 2017 Follow Get Email Contact

American Crafts

American Crafts Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzrNRSR8Y..
Email ****@americancrafts.com
YouTube Subscribers 11.6KFacebook Followers 84.8KTwitter Followers 27.9KType Micro Since Mar 2009 Follow Get Email Contact

Helen Griffin UK

Helen Griffin UK Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCsrCp1le..
Helen Griffin is a Paper Arts Educator & Designer based in the south east of England. She is also a member of Papercraft Magazines Design Team & The Pootles Design Team.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 33.1KFacebook Followers 3.2KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact


abidzcraft Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXe8mSlVv..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 14.8KType Micro Since Feb 2020 Follow Get Email Contact


LindaBauwin Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulbQ3V7W..
LindaBauwin is an Independent Demonstrator for Stampin' Up! helping you create from the heart. The mission is to help you find your creative side.
Email ****@roadrunner.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.2KFacebook Followers 2.7KType Micro Since May 2009 Follow Get Email Contact

Archu's Art World

Archu's Art World Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdJjOl0lp..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 13.7KFacebook Followers 189.5KInstagram Followers 12.4KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

Lana Paper Flowers

Lana Paper Flowers Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCydL6LVvj..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 10.1KFacebook Followers 458Twitter Followers 1Type Micro Since Mar 2016 Follow Get Email Contact

Shemi Dixon

Shemi Dixon Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCevxBFazI..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 32.4KFacebook Followers 571Type Micro Since Sep 2013 Follow Get Email Contact

Sparkle by Monica

Sparkle by Monica Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6pjwHQ9..
Hi all! I make handmade jewelry and craft tutorials, but sometimes I will offer crafty product demos, giveaways, cat videos, or just chit-chat.
Email ****@sparklebymonica.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.8KFacebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 565Instagram Followers 1.2KType Nano Since Jul 2013 Follow Get Email Contact

Paper Crafter 45

Paper Crafter 45 Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZZwq_lG..
Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting! It's wonderful to see you! 🙂 Find tutorials on paper crafts.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 28.2KType Micro Since Jan 2012 Follow Get Email Contact


Randomona Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsfd59556..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 27.4KInstagram Followers 218Type Micro Since Jul 2016 Follow Get Email Contact

Handcrafted by Helen

Handcrafted by Helen Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4d8uuWK4..
Find Card Making and Paper Craft tutorials.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 22.4KType Micro Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact

Paper Source

Paper Source Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpy_L_EMh..
Email ****@paper-source.com
YouTube Subscribers 9.8KFacebook Followers 162.2KTwitter Followers 26.6KType Nano Since Dec 2007 Follow Get Email Contact

Robyn M. Pitts - Sir Chauncey Rocco Creative Designs

Robyn M. Pitts - Sir Chauncey Rocco Creative Designs Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMgkyJ5J..
Email ****@msn.com
YouTube Subscribers 10.9KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact

DIY Crafts

DIY Crafts Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrBfJUNM_..
Interesting and fun diy-projects, crafts, and origami for you to experience the joy of doing it yourself!
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 9.1KType Nano Since Apr 2020 Follow Get Email Contact

Karen Elaine

Karen Elaine Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv7csfyZV..
Email ****@karenelaine.com
YouTube Subscribers 13.1KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact


Imagine Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyJWsilPh..
We make high-quality inks, mixed media & artists tools. Tsukineko. Paper Crafts. Cardmaking. Scrapbook. DIY. Get your craft on with Imagine's crafting projects and tutorials.
Email ****@imaginecrafts.com
YouTube Subscribers 6.5KFacebook Followers 7.6KTwitter Followers 1.1KType Nano Since Nov 2012 Follow Get Email Contact

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