15 Idaho Gardening YouTubers in 2025
Idaho Gardening YouTube Channels
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The Idaho Panhandlers
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBK2r7rf.. Play
Living life on our little chunk of Pacific Northwest Panhandle Heaven. Welcome to our page - 'The Idaho Panhandlers.' Here you'll find everything from Idaho living, to home projects on our property, road trips, and everything in between. The sky is the limit as to what will be posted on this channel. This is our life. This is North Idaho.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 6.4KType Nano Since Sep 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Making Garden Magic
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-sOzuEbg.. Play
Hey there! I'm Abbi, and over the last few years, I've swapped my lawn for a beautiful and bountiful garden in my suburban-ish neighborhood. For me, gardening is not just a way to grow fresh, organic produce, it's also a spiritual practice that helps me connect with nature and find balance. I'm in zone 7a in Boise, Idaho.Join me on my journey as I share my tips, tricks, and experiences with you!MORE YouTube Subscribers 4.4KType Nano Since Feb 2023 Follow Get Email Contact
Julie's Roots & Shoots
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkcVcgyzj.. Play
Welcome, friends! I'm so glad you made it to my channel! My name is Julie and I LOVE learning about all things homesteading and gardening in Idaho. This is where I share my love for the garden and passion of learning how to homestead. I have such big dreams that seem so far off in the distance right now, but doing what I can with what I have means I'll just be that much more prepared for when I do have the ability to purchase my dream homestead property. I want to invite you to follow along with me as I show you what I'm doing and learning along the way. I'm here to connect,...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.3KType Nano Since Aug 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Redox Bio-Nutrients
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUN8gi7y_.. Play
Bio-nutrient company that focuses on sustainable plant nutrition. #redoxgrowsAbiotic Stress Defense | Soil HealthNutrient Efficiency | Root Development
YouTube Subscribers 618Type Nano Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Idaho Garden Girl
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRzmrs5MQ.. Play
Hello! Welcome to the Idaho Garden Girl channel. This is a video chronicle of my raised bed gardens. I will be showing how I plant, grow and harvest my vegetables. I also have honeybees and free-range chickens.Filmed in southwest Idaho, USAMORE Email ****@protonmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.4KType Nano Since Mar 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Snake River Seed Cooperative
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDgs-83_R.. Play
Buy our seeds online at http://snakeriverseeds.com. GROW THIS PLANT! is a short video series 'whereby we hop around and get excited about the sheer miraculousness of SEEDS and PLANTS and GARDENING and SUCH!' Snake River Seed Cooperative is a collective of family farmers in the Intermountain West who work together to produce a wide diversity of regionally-adapted seeds. We currently have around 50 active growers within the states of Idaho, Utah, Montana, Washington, Wyoming and Oregon. When we began, we had 15 growers. We believe that sharing seed-saving knowledge is vital to...MORE Email ****@snakeriverseeds.com
YouTube Subscribers 439Type Nano Since Feb 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Victory Greens
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnCYHgvI8.. Play
Victory Greens Stone and Garden Center in Meridian Idaho provides Boise residents with trees, sod, bark, mulch, gravel, outdoor kitchens, firepit kits, and many other landscaping supplies. Visit us online at http://www.victorygreens.com or call us at (208) 888-5551MORE YouTube Subscribers 18Type Nano Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
FarWest Landscape & Garden Center
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC87qbJjp-.. Play
Garden Center Boise Idaho
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 412Type Nano Since Nov 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Idaho Native Plant Society
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCuYDvZ49.. Play
We're a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to:promoting interest in native plants and plant communitiescollecting and sharing information on all phases of the botany of Idaho's native plantsfostering an understanding and appreciation of our native florapreserving this rich heritage for future generationseducating its membership and the public about current conservation issues that affect Idaho's native flora and habitats.Videos seen here are from local chapter meetings. More Idaho Native Plant Society videos from our White Pine Chapter (Moscow, Idaho) here:...MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 286Type Nano Since Mar 2021 Follow Get Email Contact
Bloom in Full Color Podcast
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt-gsS087.. Play
Do you have a green thumb? It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned gardener or just starting your first planter. Our mission is to make learning about gardening and growing plants more entertaining by adding humor, relatable experiences and a variety of topics that can help any level of expertise in the dirt by sharing tips and tricks on cultivating the best growing programs in the Intermountain West Region. Moss Greenhouse has been growing fresh air since 1952 and has really seen it all with Southern Idaho climate and soil. Now it's your turn to bloom in full color!MORE YouTube Subscribers 58Type Nano Since Apr 2022 Follow Get Email Contact
The Prepared Homestead
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAn1a2uPp.. Play
Homesteading, Herbs & PermacultureWe live and work on a 40 acre homestead in Northern Idaho. We are passionate about working our piece of land in a regenerative way using permaculture principles and methodology. We are focused on providing nutrient dense food, moving closer toward self-sufficiency and helping others achieve the same through online eduction, in-person speaking & workshops on permaculture, herbalism, wildcrafting, & growing herbs http://www.thepreparedhomestead.org and https://academy.huckleberrybotanicals.com~Sean & MonMORE Email ****@thepreparedhomestead.org
YouTube Subscribers 4.2KFacebook Followers 2.8KType Nano Since Oct 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Garden Minutes
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFxKFAXC8.. Play
We are a channel dedicated to organic gardening and related topics. Based in Boise, Idaho, many of our videos are geared towards the climate and conditions in the Treasure Valley and Intermountain West, but most principles and topics are applicable across most regions. Lindsay, the host, has owned the North End Organic Nursery since 2009, and has been involved with organic gardening since 2000. Lindsay has a B.S. in Nutrition and Health Science. She studied soil sciences and soil biology under Dr. Elaine Ingham, and has both worked in the organic agricultural industry with her own...MORE Email ****@gardeninminutes.com
YouTube Subscribers 3.6KType Nano Since Jul 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Cultivating Success Idaho
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJpz0vXw.. Play
The Cultivating Success Idaho program offers educational programming to provide beginning and existing farmers with the planning & decision-making tools, production skills and support necessary to develop a sustainable small acreage farm. It connects students with the farmers and exposes them to real world situations through a community-based, experiential approach. Whether you are a community member wanting to learn the basics of farming/ranching or an experienced farmer/rancher wanting to try something new, Cultivating Success provides educational opportunities for you to be...MORE Email ****@cultivatingsuccess.org
YouTube Subscribers 270Type Nano Since Jun 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Idaho Gardener
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Nc6OGXh.. Play
follow me for content about gardening in hardiness zone 7aish
YouTube Subscribers 30Type Nano Since Jun 2021 Follow Get Email Contact