25 Deaf YouTubers in 2024
Deaf YouTube Channels
Bill Vicars
Resource site for ASL students, teachers, interpreters, and parents of Deaf children.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCvd8.. Subscribe
Email ****@aol.com
YouTube Subscribers 484KType Macro Frequency 8 videos / month Since Mar 2007 Get Email Contact
The Daily Moth
The Daily Moth delivers news in video using American Sign Language. The Deaf host, Alex Abenchuchan, covers trending stories and Deaf topics with a twist of humor and Deaf culture.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCaay.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 64.7KFacebook Followers 174.2KTwitter Followers 9.4KType Micro Frequency 9 videos / week Since Jun 2014 Get Email Contact
Rikki Poynter
Rikki Poynter is a 25-year-old Deaf vlogger on YouTube. After four years of being a beauty blogger and vlogger, she took a hiatus in October 2014 to focus on more lifestyle blogs and vlogs about deafness and Deaf culture.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCS7w.. Subscribe
Email ****@rikkipoynter.com
YouTube Subscribers 90.5KTwitter Followers 13.7KType Micro Frequency 1 video / week Since Jun 2013 Get Email Contact
Chella Man
I am a 19 year old deaf, genderqueer, artist currently transitioning on testosterone! Based in New York City.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCa1v.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 250KType Macro Frequency 2 videos / year Since Dec 2015 Get Email Contact
Dana Vlog
YouTube official channel of Dana Vlog and I'm DEAF YOUTUBER! Welcome to my Channel and come to looking the videos! Yes, I'm grew up with deaf and 17 years old. If you are interesting about my deaf stories, filmmaker, challenge, DIY, learn America Sign Language, and else!
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UClnJ.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 10.1KType Micro Frequency 1 video / day Since Dec 2017 Get Email Contact
Sign1News delivers news for the deaf community powered by CNN in American Sign Language (ASL). Sign1News provides equal access to local, regional and national news and information to the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community via a daily post-produced broadcast. The vision of Sign1News is to be the preeminent and unparalleled news outlet for the Deaf community by providing first-of-its kind network access to news and information.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCuyQ.. Subscribe
Email ****@sign1news.com
YouTube Subscribers 12.3KFacebook Followers 50.5KTwitter Followers 400Type Micro Frequency 4 videos / week Get Email Contact
Ali Ibrahim Aksu DeafTvShowAksuAli
A Deaf Tv Show by Aksu Ali is one of the best channel on youutbe for the deafs.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCL8H.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 33.4KType Micro Frequency 1 video / quarter Since Jun 2011 Get Email Contact
Deaf Professional Arts Network exists to support, encourage and develop professional and educational opportunities for talented individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing as well as hearing individuals who work with the community. We are equally committed to enhancing the visibility of that talent and establishing new audiences for exceptional artists who happen to be deaf or hard of hearing.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC9Wf.. Subscribe
Email ****@dpan.tv
YouTube Subscribers 20.7KTwitter Followers 5.9KType Micro Frequency 1 video / week Since Mar 2008 Get Email Contact
The Deaf Newspaper, LLC, is not responsible for any errors in the Deaf Newspaper's news we provide. Around the News by Ken Davis in ASL.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCEp0.. Subscribe
Email ****@deafnewspaper.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.9KFacebook Followers 23.5KTwitter Followers 1.1KType Micro Frequency 1 video / month Since Aug 2007 Get Email Contact
The NAD mission is to preserve, protect, and promote the civil, human, and linguistic rights of deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America. The NAD is the nation's premier civil rights organization of, by and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC85L.. Subscribe
Email ****@nad.org
YouTube Subscribers 8.8KFacebook Followers 41.8KTwitter Followers 22.6KType Nano Frequency 3 videos / quarter Since Jan 2010 Get Email Contact
National Deaf Children's Society
Welcome to the official YouTube channel for the National Deaf Children's Society, the leading charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCi6D.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 10.3KFacebook Followers 38.5KTwitter Followers 22.6KType Micro Frequency 30 videos / year Since Nov 2008 Get Email Contact
Rogan Shannon
A queer Deaf guy that loves learning about new things, this channel has random musings, adventures I have with my friends, interesting things I learn about, advocacy and raising awareness of the Deaf community.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC3hO.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 15.4KFacebook Followers 447Twitter Followers 2.5KType Micro Frequency 7 videos / year Since Nov 2007 Get Email Contact
Welcome to Crow_Se7en's channel. I'm a Deaf YouTuber who plays video games and uses American Sign Language with closed captions at the same time. You never saw like that before?
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCQvV.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.4KFacebook Followers 598Twitter Followers 851Type Nano Frequency 5 videos / month Get Email Contact
EO Horizons Deaf Singapore
Deaf, Deaf Culture, Deaf Performing Arts, Deafness, Sign Language, Interpretation, Song Signing, Percussion, Education, Entrepreneurship, Singapore.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCTv9.. Subscribe
Email ****@eohorizons.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.2KFacebook Followers 3.6KTwitter Followers 392Type Nano Frequency 3 videos / quarter Since Jan 2011 Get Email Contact
Islam for Deaf
Islam for Deaf is a unique project, which strives to make an abundance of Islamic resources available for the Muslim Deaf community.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCkLf.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 769Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 480Type Nano Frequency 1 video / week Since Mar 2015 Get Email Contact
Cochlear Kaz
Hey guys, my name is Kara but you can call me Kaz. I'm profoundly deaf in both ears and I've got 2 cochlear implants. My channel is about raising deaf awareness and just having fun.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC8CZ.. Subscribe
Email ****@googlemail.com
YouTube Subscribers 886Facebook Followers 99Twitter Followers 169Type Nano Frequency 1 video / quarter Get Email Contact
ASL Stew
ASL Stew is your one stop shop for anything interpreting, or Deaf culture related.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCK-n.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 25.8KType Micro Since Apr 2014 Get Email Contact
Jessica Flores
Jessica Flores is an comedian and a deaf advocator.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCIhy.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.5KFacebook Followers 27.3KType Micro Since Apr 2008 Get Email Contact
Don Grushkin
Don Grushkin is one of the best deaf youtuber on the the youtube.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCYWJ.. Subscribe
Email ****@csus.edu
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KType Nano Since May 2007 Get Email Contact
Deaf Services Queensland
Deaf Services Queensland is a not-for-profit organisation providing services to thousands of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Queenslanders.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCKc4.. Subscribe
Email ****@deafconnect.org.au
YouTube Subscribers 1.5KType Nano Since Jan 2011 Get Email Contact
Liam O'Dell
This channel is about many different things and is brought to you by deaf young person Liam. He sometimes talks about his deafness, but mostly he talks about the stuff that interests him: writing, music and photography.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC1KN.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 474Type Nano Since Oct 2012 Get Email Contact
Deafway is a registered charity. We have been based in Preston since 1894. We work with Deaf people locally, nationally, and in the developing world.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCRnw.. Subscribe
Email ****@deafway.org.uk
YouTube Subscribers 59Facebook Followers 4.4KTwitter Followers 470Instagram Followers 690Type Nano Since Oct 2019 Get Email Contact
That Deaf Girl
That Deaf Girl. That deaf girl can sign, talk and do basically anything she wishes. Her deafness doesn't prevent her from being successful.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCOtJ.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 291Type Nano Since May 2015 Get Email Contact
Hey I'm Jackson aka Calshot and I'm a deaf creator from Kansas who has passion with making videos! Thanks for visiting my channel!! I make my own vlogs, prank videos and challenge videos.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCt9X.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 237Facebook Followers 2.3KType Nano Frequency 3 videos / year Since Oct 2013 Get Email Contact
Deaf YouTubers
YouTuber Name | Subscriber Count | Video Views | Video Count | YouTube Channel Link | |
Bill Vicars | 484K | 34.4M | 660 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvd8SHzSp07_U55qFI0-dDA | |
The Daily Moth | 64.7K | 31.7M | 3.4K | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaayieDFpDIZ1b_mspO_Rzg/videos | |
Rikki Poynter | 90.5K | 7.8M | 851 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS7wVohIwd66b95xyuw7DFQ | |
Chella Man | 250K | 22M | 109 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1vUXV2WMRobPo-ZfEeRhg/videos | |
Deafizchea | 10.1K | 2.7M | 86 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClnJiqq_SAKqe4_xeDn4Ubw/videos | |
Sign1News | 12.3K | 4.4M | 8.8K | https://www.youtube.com/eclnhna/4H609UCuy-y7QgkJvT3Nw3i-/vseoid | |
dpanvideos | 20.7K | 3.7M | 137 | https://www.youtube.com/hlannce/gfNwR9CQbi5r7fUWX2V_PIIb | |
Deaf Newspaper | 17.9K | 6M | 2.8K | https://www.youtube.com/nhlcnae/UV5uE0raGFNCrNsAbppZTLum | |
The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) | 8.8K | 2.2M | 1.2K | https://www.youtube.com/alhcenn/8LCv7Kcq6CGDcI9wtppcUQp5 | |
National Deaf Children's Society | 10.3K | 3.3M | 1.1K | https://www.youtube.com/enchlna/HaMubci6UOvWCNiwQDqbq6QF | |
Rogan Shannon | 15.4K | 892.4K | 437 | https://www.youtube.com/canhlen/BsdNntgPRy2CTfD3OQh9UW3P | |
Crow_Se7en | 5.4K | 234.5K | 592 | https://www.youtube.com/cnehaln/UYtuqvJzpgzfVQ4TAn22CIID/isovde | |
Lily Goh ExtraOrdinary Horizons_Deaf Singapore | 2.2K | 344.3K | 190 | https://www.youtube.com/hlenacn/4NR9vHo0x1Zx3uTw7UBCOFQU | |
Islam for Deaf | 769 | 48.6K | 290 | https://www.youtube.com/alnnhec/UG7rq7DDHsywECoufuThU-Lk/idosev | |
Cochlear Kaz | 886 | 86K | 77 | https://www.youtube.com/ealnnch/9CVZCQz_fJzDFZWPC5YY8jIU/vseoid | |
calshot | 237 | https://www.youtube.com/nnalhec/Vz_XquDtwCDfG94KOBdWU4vp/oveids | |||
Daizimate | 10.1K | 2.7M | 86 | https://www.youtube.com/nnclhea/nUx_qJnAeq_ql4eKwSbi4DUC/vsiedo |