25 Harmonica YouTubers in 2024

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Harmonica YouTube Channels

Tomlin Leckie

Tomlin Leckie Hi guys, I'm an Edinburgh-based blues harmonica player/teacher. I upload a new harmonica lesson every Wednesday so follow my channel to get those as soon as they come out.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCyUv.. Subscribe
Email ****@tomlinharmonicalessons.com
YouTube Subscribers 219KFacebook Followers 10.9KTwitter Followers 1.3KType Macro Frequency 1 video / week Since Feb 2007 Get Email Contact


LearnTheHarmonica.com Get tailored video lessons with harmonica pro Liam Ward at LearnTheHarmonica.com. Find new harmonica lessons every Wednesday!
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCFcC.. Subscribe
Email ****@learntheharmonica.com
YouTube Subscribers 212KFacebook Followers 2.4KType Macro Frequency 3 videos / week Since Jan 2014 Get Email Contact

Paul Lassey

Paul Lassey Diatonic and chromatic harmonica videos brought to you by Paul Lassey.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCBLq.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 62.7KTwitter Followers 10Type Micro Frequency 8 videos / week Since Oct 2006 Get Email Contact

JP Allen

JP Allen JP Allen is an Harmonica Instructor. Follow this channel for Harmonica Lessons by JP Allen.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC-hI.. Subscribe
Email ****@harmonica.com
YouTube Subscribers 181KTwitter Followers 397Type Macro Frequency 1 video / week Since Jan 2007 Get Email Contact

Gussow's classic blues harmonica videos

Gussow's classic blues harmonica videos Here you'll find a fresh and engaging series of blues harmonica instructional videos designed to answer both basic beginner questions and more advanced concerns. Your host is YouTube pioneer Adam Gussow--one of the best-known and most widely respected blues harp teachers and players in the world.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCfYH.. Subscribe
Email ****@aol.com
YouTube Subscribers 181KType Macro Frequency 1 video / month Since Sep 2015 Get Email Contact

Ronnie Shellist

Ronnie Shellist Ronnie Shellist shares straight forward, blues focused harmonica instructional videos for beginners and intermediate.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC_G2.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 45.1KType Micro Frequency 2 videos / week Since Jun 2006 Get Email Contact

Håkan Ehn

Håkan Ehn My name is Håkan Ehn and playing harmonica is my hobby.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCXrb.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 45.5KType Micro Frequency 16 videos / quarter Since Dec 2007 Get Email Contact

Will Wilde

Will Wilde Will Wilde picked up his first harmonica at the age of 16 and played it until his lips bled. Find out more about Will Wilde's world of Blues and anything else you need to know about how to play the harp on this channel.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCz-7.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 90.7KTwitter Followers 464Type Micro Frequency 1 video / week Since Jan 2007 Get Email Contact

Harmonica Jamz - Alon

Harmonica Jamz - Alon Harmonica Jamz is an interactive and insanely effective video course. The world's leading harmonica video course.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCSp1.. Subscribe
Email ****@harmonicajamz.com
YouTube Subscribers 13.3KFacebook Followers 13KType Micro Frequency 3 videos / week Since Jun 2016 Get Email Contact

The Harmonica Musician

The Harmonica Musician Harmonica Musican Composer. Follow this channel for harmonica covers and videos.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UChUo.. Subscribe
Email ****@yahoo.com
YouTube Subscribers 7.6KType Nano Frequency 1 video / week Since Mar 2011 Get Email Contact

Matej TataMata

Matej TataMata Keep up with articles from Matej TataMata.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCFUP.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 22.6KFacebook Followers 614Twitter Followers 26Instagram Followers 213Type Micro Frequency 4 videos / year Since Mar 2013 Get Email Contact


JamCamp06 Welcome to Jon Gindick's World of Blues Harmonica Music, Jam Camps, and Lessons from America's Best Selling Musical Instruction Author.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCHXk.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 19.3KType Micro Frequency 1 video / month Since Aug 2006 Get Email Contact

Raato Harmonica

Raato Harmonica I'm a Finnish harmonicist and youtuber, who loves good music and fun videos. I'm uploading here my harmonica videos, covering mostly melodic rock, metal and occasionally anime, traditional and soundtrack pieces.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC2bE.. Subscribe
Email ****@harmonicatabz.com
YouTube Subscribers 3.6KType Nano Frequency 1 video / week Since Mar 2009 Get Email Contact

Masters of Harmonica

Masters of Harmonica Masters of Harmonica YouTube Channel was created to provide you with FREE Chromatic Harmonica videos on all kinds of topics which can help support you in your quest to become a better musician.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCmh-.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 9.2KTwitter Followers 77Type Nano Frequency 3 videos / quarter Since Apr 2014 Get Email Contact

Steve Baker Harmonica

Steve Baker Harmonica Steve Baker has been a full-time professional for over 35 years and has earned an enviable reputation as an innovator and pioneer on this frequently under-estimated instrument. He has developed an instantly recognizable original style which is both expressive and lyrical.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCqsg.. Subscribe
Email ****@stevebaker.de
YouTube Subscribers 3.6KFacebook Followers 2.4KTwitter Followers 678Type Nano Frequency 1 video / quarter Since Aug 2007 Get Email Contact

LAI harmonica

LAI harmonica Chromatic harmonica is an inexpensive musical instrument. However, it is also the only draw and blow musical instrument. Hence, it is very challenging to perform properly, especially in term of Legato phrasing, Articulation and Intonation consistency.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCK90.. Subscribe
Email ****@suzukiharmonica.com
YouTube Subscribers 525Type Nano Frequency 3 videos / month Since Dec 2009 Get Email Contact

Tremolo Harmonica

Tremolo Harmonica Welcome to the Tremolo Harmonica channel. I was trying to answer some questions about the tremolo harmonica that were posted in a harmonica forum. It was difficult to describe the music so I made some videos.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCWkx.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 3.3KType Nano Frequency 3 videos / quarter Since Dec 2012 Get Email Contact


harproli My name is Roli (Roland) and it began in 1962 (in Switzerland) with a chromatic harmonica. I share harmonica videos on this channel.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCaBP.. Subscribe
Email ****@harproli.ch
YouTube Subscribers 74.4KFacebook Followers 650Type Micro Since Jul 2010 Get Email Contact

Modern Blues Harmonica

Modern Blues Harmonica Welcome to the #1 blues harmonica channel on YouTube! Here you'll find literally hundreds of teaching videos, for beginners and more experienced players alike. Most of my conversation is oriented towards intermediate and advanced players who have learned some of the basic techniques but KNOW they are missing something.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC6_P.. Subscribe
Email ****@aol.com
YouTube Subscribers 87.7KType Micro Frequency 1 video / year Since Feb 2007 Get Email Contact


FunkyHarp The main goal of this channel is that if you are a complete novice on the harmonica, to slowly take you through the fundamentals of the harmonica. Intermediate players, I think you can benefit a lot from checking to see if you have truly mastered the fundamentals.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC2gC.. Subscribe
Email ****@true-lp.com
YouTube Subscribers 36.7KType Micro Since Oct 2012 Get Email Contact

Jake Knows Harmonica

Jake Knows Harmonica Want to learn about the harmonica? Let me show you what I know. My goal is to educate the masses on the joys of playing the harmonica.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/user/JakeKnowsHa.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 31.3KFacebook Followers 2.2KType Micro Since May 2012 Get Email Contact

Luffar Lo Harmonica

Luffar Lo Harmonica I am a harmonica player and songwriter from Sweden. I play the harmonica in the Root Rock band among lynx and in the all-female blues band Ladies Got the Blues.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCrda.. Subscribe
Email ****@luffarlo.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.7KFacebook Followers 2.5KType Nano Since Jul 2017 Get Email Contact

T's Harmonica

T's Harmonica I like playing the Harmonica, follow this channel to find some of the best harmonica music.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCxBy.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 4.1KType Nano Frequency 2 videos / year Since Apr 2017 Get Email Contact

Drea Van Allen

Drea Van Allen I'm a harmonicist, singer, songwriter, and teacher who has been playing harmonica since late 2010. This channel includes free harmonica lessons and tips.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UChAg.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 2KFacebook Followers 1.4KType Nano Frequency 1 video / year Since Jul 2012 Get Email Contact

The Harmonica Lovers

The Harmonica Lovers Hi guys,we are isaac & ivan and we will post harmonica cover videos in this channel.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCROi.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 674Type Nano Frequency 4 videos / year Since Jul 2016 Get Email Contact

Show 26 to 75

Harmonica YouTubers

Top YouTubers covering Harmonica. Get Spreadsheet
YouTuber NameEmailSubscriber
YouTube Channel Link
Tomlin Leckie
219K 19.8M 468 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyUvGKht2YVWHOd5nGwlU_w
212K 23.3M 683 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFcC_ffSMcfp9JzyO3gbmQw
62.7K 13.5M 1.2K https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBLq_Sd1msR2wyA6KSk6i_g
Harmonica com
181K 21M 279 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hIXBX-MkrK_lg5J7D5sfg
Gussow's classic blues harmonica videos
181K 12.7M 331 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfYHJbTZklgZU1bEVLaZyvQ/videos
Ronnie Shellist
45.1K 13.6M 833 https://www.youtube.com/lnchane/xhULK-kiPOf8tQ_a2CE6IGsC
Håkan Ehn
45.5K 23.9M 1.1K https://www.youtube.com/cnnahle/XjRBbDCgGd9f7fb2gqCxUmrw
Will Wilde
90.7K 12.5M 273 https://www.youtube.com/anncehl/e-7fAzU15CmO6SFXC9ZkhSw0
Harmonica Jamz - Alon Kuperberg
13.3K 2.7M 674 https://www.youtube.com/clanneh/XZruiqBc1mUkZ_1E9SuCp3wS/desvio
The Harmonicist
7.6K 2M 867 https://www.youtube.com/nneachl/hBiUl9OUAEuloYEQ69MrCoHg
Matej TataMata
22.6K 3.3M 161 https://www.youtube.com/nehnacl/fA5CPUiygguvfUc_IUnUFAaV/dieovs
19.3K 2.4M 295 https://www.youtube.com/nlcnahe/yUj2mkkiesw6CBXHhgZCXxf8
Raato Harmonica
3.6K 815.7K 393 https://www.youtube.com/nenalch/UlCuX2lRN9Z5Y1wAEBrbqXQ3
Masters of Harmonica
9.2K 1.2M 675 https://www.youtube.com/cnlahne/zReam9zE-dt1-FUhYgnUCVAK/voieds
Steve Baker Harmonica
3.6K 486.8K 52 https://www.youtube.com/lnecnha/sugaQqU1jCUV7_ETqVpVL5dR
Tremolo chromatic harmonica
525 179.2K 203 https://www.youtube.com/nhaclne/S4dhgKfUSWQCm9S77GYL0-I9
Rex G
3.3K 89.7K 49 https://www.youtube.com/anlnhce/9-Pf5N6ATQ5IksLUhCipWwxb/idoesv
T's Harmonica
4.1K 597.6K 148 https://www.youtube.com/anlcneh/TBBqCrUKMeP9VvqCx_pwKOLy/oiesdv
The Harmonica Lovers
674 87.8K 130 https://www.youtube.com/hannelc/bNPnlgqjC-OpU9fiRp0twnmH/dvioes
Discovery harmonica solo
525 179.2K 203 https://www.youtube.com/chennla/G7Q4SICm9fhULY9S0Kdg-WS7
harmonica solo
525 179.2K 203 https://www.youtube.com/hcnlane/G9h7QdfLY0gSKCS4Sm7-W9IU
harmonica only
525 179.2K 203 https://www.youtube.com/aclhnen/-KSgd9QG7hLSUf9YC4S07mIW
Load 23 to 75 of 75 YouTubers