15 Rowing YouTubers in 2024
Rowing YouTube Channels
Dark Horse Rowing
Nobody is faster or more efficient at guiding your performance on the indoor rowing machine than Dark Horse. You'll learn everything you need to know to reach peak performance in your training. Here you'll find workouts, tutorials, product reviews, and more to make your experience with a rower great.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCshP.. Subscribe
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 278KType Macro Frequency 2 videos / week Since Jul 2015 Get Email Contact
World Rowing (FISA) is the international governing body for the sport of rowing. It is empowered by its 142 member National Rowing Federations, the National Olympic Committees and the International Olympic Committee to govern the sport of rowing.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCUtN.. Subscribe
Email ****@fisa.org
YouTube Subscribers 56.9KFacebook Followers 114.5KTwitter Followers 48.8KType Micro Frequency 1 video / day Since Mar 2010 Get Email Contact
USRowing is a nonprofit organization recognized by the United States Olympic Committee as the governing body for the sport of rowing.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCv-G.. Subscribe
Email ****@usrowing.org
YouTube Subscribers 24KFacebook Followers 60.7KTwitter Followers 32.7KType Micro Frequency 1 video / month Since Jun 2007 Get Email Contact
British Rowing
The official channel for British Rowing - the governing body for the sport of rowing.Get all the latest videos of races, interviews, news and events and more!
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCGA5.. Subscribe
Email ****@britishrowing.org
YouTube Subscribers 31.3KFacebook Followers 39.7KTwitter Followers 41.9KType Micro Frequency 2 videos / month Since Sep 2010 Get Email Contact
Water Rower Rowing Machines
Manufacturing Rowing Machines of exceptional design, quality, and style. WaterRower have a simple quest; to allow others to experience the physical benefits and physiological pleasure which is the pastime of rowing.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCdVW.. Subscribe
Email ****@waterrower.com
YouTube Subscribers 9KFacebook Followers 18.7KTwitter Followers 3.5KType Nano Frequency 2 videos / day Since Apr 2006 Get Email Contact
Rowing Australia
The official channel of Rowing Australia. Rowing Australia is the peak body for the sport of rowing in Australia.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCQw4.. Subscribe
Email ****@rowingaustralia.com.au
YouTube Subscribers 5.9KFacebook Followers 17.7KTwitter Followers 11.9KType Nano Frequency 1 video / quarter Since Feb 2014 Get Email Contact
Princeton Crew
Enjoy the videos from Princeton Crew
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCCiM.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 2KType Nano Frequency 25 videos / year Since May 2009 Get Email Contact
Xeno Rowing Coach
Rowing Technique. Digital analysis and training program for the competitive rower.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCwE9.. Subscribe
Email ****@xenocoach.com
YouTube Subscribers 3.9KFacebook Followers 8.2KType Nano Frequency 1 video / month Since Jul 2006 Get Email Contact
Rowing Coaching
A YouTube channel about the sport of rowing.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCPUR.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 5.2KType Nano Frequency 3 videos / month Since Sep 2016 Get Email Contact
Oxford Brookes Rowing
Oxford Brookes University Boat Club is one of the UKs premier rowing programs. Keep up to date with official material and material from our students here.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCoZt.. Subscribe
Email ****@brookesrowing.org.uk
YouTube Subscribers 3.1KFacebook Followers 3.9KTwitter Followers 3.1KType Nano Since Apr 2015 Get Email Contact
Washington Rowing
Enjoy the videos from Washington Rowing
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCMnO.. Subscribe
YouTube Subscribers 1.9KType Nano Since Oct 2015 Get Email Contact
Just Rowing
Rowing around the world.
Youtube Channel youtube.com/channel/UCqZu.. Subscribe
Email ****@hotmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 435Facebook Followers 9KType Nano Since Jul 2016 Get Email Contact
Rowing YouTubers
YouTuber Name | Subscriber Count | Video Views | Video Count | YouTube Channel Link | |
Dark Horse Rowing | 278K | 24.3M | 525 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCshPuX_lIPyxu0U2iwhhBZg | |
World Rowing | 56.9K | 13.3M | 1.7K | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUtND8H4BQaFsQlWxakWX1Q | |
Usrowing | 24K | 4.8M | 1.2K | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-GR7pR4WtmP59kjLRY-qw | |
British Rowing | 31.3K | 4M | 447 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGA5MO_nMT3qlJZREK-JGyQ | |
Waterrower Rowing Machines | 9K | 4.5M | 19 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdVWFrivpv3HndCwtWYMt8w | |
Princeton Crew | 2K | 1M | 346 | https://www.youtube.com/hlnance/M60CXCXeF29nfUnSMiN5cwI9 | |
Xeno Muller Online Elite Rowing Coach | 3.9K | 679.4K | 228 | https://www.youtube.com/ecahlnn/lUw_Zawh9UCRlEvXCpQjwjuS | |
Neil Bergenroth: Rowing Coach | 5.2K | 386.2K | 147 | https://www.youtube.com/nanechl/aOWocrQ-UwmUCxRQjxQngkP4 | |
Brookes | Rowing | 3.1K | 970.7K | 36 | https://www.youtube.com/nclahen/DUDSZ1LQRNcdoMTxgts1CuDS | |
Washington Rowing | 1.9K | 508.7K | 116 | https://www.youtube.com/nenlach/ijA1um0CIMmj3owUiImOjRnB | |
Just Rowing | 435 | 92.3K | 48 | https://www.youtube.com/chaelnn/-r-YYS0qUKurW6QSlF43ZCYW | |
Waterrower | 9K | 4.5M | 19 | https://www.youtube.com/clhnane/iCCtnw8Vrp3dFwWdHUMWvYvt |