15 Prison YouTubers in 2025
Prison YouTube Channels
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Christina Randall
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTyzoGsp.. Play
This channel features prison videos by Christina Randall.
Channel Name Christina Randall
Youtuber Name Christina Randall
Gender Female
Email ****@outlook.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 1.6MFacebook Followers 3.6MInstagram Followers 183.9KType Mega Since Jul 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Shaun Attwood
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0pdktx9M.. Play
Here is the entire collection of videos posted by Shaun Attwood, who survived the jail with the highest rate of death in America. Some of the videos on this channel are extremely violent, but show the stark reality of life inside deadly prisons.MORE Email ****@hotmail.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 873KFacebook Followers 234.5KTwitter Followers 162.4KInstagram Followers 38.8KType Macro Since Jun 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Jessica Kent
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-lh8H0PD.. Play
This channel features prison videos by Jessica Kent.
YouTube Subscribers 986KInstagram Followers 171.1KType Macro Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSonmKTLA.. Play
Entertaining videos about life in prison and trying to adjust after being locked up. Come check out all the crazy stuff that I make videos about in relation to my adjustment to freedom again after so long. Crazy prison stories, How to's, prison tattoo videos, prison recipes, and even a few vlogs and interviews!!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.4MFacebook Followers 241.5KTwitter Followers 16.7KInstagram Followers 16Type Mega Since Nov 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Fresh Out- Life After The Penitentiary
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTsGL6oeA.. Play
America has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Two out of three ex-cons will commit an act that will lead them back to prison. Society's disdain for ex-cons makes life after the penitentiary a challenging one...Some make it....Some don't. These are their stories!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 571KFacebook Followers 270.2KTwitter Followers 826Instagram Followers 10.4KType Macro Since Jul 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Prison Life: Inside & Out
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxP32VWeI.. Play
My name is Johnathan and I have served over 16 years in prison in three different 'correctional' systems. I have witnessed violence and sickening acts that I wish I could erase from my memory. This channel is an expression of my passion to share what it took for me to survive the worst places you can imagine and to help others who are going through a struggle to make a change!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 39.3KFacebook Followers 3.3KTwitter Followers 219Instagram Followers 1.4KType Micro Since May 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Ro Clausen
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxym_IVKq.. Play
Hi love, I'm Ro. I make entertaining videos about life as a prison wife, the struggles I face, & how to stay positive on the outside while your loved one is doing time. Watch all the things I make videos about in relation to being a strong prison wife: Crazy visit stories, How to's, Q&A, visit outfits, lifestyle hacks, reviews, vlogs, interviews, and more.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 24KTwitter Followers 1.9KInstagram Followers 13.7KType Micro Since Dec 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Prison Professors
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiWXvA_5b.. Play
Prison Professors Justin Paperny, Michael Santos, and Shon Hopwood offer products and services to help people prepare for prosecution, sentencing, and prison.
Email ****@prisonprofessor.com
YouTube Subscribers 10.2KFacebook Followers 46Twitter Followers 3.7KType Micro Since Sep 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
True Prison Stories by Gary York
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Aiyqwhj.. Play
Corruption Behind Bars is dedicated to protecting everyone behind the prison walls and giving everyone from the prison staff to the inmates the opportunity to go home safe. Corrupt Staff Members place everyone in danger! Let's make sure our family members make it through their shift or sentence safely. Remember! someone who loves you is waiting on the outside for your safe return home whether today, tomorrow, or next year. This Channel will discuss corruption issues as well as why we in corrections do things the way we due.MORE Email ****@yahoo.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.1KTwitter Followers 6.2KType Nano Since Mar 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Prison Yoga Project
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6lNfZjCx.. Play
Our mission is to bring yoga and mindfulness into American prisons. We support incarcerated people with trauma-informed yoga practices to promote rehabilitation, reduce recidivism, and improve public safety.MORE Email ****@prisonyoga.org
YouTube Subscribers 402Facebook Followers 32.5KInstagram Followers 22.7KType Nano Since Dec 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Prisoners Abroad
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4UvXSTcK.. Play
Prisoners Abroad is the only charity supporting Britons and their families during and after imprisonment overseas.
Email ****@prisonersabroad.org.uk
YouTube Subscribers 154Facebook Followers 5.5KTwitter Followers 3.1KInstagram Followers 895Type Nano Since Feb 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Bryan Bruton
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_S8-o7r0.. Play
After doing 11 years in prison, coming home to my back against the wall and ultimately turning my life around I'm now sharing my story of what led me to prison and the crazy shit that happened along the way.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 33.8KType Micro Since Apr 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Ex Con Cody
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWKBd1B2.. Play
Ex Con Cody is a former prisoner, vlogger, and public speaker, who does prison commentary on news, radio and documentaries. He also does interviews on prison, prison issues and more from his perspective as a former prisoner.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 26.1KType Micro Since Oct 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Prison Consultant
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNmVnQljb.. Play
Larry Levine, a former 10 year federal inmate is founder of Wall Street Prison Consultants and American Prison Consultants and assists those going to federal prison with survival tactics and RDAP early release programs.MORE Email ****@wallstreetprisonconsultants.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.8KType Nano Since May 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Surviving The Prison Wife Life
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQpROL8Yh.. Play
I am 39 years old and happily married to my best friend. We have been together for 4 and a half years and he is currently incarcerated serving a 28 year old sentence. The aim of this channel is to give other women information on everything from communicating with your loved ones while incarcerated to visiting, dealing with the time that they have left, etc.MORE Email ****@yahoo.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.8KType Nano Since Jun 2012 Follow Get Email Contact