15 North Carolina Parenting YouTubers in 2024
North Carolina Parenting YouTube Channels
Happy's Family
Welcome to Happy's Lawn Care and Landscaping vlog and thank you for following our journey! Carl and I own and operate a fully insured lawn care and landscaping business in Western North Carolina. We have been in business 10+ years and have gained tremendous knowledge of the green industry. We have our NC pesticide applicators license and encourage others to learn something new everyday. Our Motto - Bee Happy or at least try! Follow us and subscribe to see a variety of videos from adventures to success, trials and errors. We appreciate if you go check...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC-Y4.. Subscribe
Email ****@yahoo.com
YouTube Subscribers 12KType Micro Frequency 1 video / week Since Dec 2014 Get Email Contact
Families Divided TV
Family Access-Fighting for Children's Rights is a North Carolina-based non-profit organization dedicated to providing help, education and support to victims of parental and grandparent alienation. We also provide much needed knowledge and info for those professionals who work in the field of alienation as well. Visit www.familyaccess.info for more information.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC0qE.. Subscribe
Email ****@aol.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.5KType Micro Frequency 1 video / week Since Dec 2021 Get Email Contact
Martiona Walker
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCSpp.. Subscribe
Email ****@freedom.gg
YouTube Subscribers 14.7KType Micro Frequency 1 video / week Since Jun 2017 Get Email Contact
Zero2Five Family
The adventures of the family who went from zero to five children overnight through foster care and adoption. We went from Zero to Five kids over night and now we are passionate about encouraging others who are involved or interested in foster care and adoption, parenting, and fun! #fostercare #adoption #fosteradopt
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCAX9.. Subscribe
Email ****@zero2fivefamily.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.8KType Nano Frequency 6 videos / year Since Dec 2013 Get Email Contact
Part of the UNC School of Social Work, the Family & Children's Resource Program builds the capacity of family- and community-serving organizations through training, coaching, facilitation, and evaluation.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCAa2.. Subscribe
Email ****@unc.edu
YouTube Subscribers 1.3KType Nano Frequency 5 videos / quarter Since Dec 2011 Get Email Contact
Child Care Resource Center North Carolina
CCRC is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting local families and business employers with quality child care. CCRC can save you time by providing you with a custom child care search based on the needs of your family. We have the largest database of child care programs covering Forsyth and surrounding counties. CCRC can help you find child care programs, part-day programs, summer camps, after school care, and non-traditional care. You can work with one of our staff, search our internet database, or both.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCasT.. Subscribe
Email ****@childcareresourcecenter.org
YouTube Subscribers 1.6KType Nano Frequency 1 video / month Since Jul 2023 Get Email Contact
Children's Home Society of NC
We Believe In Families. At Children's Home Society of North Carolina, we provide families with the support and resources they need to be a forever family, with services ranging from adoption and foster care to parent education and teen pregnancy prevention to post-adoption support for families. CHS believes in the power of family to transform lives and communities. Through our programs, CHS serves well over 20,000 clients each year, with a statewide staff and offices in 10 cities across North Carolina. For more information please visit https://www.chsnc.org or call 1-800-632-1400. You...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCihM.. Subscribe
Email ****@instituteforfamily.org
YouTube Subscribers 368Type Nano Frequency 3 videos / quarter Since Nov 2010 Get Email Contact
Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC) is a statewide organization that supports parental school choice. We believe in allowing families to select their school of choice -- public, private or nontraditional -- regardless of address or income.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC-rk.. Subscribe
Email ****@pefnc.org
YouTube Subscribers 252Type Nano Frequency 1 video / month Since Feb 2008 Get Email Contact
The mission of the Center for Child and Family Policy is to solve problems facing children in contemporary society by bringing together scholars from many disciplines with policy makers and practitioners. The Center is addressing issues of early childhood adversity, education policy reform, and youth violence and problem behaviors. It is home to the largest violence-prevention study ever funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the largest youth-violence-prevention experiment for middle schools ever funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a major effort to evaluate...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCXkn.. Subscribe
Email ****@duke.edu
YouTube Subscribers 165Type Nano Frequency 1 video / week Since May 2009 Get Email Contact
A Life of Little Family in North Carolina
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCjiR.. Subscribe
Email ****@ncsu.edu
YouTube Subscribers 12Type Nano Frequency 1 video / year Since Sep 2022 Get Email Contact
No Wimpy Parenting
Are you frustrated and at the end of your rope when it comes to parenting? There is an epidemic of kids running the show and having way too much power in the family. As a result, parents feel helpless, exhausted, and hopeless in their own homes. Dr. Wynns, the author and founder of No Wimpy Parenting™, was inspired to start a movement, daresay a revolution, to empower parents to take back their power! She offers parent workshops and webinars, custom coaching, and has written The No Wimpy Parenting Handbook (found on Amazon at...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCErc.. Subscribe
Email ****@wynnsfamilypsychology.com
YouTube Subscribers 28Type Nano Frequency 1 video / year Since Mar 2020 Get Email Contact
North Carolina Early Childhood Family Leadership
On Saturday, April 23, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. ET, the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) and the Early Childhood Investment Corporation (ECIC) hosted the 2022 Virtual Early Childhood Family Leadership Conference. Parent leaders, partners, and early childhood advocates engaged in important conversations and workshops that centered around building an early childhood system in North Carolina that puts families first. The Early Childhood Family Leadership Conference kicked-off with a dynamic keynote from Dr. Iheoma Iruka, an early-childhood...
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCgjj.. Subscribe
Email ****@dhhs.nc.gov
YouTube Subscribers 26Type Nano Frequency 2 videos / year Since May 2022 Get Email Contact
Planned Parenthood Action PAC North Carolina
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UC6WV.. Subscribe
Email ****@ppfa.org
Type Nano Since Sep 2016 Get Email Contact
North Carolina Parenting YouTubers
YouTuber Name | Subscriber Count | Video Views | Video Count | YouTube Channel Link | |
Happy's Family | 12K | 5.2M | 1.8K | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Y4PLn48JO0ux1DTbp6Rgg/videos | |
Families Divided TV | 17.5K | 751.7K | 333 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0qET_H81bIcf7b55UHxhKQ/videos | |
Martiona Walker | 14.7K | 968.9K | 334 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSpp5neYA94wd3kof64np2g/videos | |
Zero2Five Family | 5.8K | 517.5K | 146 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAX9NaP_5r41NrxrPMra13g/videos | |
UNCFCRP | 1.3K | 465.2K | 85 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAa2Rfvrk13YMLgDB4R8n4Q/videos | |
Child Care Resource Center North Carolina | 1.6K | 16.9K | 51 | https://www.youtube.com/eanhlcn/UY0zTD0ltAaleX0GLiLWCPWs/osidve | |
Children's Home Society of NC | 368 | 228.7K | 171 | https://www.youtube.com/ehncaln/EiKUlCDANhbi5iC9xnMG_YGW/eivods | |
PEFNC | 252 | 96.2K | 324 | https://www.youtube.com/hneacnl/qkt76SbrrlU1-CgG-2Qr-2wQ/svedio | |
ChildandFamilyPolicy | 165 | 39K | 108 | https://www.youtube.com/hnelnca/RkMuXcHanIKXigAnDC2aY3bU/osdevi | |
A Life of Little Family in North Carolina | 12 | 1.3K | 9 | https://www.youtube.com/cnelhan/_IET9w0frC1USTjyRRL3Ci7G/dvesio | |
No Wimpy Parenting | 28 | 3.1K | 38 | https://www.youtube.com/cnhealn/PwcraxU_LfrmnEjgqYu3bC2A/oesdiv | |
North Carolina Early Childhood Family Leadership | 26 | 1.8K | 32 | https://www.youtube.com/lhcenan/RUvRXj4uSCgqf9Y2VsGZVjQR/eoidsv | |
Planned Parenthood Action PAC North Carolina | 295 | 7 | https://www.youtube.com/ahnecnl/UCaToH6aVpQLQveWcyXqLy-P/odisev |