15 Poi YouTubers in 2025

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Looking for Poi YouTubers for your outreach campaign or for collaboration to promote your brand or product? Our Poi YouTubers list is what you need.more When curating these Poi youtubers, we’ve considered not just their following, but also engagement, as well as overall influence in the Poi space.


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Poi YouTube Channels

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DrexFactor Poi

DrexFactor Poi Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLdxKhzTF..
Email ****@drexfactor.com
YouTube Subscribers 102KFacebook Followers 19.6KInstagram Followers 41.7KType Macro Since Aug 2006 Follow Get Email Contact


playpoi Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1JgoAfZw..
Email ****@playpoi.com
YouTube Subscribers 87.6KInstagram Followers 8.7KType Micro Since Apr 2006 Follow Get Email Contact


GlitterGirlPoi Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMZrtV4n8..
Welcome to free lessons from Temple of Poi founder Isa GlitterGirl Isaacs.
Email glittergirl templeofpoi com
YouTube Subscribers 1.9KFacebook Followers 4KTwitter Followers 1.2KType Nano Since Feb 2009 Follow Get Email Contact

Vojta Stolbenko

Vojta Stolbenko Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXvQkWIo..
Official channel of performer, fire spinner and traveller Vojta Stolbenko.
Email ****@vojtastolbenko.com
YouTube Subscribers 10KTwitter Followers 15Type Micro Since Nov 2009 Follow Get Email Contact


Floki Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeH9pdVzM..
Channel is the love letter to the fire arts, many artists will be featured, much fuel will be burned. Morgan Floki Fire artist filmmaker lighting up Austin Tx.
Email ****@flokifire.com
YouTube Subscribers 409Twitter Followers 25Instagram Followers 4.8KType Nano Since Mar 2017 Follow Get Email Contact

bar2shek OFFICIAL

bar2shek OFFICIAL Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChLZSa-N8..
Hi my name is Tomas or 'bar2shek'. I'm the poi spinner and fire performer from CZ. Thank you all for watching my video and I hope that you like this.
YouTube Subscribers 498Instagram Followers 2.5KType Nano Since Jan 2010 Follow Get Email Contact

Poi Sin

Poi Sin Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCba8RPgYq..
PoiSinFire Entertainment is a Fire and Glow Performance group organized by Poi Sin based out of Ottawa Ontario.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 194Type Nano Since Nov 2012 Follow Get Email Contact

Kate Wright Poi Passion

Kate Wright Poi Passion Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCImvVDaPB..
Welcome to Poi Passion School of Poi and Fire Performance.
Email ****@poipassion.com
YouTube Subscribers 193Facebook Followers 2.7KType Nano Since Oct 2006 Follow Get Email Contact

Rami Poi

Rami Poi Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTkSAxTTC..
Follow us to keep up with videos about poi from Rami Poi.
YouTube Subscribers 86Type Nano Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact

Sangre del Sol

Sangre del Sol Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuuBlIfsC..
Clips of poi and fire dancing performances from Sangre del Sol as well as our favorite videos surrounding the art of poi, staff, and fire dancing.
Email ****@hotmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1KFacebook Followers 1.4KType Nano Since Dec 2006 Follow Get Email Contact

Martial Arts of Poi

Martial Arts of Poi Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn3cJhDM1..
Welcome one and all to my Channel. Here I upload videos of my Veil poi/ Voi and Fire poi videos which is a form of dancing and one of my biggest hobbies.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 924Type Nano Since Nov 2006 Follow Get Email Contact

Cory & Alicia Partner Poi

Cory & Alicia Partner Poi Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrud5euk..
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 254Facebook Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 2.4KType Nano Since Aug 2010 Follow Get Email Contact

todor peevski

todor peevski Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBPU1LNwT..
Hey, I am Todor from Bulgaria. I spin fire poi fire snakes fire fans sparkle poi and more.
YouTube Subscribers 135Type Nano Since Jun 2009 Follow Get Email Contact

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