15 Macau Finance YouTubers in 2025
Macau Finance YouTube Channels
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Macau Business TV
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkLUqHyMM.. Play
Email ****@macaubusiness.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.4KType Nano Since Sep 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
澳門奧比安物業Ambiente Properties
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbzm7Z96e.. Play
Ambiente Properties is a Macau-based company. For the past 15 years we have been offering real estate-related services; leasing, sales, purchase and management in all sectors. Visit www.ambiente.mo for more information.Whether you're looking to rent or buy a property, or for owners who may want to sell or have need of a reliable property management service, we will be delighted to support you in this. Please make contact by either emailing us on ****@ambiente.mo or call (+853) 2871-5713. We look forward to hearing from...MORE YouTube Subscribers 751Type Nano Since Apr 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAJmmvpCi.. Play
Email ****@ruicunha.org
YouTube Subscribers 163Type Nano Since Dec 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Rafe Chan Channel 財經知識頻道
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRTFyJyNA.. Play
大家好!我是澳門財經專業進修中心Macau Financial Development Centre (mfdc.edu.mo)創辦人Rafe Chan,在這裡我會以過去21年的財經課程教學經驗與多年以來的實務投資感悟,透過互聯網由淺入深為各位講解各類金融財經知識!請多多指教!MORE Email ****@mfdc.edu.mo
YouTube Subscribers 355Type Nano Since Oct 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfqhv4Q6a.. Play
We are very proud to say that we are a Macau Company with a keen commitment to adding value. Throughout the years we have invested and provided an array of services at international standards for the economic development of Macau.CESL Asia and its subsidiaries have been delivering the professional consultancy, facilities, technical and energy management and operations that provide the environmental solutions necessary to support the development of Macau and its Communities, locally and globally.MORE Email ****@ceslasia.com
YouTube Subscribers 30Type Nano Since Oct 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
MAYCHAM Hong Kong & Macau
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcjyRXYzv.. Play
THE MALAYSIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (HONG KONG & MACAU) [MCCHKM/ MAYCHAM Hong Kong and Macau)MAYCHAM Hong Kong and Macau is a non-government body to promote, support & represent the interests of the Malaysian business community in Hong Kong, Macau & Southern China.MORE Email ****@mcchkm.com
YouTube Subscribers 481Type Nano Since Dec 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
YGM Group
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYojIYmg5.. Play
YGM's extensive retail network consists of around 100 retail outlets throughout Hong Kong, Macau, China, Taiwan, South-east Asia, and Europe. We have been actively developing the Greater China market for more than couple of years. We have established retail outlets in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, while simultaneously expanding the network to many secondary and tertiary cities. Our development in China is reflected in the mass retail coverage. We now are operating over 50 outlets in China with the expectation to grow further in the core and developing cities.YGM...MORE Email ****@ygmtrading.com
YouTube Subscribers 55Type Nano Since May 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
MICE Macau
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMptwBddq.. Play
In this channel you can see some of the activities that are part of DOC DMC Macau - Hong Kong portfolio:. Destination Management Company (DMC). Professional Conference Organizer (PCO). Special Events. Wine EventsVirtual and hybrid events, plus meetings and incentives in Macau and Hong Kong. Operates as one-stop shop from arrival to departure.MORE Email ****@doc-dmc-macau.com
YouTube Subscribers 28Type Nano Since Jan 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Global Tourism Economy Forum
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCATUOVa6p.. Play
Established in 2012 and located in Macau, the southern gateway of China, GTEF takes advantage of Macau's proximity to China, its strategic position in Asia, and its forerunner position in the region's burgeoning tourism economy; and connects governments and industry players from Mainland China and around the world to create exciting opportunities for tourism promotion, investment and cooperation.MORE Email ****@gterc.org
YouTube Subscribers 39Type Nano Since Feb 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
AustCham HK
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZS_bmCFz.. Play
The Australian Chamber of Commerce (AustCham) Hong Kong and Macau was formed in 1987 to facilitate business development and networking opportunities for its Members and now represents the largest Australian business community outside Australia and the second largest international chamber in Hong Kong. Over the past 30 years AustCham has grown to over 1,500 corporate members and now represents more than 550 Australian and local companies and a community of about 90,000. Our members are senior representatives from major Australian companies in Hong Kong, as well as a cross-section of local,...MORE Email ****@austcham.com.hk
YouTube Subscribers 24Type Nano Since Oct 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
B Lab HK & Macau
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRIl236gh.. Play
B Lab (HK & Macau) is a nonprofit that serves a global movement of people using business as a force for good. B Lab's initiatives include B Corp Certification, administration of the B Impact Management programs and software, and advocacy for governance structures like the benefit corporation.Support B Lab's WorkNow's the time to turn words into action and build a regenerative and inclusive economy that works for all. By shifting the culture of business, we can solve the world's biggest environmental and social challenges. Join us and a global movement of people using business as a...MORE Email ****@blabhkm.com
YouTube Subscribers 39Type Nano Since Mar 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Commerce Macau
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZyGKSjb.. Play
Email ****@macau.ctm.net
YouTube Subscribers 5Type Nano Since Sep 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Angliss Macau
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVxFnpBO6.. Play
Angliss Macau is a branch of Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd. is one of the region's primary food importers. Formerly known as the Hong Kong Refrigerating Company Ltd. (HKRco), Angliss Hong Kong has been in business since 1946 and located at the company-owned Kwai Chung premises since 1980. Distribution offices are in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Haikou, Xi'an, Hunan, Macau, Singapore and Malaysia. Our parent company, The Bidvest Group Limited (Bidvest), which is an international investment holding company.MORE Email ****@angliss.com.mo
YouTube Subscribers 2Type Nano Since Jun 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Macau Courier
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChR8zCPmX.. Play
香港快遞(HONG KONG EXPRESS)/ Macau Courier 是香港最具規模的速遞物流公司之一.Hong Kong Express / Macau Courier is one of the most organized and established courier/express company in Hong Kong.我們提供速遞服務,上午收貨,下午送達. 由澳門到香港, 或由香港到澳門.如有查詢,請致電(香港)+852-23116300(澳門)+853-66457878公司網址: www.macaucourier.comMORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1Type Nano Since Jun 2023 Follow Get Email Contact