20 New York Food YouTubers in 2024

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New York Food YouTube Channels

Devour Power TV

Devour Power TV A couple who quit their jobs to aggressively DEVOUR and show you what's good! We are NYC-based. Please subscribe and enjoy the ride! We would love to connect with you!
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCAPp.. Subscribe
Email ****@devour.media
YouTube Subscribers 1.5MType Mega Frequency 9 videos / week Since Dec 2016 Get Email Contact


FutureCanoe I try my best to follow instructions - NYC
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCF3j.. Subscribe
Email ****@hercampus.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.1MType Mega Frequency 2 videos / week Since Dec 2022 Get Email Contact

NYT Cooking

NYT Cooking All the food that's fit to eat (yes, it's an official New York Times production).
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC1rI.. Subscribe
Email ****@nytimes.com
YouTube Subscribers 862KType Macro Frequency 5 videos / week Since Jan 2019 Get Email Contact

Beryl Shereshewsky

Beryl Shereshewsky My name is Beryl. I live in New York City and I'm not a chef. Until recently, I was a producer at Great Big Story, then the company shut down, so now I'm taking advantage of my unemployment by doing what I love, cooking and eating. And since the world is closed off, I'm using food as a way to travel. My goal is to cook a dish from every country on our planet. Wanna mail something? Beryl Shereshewsky 115 East 34th Street FRNT 1 PO Box 1742 New York, NY 10156 Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shereshe/ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beryl Check me...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCbPH.. Subscribe
Channel Name Beryl Shereshewsky
Youtuber Name Beryl Shereshewsky(Female)
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 801KFacebook Followers 20.4KInstagram Followers 180.3KType Macro Frequency 1 video / week Since Feb 2014 Get Email Contact

James Andrews

James Andrews I moved to New York City to pursue my dreams. In my free time, I explore all the amazing neighborhoods and eat all the incredible food NYC has to offer. I want to see and eat everything, while documenting it all. -75 Michelin Stars. -Certified Beer Server -Certified Barbeque Judge
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCo2E.. Subscribe
Email ****@jarsolutions.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 41.1KType Micro Frequency 1 video / week Since Aug 2006 Get Email Contact

Eat Local New York

Eat Local New York Welcome to the Eat Local New York Youtube Channel where we interview local restaurant owners and chefs and talk about the local restaurant industry in New York. We also release new content weekly from Will It Ferment? Where we take everyday items from around the house and office and turn it into alcohol. And shows like Hoagie's Heros where we take your favorite foods from your favorite local restaurants and see who makes the best! Stay connected with Eat Local New York online at EatLocalNYState.com or follow us on Instagram at Instagram.comEatLocalNYState or Facebook at...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCGAY.. Subscribe
Email ****@eatlocalnewyork.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.8KType Nano Frequency 2 videos / week Since Nov 2018 Get Email Contact

Jacquee's Cooking

Jacquee's Cooking Hi Everyone! Welcome to my channel. My name is Jacquee Elie! I'm a born and bred New Yorker. My family is from the Caribbean. I attended The New York Restaurant School in 2001 in the SOHO area of NYC and I specialized in Pastry Arts. I had my own catering business a few years ago in New York City. Since then, life changes which included new living location and of course this pandemic has allowed me to take my skills more seriously and create a channel to display my talents. I am going to share my love and passion with all you cooks out there. I will teach you how to create delicious...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC3nl.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 3.8KType Nano Frequency 1 video / week Since Apr 2020 Get Email Contact

Food Bank For New York City

Food Bank For New York City Since 1983, Food Bank For New York City has been the city's major hunger-relief organization working to end hunger throughout the five boroughs. Nearly one in five New Yorkers relies on Food Bank for food and other resources. Through its network of more than 800 community member organizations, Food Bank provided more than 80 million free meals last year. Food Bank For New York City's income support services, including food stamps (SNAP) and free tax assistance has put more than $50 million a year into the pockets of New Yorkers. Food Bank's nutrition education programs and services...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCWBo.. Subscribe
Email ****@foodbanknyc.org
YouTube Subscribers 644Twitter Followers 20.2KInstagram Followers 31.8KType Nano Frequency 1 video / month Since Jul 2012 Get Email Contact

New York By Food

New York By Food Join me on a food journey in New York City and around the world. Here, I will show how and what a New Yorker cooks and eats. Hope you enjoy it. Bon Appétit
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCoPk.. Subscribe
Email ****@eater.com
YouTube Subscribers 312Type Nano Frequency 8 videos / quarter Since Jul 2017 Get Email Contact

Ramen On Air - New York Food and Life

Ramen On Air - New York Food and Life Japanese living in the U.S. Mainly food vlog at the restaurants in New York City. Please feel free to subscribe to my channel, and comment your favorite restaurants so that I can try them too! I joined amazon affiliate program.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCrET.. Subscribe
Email ****@newyorksimply.com
YouTube Subscribers 115Type Nano Frequency 1 video / week Since May 2021 Get Email Contact

Adirondack Wine and Food Festival

Adirondack Wine and Food Festival The Adirondack Wine and Food Festival is held each year, the last weekend of June at Charles R Wood Festival Commons in Lake George, NY. This event features over 120 of New York's best wineries, breweries, distilleries, cideries, artisan food vendors, food trucks & more, with the beauty of Lake George as your backdrop! This is a farmer's market style, try-before-you-buy event. Over 7,000 people attend this two-day annual event. Visit AdkWineFest.com for tickets #AdkWineFestLG
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCvlK.. Subscribe
Email ****@adkwinefest.com
YouTube Subscribers 50Type Nano Frequency 9 videos / quarter Since Nov 2015 Get Email Contact

Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center

Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center The New York City Food Policy Center works towards interdisciplinary, innovative and effective solutions to reducing hunger, food insecurity, food-related environmental problems and diet-related diseases in New York City and other urban areas. Through research, policy analysis, seminars and evaluation the center works with policy makers, community organizations, advocates and the public to create healthier food environments and to use food to promote community and economic development. The Center leverages the food-related expertise, passion and commitment of the students, faculty and staff of...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCnoa.. Subscribe
Email ****@nycfoodpolicy.org
YouTube Subscribers 369Type Nano Frequency 1 video / quarter Since Oct 2013 Get Email Contact

A Piece of New York

A Piece of New York I live in the greatest city in the world (in my humble opinion) and I'm going to show you around! We started this journey with awesome pizza joints around the Big Apple, but the city has so much more to offer. My appetite has expanded beyond just pizza, so come along as we explore the various neighborhoods of NYC looking for fantastic food, divine drinks, decadent desserts, and exciting events.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC4Pj.. Subscribe
Email ****@substackinc.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.9KType Nano Frequency 13 videos / year Since Jun 2017 Get Email Contact

New York Food Truck Association

New York Food Truck Association The New York Food Truck Association (NYFTA) is dedicated to promoting local mobile food vending in the New York City area. We are focused on connecting New York's food truck (and cart!) owners to potential business opportunities. Interested in hiring a food truck? Explore our vendors' menus and find the perfect cuisine for your next food truck catering event or promotion: http://www.nyfta.org.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCaoI.. Subscribe
Email ****@nyfta.org
YouTube Subscribers 581Type Nano Frequency 20 videos / year Since Oct 2017 Get Email Contact

Museum of Food and Drink (MOFAD)

Museum of Food and Drink (MOFAD) Creating a first-of-its-kind food museum in New York City — with exhibits you can eat.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCUb6.. Subscribe
Email ****@mofad.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.4KType Nano Frequency 1 video / year Since Dec 2013 Get Email Contact

Food Bazaar Supermarkets

Food Bazaar Supermarkets Calling all foodies for a culinary adventure! Find exotic and unique foods as well as all of your regular grocery store shopping needs. Food Bazaar operates full-service supermarkets in the Tri-State metropolitan areas (NY, NJ, CT). Visit our website http://www.myfoodbazaar.com
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCCWE.. Subscribe
Email ****@bogopausa.com
YouTube Subscribers 765Type Nano Since Jul 2013 Get Email Contact

Show 17 to 460

New York Food YouTubers

Top YouTubers covering New York Food. Get Spreadsheet
YouTuber NameEmailSubscriber
YouTube Channel Link
Devour Power TV
1.5M 1.4B 1.6K https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPpi1iWQFyW6V4ssQzZwHg/videos
2.1M 526.5M 250 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF3jMqkgvFRb6KBbSfsFFtQ/videos
NYT Cooking
862K 118.6M 535 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rIOwTqDuWkFj87HZYRFOg/videos
Beryl Shereshewsky
801K 186.9M 621 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbPHHOiOY_tA9BSytK0jDYw/videos
James Andrews
41.1K 8.1M 277 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo2E04ZqtXnF8fu8fd14IKw/videos
Eat Local New York
1.8K 243.7K 295 https://www.youtube.com/lahcenn/ghiHyPPGY9SC8FUADgXC_O5S/isdvoe
Jacquee's Cooking
3.8K 578.8K 549 https://www.youtube.com/lnahnce/UTUUk3FCmwtnRagtSAIpYG-l/sveoid
Food Bank For New York City
644 721.1K 175 https://www.youtube.com/lanechn/8UZXoD9MAU1wcmKG6qCW9GBI/sievdo
New York By Food
312 173.2K 113 https://www.youtube.com/alcnnhe/DTPszl_CUn0AoP-9kJLFm1U9/odvsei
Ramen On Air - New York Food and Life
115 51.2K 138 https://www.youtube.com/eacnlhn/ELqr04eCTEmwyuTUG9s6XtBo/iosdev
Adirondack Wine and Food Festival
50 79.1K 77 https://www.youtube.com/ahnlenc/AolE25AKPz35USvMCklvAqGS/idesov
Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center
369 30.9K 144 https://www.youtube.com/lneanch/UMTItCon3PUa7nZsn3wPemLg/edivso
A Piece of New York
5.9K 198K 141 https://www.youtube.com/ecnhlna/1qtSFC9wUgCBjnLvCv1Qi4P6/eiosdv
New York Food Truck Association
581 337.1K 192 https://www.youtube.com/hacennl/UXNCYQC1ZnQLI_TDa9PBosaa/ivdoes
Museum of Food and Drink (MOFAD)
1.4K 59.3K 119 https://www.youtube.com/nehlnac/CDaWVoWo7UdbPU1Q4rp6zy-P/ievsod
Food Bazaar Supermarkets
765 66.4K 55 https://www.youtube.com/nlneach/3Juw2Chq4L7OUCWEcG1x9BRL/vodesi
Load 17 to 100 of 460 YouTubers