100 Running YouTubers in 2025
Running YouTube Channels
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Andrew Martin
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnI3TuOg8.. Play
Running documentaries, athlete analysis, behind the scenes. All for the love of the run.
Channel Name Total Running Productions
Youtuber Name Andrew Martin
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 732KTwitter Followers 764Instagram Followers 12.3KType Macro Since Oct 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Nico Felich
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@nico.felich/ Play
My name is Nico Felich. I'm passionate about health, fitness, and living balanced life. I love to run and train for marathons, so you're gonna see a-lot of running content. My goal is to inspire and encourage others on their fitness journey.Follow along my journey as I share my life and story through videos.MORE Channel Name Nico Felich
Youtuber Name Nico Felich
Gender Male
Email ****@nicofelich.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 434KInstagram Followers 240.5KType Macro Since Jun 2021 Follow Get Email Contact
Jeremy Miller
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@jeremy.miller/ Play
Documenting my journey through running and fitness. Lots of training tips and information to help you achieve your fitness goals. And some occasional travel vlogs
Channel Name Jeremy Miller
Youtuber Name Jeremy Miller
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 147KInstagram Followers 187.6KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Sage Canaday
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_w_vLvl.. Play
Pro Distance Running Tips and Advice from 2:16 Marathoner (16th place at Boston Marathon), 2-time US Olympic Marathon Trials Qualifier and Mountain-Ultra-Trail runner Sage Canaday. Best running form tips and run technique videos on Youtube as well as nutrition for runners, marathon and half marathon training advice as well as trail running, strength training, long runs, 5k training, ultramarathons ultra running and injury prevention information. Mountain Adventure hiking and climbing vlogs as well as track workouts and road running too! Vo2max Productions has a coaching business at Higher...MORE Channel Name Vo2maxProductions
Youtuber Name Sage Canaday
Gender Male
Email ****@vo2maxproductions.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 248KFacebook Followers 35.3KTwitter Followers 34.1KInstagram Followers 105.8KType Macro Since Aug 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
Allie Ostrander
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@allie_ostrander/videos/ Play
Welcome to the life of an elite runner. Through all the highs and lows of running, I have kept coming back to the sport because I love it so much. This channel is my way of sharing that passion with the world and providing inspiration for working through tough workouts, injuries, mental health struggles, and anything else life throws our way. About me: Hi! I'm Allie O, a runner from Alaska who loves cooking, spending time with friends and family, and doing pretty much anything outdoors. I ran at Boise State University and then professionally for Brooks Running...MORE Channel Name Allie Ostrander
Youtubers Name Allie Ostrander, Kyle Visch
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 87.3KInstagram Followers 166.1KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Hellah Sidibe
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@HellahGood/videos/ Play
Running every day since may 15, 2017 and ran from LA to NYC in 84 days!The first African man to run across America from LA to NYC, 3,061 miles in 84 days. I'm the guy who ran every day for 365 days in a row.. that turned into 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5, 6, and we're still going! I'm a vegan athlete and former pro soccer player striving to inspire and change lives through my platform and my life experiences. #hellahgoodrunclub#nomatterthecircumstances instagram: @hellahgood9MORE Channel Name HellahGood
Youtubers Name Hellah Sidibe, Ben Ende
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 298KTwitter Followers 1.5KInstagram Followers 302.1KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Seth James DeMoor
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@SethJamesDeMoor/videos/ Play
This YouTube channel will offer the subscriber inspiration and motivation for falling in love with running. As we all aspire to remain healthy and fit, running is one of the best ways to maintain a high level of fitness. Through this channel you will learn about running, experience running through my daily vlog experience, and learn how to choose the best running gear for you. Running gear and running shoes are a key component for enjoying the running experience. In addition, discovering that motivation to become a better runner is often aided through proper running gear and running shoes...MORE Channel Name Seth James DeMoor
Youtuber Name Seth James DeMoor
Gender Male
Email ****@demoorglobalrunning.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 172KFacebook Followers 8.1KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Jason Fitzgerald
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfQ5RfEdt.. Play
Strength Running channel helps distance runners get stronger, stay healthy, and race faster. On this channel you can expect coaching advice about the marathon, injury prevention, how to get faster, speed workouts, strength and core routines, and demonstrations of the most effective drills, workouts and exercises to help you reach your running goals.MORE Channel Name StrengthRunning
Youtuber Name Jason Fitzgerald
Gender Male
Email ****@strengthrunning.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 102KFacebook Followers 17.7KTwitter Followers 16.6KInstagram Followers 26.6KType Macro Since Feb 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
James Dunne
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEBjuHm_Z.. Play
Welcome to my channel! It's my job to help runners just like you run stronger and injury-free. I'm a runner, coach and sports rehab therapist from the UK. Each week you'll find new videos here including: Strength exercises for runners, Mobility routines, Injury rehab and prevention guides and Running form drills and advice.MORE Channel Name James Dunne
Youtuber Name James Dunne
Gender Male
Email ****@kinetic-revolution.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 278KFacebook Followers 108.3KTwitter Followers 12Instagram Followers 94.2KType Macro Since Mar 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Goran Winblad
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@goranwinblad/videos/ Play
I'm a runner, coach and physio who do my best to inspire you by creating motivational, educational and hopefully entertaining videos!Do you like my channel and want access to bonus content and keep help to keep the channel alive check out my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/goranwinbladBusiness Inquiries: ****@smallscreenmarketing.comMORE Channel Name Göran Winblad
Youtubers Name Goran Winblad, Kyle Visch
Gender Male
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 148KTwitter Followers 176Instagram Followers 21.5KType Macro Since Jan 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Cody Trains
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@itscodytrains/videos/ Play
Channel Name Cody Trains
Youtuber Name Cody Trains
Gender Male
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 276KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Ben Felton
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@BenIsRunning/videos/ Play
Documenting my running journey- sharing videos on my training, the gear I use and race day vlogs.Thank you for your support.
Channel Name Ben Is Running
Youtuber Name Ben Felton
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 113KInstagram Followers 125.1KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Fergus Crawley
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@ferguscrawley95/videos/ Play
The Hybrid Athlete.
Channel Name Fergus Crawley
Youtuber Name Fergus Crawley
Gender Male
Email ****@themodernmind.co.uk
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 119KFacebook Followers 2KInstagram Followers 119.5KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Jeff Pelletier
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@JeffPelletier/videos/ Play
Trail runner & filmmaker, based in Vancouver, Canada.Subscribe to my newsletter or get in touch: http://jeffpelletier.com
Channel Name Jeff Pelletier
Youtuber Name Jeff Pelletier
Gender Male
Email ****@jeffpelletier.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 127KFacebook Followers 3.5KInstagram Followers 43KType Macro Since May 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Stephen Scullion
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@stephenscullion262/v.. Play
Olympian and 2.09 marathon runner doing what I can to help thousands of runners out there who simply want to be better. I dedicated my life and soul to the sport and learnt everything I could to be better, and to be honest that's what it took for me to extract every inch of performance out of my body. I'm a big old boy for a marathon runner compared to most sub 2.10 marathoners, and so I had to use better recovery techniques, nutrition, strength work, and psychological work to help me gain little 1%s here or there...MORE Channel Name Stephen Scullion - Olympic marathoner
Youtuber Name Stephen Scullion
Gender Male
Email ****@outlook.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 135KTwitter Followers 10.4KInstagram Followers 242KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Christopher P. Bennett
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCROLRJY2o.. Play
This channel was created to celebrate the sport of running and track & field almost ten years ago. I hope to share some of the great stories as well as the amazing athletes behind them. This sport can motivate and inspire.MORE Channel Name Coach Bennett
Youtuber Name Christopher P. Bennett
Gender Male
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 24.5KFacebook Followers 5.9KTwitter Followers 16.4KInstagram Followers 161.2KType Micro Since Nov 2006 Follow Get Email Contact
Stephen Cousins
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjphxoB7x.. Play
Film My Run is for you if you are a Race Director or an individual looking to have your run documented. Running your first marathon or Ultra? Running with a group of friends? Film My Run runs with you to record your day. For RDs we will film the race and give you a unique record of the course and the atmosphere at your event from a runners perspective.MORE Channel Name Film My Run
Youtuber Name Stephen Cousins
Gender Male
Email ****@filmmyrun.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 47.8KFacebook Followers 3.5KTwitter Followers 2KInstagram Followers 2.6KType Micro Since Oct 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Sandi Nypaver
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vFznWAk.. Play
This channel is meant to provide some quality information to help you improve your own running. Follow us to keep up with the latest updates.
Channel Name Running Wild
Youtuber Name Sandi Nypaver
Gender Female
Email ****@yahoo.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 92.3KTwitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 25.8KType Micro Since Apr 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Flora Beverley
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@FloraBeverley/videos/ Play
Channel Name Flora Beverley
Youtubers Name Flora Beverley, Hannah Brown
Gender Female
Email ****@wmodel.co.uk
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 51.3KTwitter Followers 6.8KInstagram Followers 117.7KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Sibren Lochs
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@GETONTHERUN/ Play
I want to bring content on running to everybody with the purpose of education, entertainment and to make you laugh! There is content about: training, race events, nutrition, shoes and injury prevention and many more subjects related to running. I am an experienced runner from the Netherlands myself with PB of 14:37 for the 5km, 30:15 10km and 1:06:42 for the half marathon. I like to inspire and share my insights on running with you out there, that is one of the main reasons I started this youtube channel as well. I want to help some other runners chase their dream goals...MORE Channel Name Get on the Run
Youtuber Name Sibren Lochs
Gender Male
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 19KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Harry Jones
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@HarryRunsUK/featured/ Play
I'm an elite runner, running coach and vegan athlete documenting my adventures as I train and race around the world, sharing tips on all things running along the way. From the track to ultras, 1500m to 5k to marathons to 100 miles, running has been a part of my life for nearly 20 years. Thank you for being a part of this journey!MORE Channel Name Harry Runs
Youtuber Name Harry Jones
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 74.8KFacebook Followers 5KInstagram Followers 13.6KType Micro Since Feb 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Donato Esposito
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfuOenaQT.. Play
Started with a video diary of my training runs towards my first marathon in April 2016 and then. Follow me on my next adventure to my second Marathon Major, Boston Marathon 2018!
Channel Name Guru Runs - Chatty Adventures
Youtuber Name Donato Esposito
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 7.8KFacebook Followers 260Twitter Followers 3.5KType Nano Since Nov 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Eric Floberg
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@flobergruns/videos/ Play
Just a dad trying to run consistently, hit new goals, and motivate others to get into the running game!
Channel Name Floberg Runs
Youtuber Name Eric Floberg
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 48.4KFacebook Followers 3.3KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Elijah Orr
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@elijahorr/videos/ Play
Creating videos and telling stories about running, fitness and people.
Channel Name Elijah Orr
Youtuber Name Elijah Orr
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 43.9KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Michael Ottesen
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@mottesen_runs/ Play
I really like running, like a lot. Notable PBs: 5k - 13:53 | 10k - 28:55 | Half - 1:03:47 |Marathon - 2:18Run Elite Program Athlete.
Channel Name Michael Ottesen
Youtuber Name Michael Ottesen
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 19.4KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Tim Van Orden
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTlf3xFtH.. Play
Running Raw isn't necessarily about running or eating a raw diet... it's more about being open, honest, vulnerable and on the living edge of experience.
Channel Name Running Raw
Youtuber Name Tim Van Orden
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 43.1KTwitter Followers 3.1KInstagram Followers 2.4KType Micro Since Jan 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Nicklas Rossner
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@NicklasRossnerPT/vid.. Play
Science-based strategies to help you run further, faster & injury free.Nicklas is a former professional triathlete & physiotherapist currently working as an elite performance specialist for world class athletes.Nicklas holds a degree in Physiotherapy from University College Denmark, a B.Sc in Sports Science from Aalborg University and a degree in Sports Physiotherapy. Nicklas is currently working with Team Denmark researching how to assess talent development groups to develop world class performers.For business inquires: ****@therunningequation...MORE Channel Name Nicklas Rossner
Youtuber Name Nicklas Rossner
Gender Male
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 18.9KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Erin Azar
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@MrsSpaceCadet/videos/ Play
If you look at running content on social media and can't relate, or you want to start running but find it too intimidating, you're in the right place. My name is Erin Azar, and I started running a few years ago after having my third baby and now rely on running as part of my physical and mental health toolkit. I knew nothing when I started running and felt so isolated! After my searches for running content I could relate to came up empty, I started filming my progress and struggles from day 1...MORE Channel Name Erin Azar
Youtuber Name Erin Azar
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 19.7KFacebook Followers 57.8KTwitter Followers 2Instagram Followers 450.2KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Adam Fogg
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjlFx_Dlm.. Play
Watch the life of an NCAA DI miler through the lens.
Channel Name The FOGDOG Exclusive
Youtuber Name Adam Fogg
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 16.5KInstagram Followers 13.1KType Micro Since Jan 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Jay Johnson
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@coachjayjohnson/videos/ Play
I've coached high school, collegiate, and professional runners for more than two decades, including three USATF champions in cross country, indoor track, and road racing. I studied kinesiology and applied physiology at the University of Colorado, where I was a member of the varsity cross country team featured in Chris Lear's cult-classic Running with the Buffaloes. I earned my M.S. in Kinesiology and Applied Physiology from CU in 2000. I ran modest PRs of 3:49.5/1,500m, 8:20/3,000m, 14:20/5,000m and 30:15/10,000m. I've written two books...MORE Channel Name Jay Johnson
Youtuber Name Jay Johnson
Gender Male
Email ****@coachjayjohnson.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 23.4KFacebook Followers 2.7KTwitter Followers 18.9KType Micro Since Jan 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Kyle Kranz
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@KyleKranz/videos/ Play
What's up friends! I'm Coach Kyle and I work with plant-based runners all over the world to optimize their training through making sure their running is dialed in, they are doing their strength work, and further bringing everything into alignment such as mindfulness, meditations, nutrition, etc. If you want to learn more about my coaching, visit kylekranz.com/pbrcoaching and let's chat!MORE Channel Name Kyle Kranz
Youtuber Name Kyle Kranz
Gender Male
Email ****@kylekranz.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 2.5KFacebook Followers 645Twitter Followers 13.2KType Nano Since Dec 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Brodie Sharpe
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrv7drXTq.. Play
This Channel is here to help you Rehab Smarter, Train Smarter and Run Smarter!Brodie Sharpe is your new physiotherapist and running coach, here to teach you practical and evidence-based information for every important facet of your training all the way from overcoming your knee pain to preparing for your next marathon. Learn about injury prevention, running techniques, running programs, marathon preparation, running shoe selection and much more.MORE Channel Name Run Smarter with Brodie Sharpe | Physio
Youtuber Name Brodie Sharpe
Gender Male
Email ****@runsmarter.online
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 19.6KTwitter Followers 995Type Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Patrick Martin
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@patrickmartinrunning/ Play
Sharing my running experiences having started running later in life and achieving some good times and results. My standout performance was running 2:24.31 at the London Marathon in April 2023 at the age of 42, only three and a half years after starting running.MORE Channel Name Patrick Martin
Youtuber Name Patrick Martin
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 8.6KType Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Nicola Forwood
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/NicolaRuns/ Play
Welcome to Nicola Runs! Exploring the world one run, or race, at a time! I'm Nicola Forwood, I love running and being outside. From parkrun to 100 milers, I love it all! From track to trail I want to share with you as many types of race format as I can. It's great to know there are so many incredible places to run, and so many different types of races to try. I've over ten years experience podcasting about parkrun and am proud to be one of the first 100 parkrunners in the world to join the 500 club. I have been run-streaking (running every day) for over 5 years...MORE Channel Name Nicola Runs
Youtuber Name Nicola Forwood
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 4.2KFacebook Followers 5.2KType Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Tim Stent
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC96OwQkhf.. Play
Middle Aged Running Man is a running channel with a middle aged man in it. Running. Race Day Vlogs, Reviews, Sarcasm. It's all here. Join the MARMY Army today!https://linktr.ee/middleagedrunningmanMORE Channel Name Middle Aged Running Man
Youtuber Name Tim Stent
Gender Male
Email ****@hotmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 3.8KType Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Emma Abrahamson
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaAbrahamson/videos/ Play
What's up fellas! I am a 27 year old living in San Diego, California. I post videos about my running, making/trying new food, my love for coffee, health and wellness and being a bit chaotic. Come along for the wild ride!biz inquiries: ****@emmaabrahamson.comMORE Channel Name Emma Abrahamson
Youtuber Name Emma Abrahamson
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 68.6KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Sarah Place
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@SarahPlace/videos/ Play
I'm Sarah, a 3:19 marathon runner, ultrarunner and running coach! Through this channel I want to share my love of running, help you become a better runner and encourage/inspire as many people as possible into this amazing sport!MORE Channel Name Sarah Place
Youtuber Name Sarah Place
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 39.5KInstagram Followers 22.3KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Bretta Riches
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfNXl0fCI.. Play
Hi, my name is Bretta Riches and I founded Run Forefoot, a platform that advocates the health and performance benefits of forefoot running and raise awareness on the dangers of heel strike running. I provide runners with tips on how to run forefoot properly by emphasizing the importance of running barefoot.MORE Channel Name Run Forefoot
Youtuber Name Bretta Riches
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 14.4KFacebook Followers 6.9KTwitter Followers 4KInstagram Followers 4.8KType Micro Since Dec 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Joshua Sanchez
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCshUvA06n.. Play
Doctor of Chiropractic, marathoner, aspiring Youtuber. The grind never stops. 'Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.' - Abe Lincoln
Channel Name In The Long Run
Youtuber Name Joshua Sanchez
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 11.5KInstagram Followers 5.3KType Micro Since May 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Greg Shea
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCblmsmSvN.. Play
Hi, my name is Greg and I live in Massachusetts. I love running and making videos so I decided to combine the two and make this channel.
Channel Name Running With Cameras
Youtuber Name Greg Shea
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 2.3KType Nano Since Sep 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
The Running Channel
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX7dV4OPD.. Play
Our mission is to bring great content to those who love to run, no matter your ability or experience. One thing brings us together and that is the passion for the joy of running. Check out our YouTube channel for how-tos, features, top tips and more about running.We'd be super grateful if you hit the big red Subscribe button so you get notified of our new videos!MORE Email ****@therunningchannel.com
YouTube Subscribers 748KType Macro Since Apr 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
The Run Experience | Running Videos
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGZ6D8hJ.. Play
We want you to run better! That means faster, longer and with fewer injuries. Our athletes learn to move better and what true 'running strength' means. Learn running technique that is for everyone, not just elite athletes. If you're running for fitness or for competition.MORE Email ****@therunexperience.com
YouTube Subscribers 669KFacebook Followers 126.7KType Macro Since Mar 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
The Run Testers
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOBM9FasI.. Play
Running watches, form trackers, running shoes, apparel, nutrition. If you use it to run better, faster or just to get more fun from your miles, we test it. We are The Run Testers and we test running stuff.Don't forget to hit subscribe and ring the notifications bell to hear when we've tested the latest kit.Visit the website: https://theruntesters.com/MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 88.8KType Micro Since Nov 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Running Warehouse
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcKqyeT52.. Play
Your go-to online running shop for the latest and greatest info on shoes and gear. Subscribe to our channel to stay update on first looks, shoe reviews, buying guides, and interviews with some of your favorite runners.MORE Email ****@runningwarehouse.com
YouTube Subscribers 67KFacebook Followers 168.2KTwitter Followers 7.3KType Micro Since Feb 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
The Vegan Runner
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-oku1_Vv.. Play
I am known as The Vegan Runner on Youtube as an active Vegan and a Long distance runner.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 89.1KType Micro Since Feb 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
The Ginger Runner
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSxqXJj9b.. Play
Ethan Newberry reviews and talks about all things fitness. From running, biking and training for all sorts of race to equipment reviews, advice videos, and all around fun adventures.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 194KFacebook Followers 60.3KTwitter Followers 26.9KInstagram Followers 53.1KType Macro Since Jan 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Pro:Direct Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgJ2aDHSO.. Play
Pro:Direct Running is the world's largest online running store with unrivalled access to the latest and best in running shoes, clothing and accessories. Keep up with the latest in product releases, trends, technologies and innovations, training techniques and athlete interviews by subscribing to our YouTube Channel.MORE YouTube Subscribers 25.4KFacebook Followers 48.2KTwitter Followers 7.8KType Micro Since May 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Ibex Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJumOlRn9.. Play
Ibex Running features treadmill interval workouts pushing you to the limit!
Email ****@lwtinvestments.com
YouTube Subscribers 52.2KType Micro Since Apr 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Run Steep TV
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoo0wb-sH.. Play
Run Steep Get High is on a mission to tag the highest peaks and run in beautiful locations around the globe.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 70.7KFacebook Followers 22.7KTwitter Followers 13.4KType Micro Since Feb 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Aravaipa Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOeUnUZ4z.. Play
Aravaipa Running is a trail and endurance running company. Aravaipa currently produces 20 trail & ultra running events per year in Arizona and Colorado. This channel will share highlights from races, interviews, running tips and training runs with the world.MORE Email ****@aravaiparunning.com
YouTube Subscribers 26.9KType Micro Since Apr 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Westlake Distance Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8SSmS0QR.. Play
The leading distance running school in New Zealand. One team, twelve months, fifteen national titles. Honour the commitment, respect the training, cherish the results, stay humble.
Email ****@westlakegirls.school.nz
YouTube Subscribers 101KTwitter Followers 160Type Macro Since Sep 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Sage Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC32z512Bn.. Play
Sage Running is all about Athlete Empowerment! From 5km runners and beginners to advanced half marathon, marathon and ultra marathon runners looking to qualify for Boston or improve their running through tips and advice, you've come to the right place!MORE YouTube Subscribers 67.9KType Micro Since Jun 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
RT3 Trail Runner | Trail Running YouTube Channel
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8nBSsn-g.. Play
Here I show my adventures and misadventures in the world of trail running, hard hard, but very satisfying once you get hooked. If you want to raise a point your level of happiness in life ... practice trail running!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 12KType Micro Since May 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Altra Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1LU8rvHL.. Play
We want everyone who is capable of running to experience the thrill of finishing their first race, setting a new personal record and shattering limits they never thought they could overcome.
Email ****@altrafootwear.com
YouTube Subscribers 18.9KFacebook Followers 429.7KTwitter Followers 42.6KType Micro Since Aug 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Canadian Running Magazine
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Tn9Cn5J.. Play
Canada's premiere running publication. Catch up on the latest news, race recaps, features and more.
Email ****@runningmagazine.ca
YouTube Subscribers 7KFacebook Followers 118.7KTwitter Followers 39.2KType Nano Since Jul 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Wings for Life World Run
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdmMHwDYC.. Play
On one day each year the Wings for Life World Run is held simultaneously in numerous locations and the App across the world, all starting at the same time, whether day or night.
YouTube Subscribers 16.1KFacebook Followers 442.8KTwitter Followers 16.7KType Micro Since Mar 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Run Films Connect
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaC0uuAdW.. Play
My purpose is to build up running film makers, to sharpen their content and inspire others to change lives.
Email ****@trialsprogression.com
YouTube Subscribers 9KType Nano Since Aug 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Run Ukraine
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5SLObFsc.. Play
Run Ukraine is Ukraine's best running youtube channel.
Email ****@runukraine.org
YouTube Subscribers 2.7KType Nano Since May 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Run 30
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq70Z5s5N.. Play
This channel is for runners who enjoy laughing until their cheeks hurt. Our videos explore the funniest parts of running, 30 ideas at a time, to connect with everyone from hobby joggers to pro runners. Whether it's impersonations, funny signs or simply the word 'fartlek,' we have you covered.MORE Email ****@mail.missouri.edu
YouTube Subscribers 4.8KType Nano Since Oct 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Run and Become
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpBjkcV5A.. Play
Run and Become is a specialist running shop, with branches in London, Edinburgh and Cardiff -- specialist in that we endeavour to stock everything a runner might need or wish for, in as much depth as possible.MORE Email ****@runandbecome.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.7KTwitter Followers 4KType Nano Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Canada Running Series
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVSXdeNJ1.. Play
The Canada Running Series (CRS) is a selection of Canada's very best road runs: 4 in Toronto, 2 in Vancouver and 1 in Montreal.
Email ****@canadarunningseries.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.3KFacebook Followers 29.7KTwitter Followers 13.5KType Nano Since Apr 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Naperville Running Company
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC28INEY0a.. Play
We love to help you reach your running and fitness goals.
Email ****@runningcompany.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KFacebook Followers 10.4KType Nano Since Sep 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Trek and Run Online
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-txZGTwS.. Play
We run, we hike, we swim, we bike, we travel. And then we write honestly about it all and make non glossy films as an alternative to the advertiser-focused, unsustainable and largely unethical sports, activity and travel magazines that tend to pass as our mainstream media nowadays.MORE YouTube Subscribers 1.4KType Nano Since Sep 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Dave Bradshaw Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFEnPd_5v.. Play
Running videos brought to you by Dave Bradshaw .
Email ****@davebradshawrunning.com
YouTube Subscribers 404Type Nano Since Jul 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
FloNo Trail
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUHtH4iRd.. Play
We are Flo & Nord, just two runners who love getting up in to the mountains. Together we are FloNo Trail. We are living in wild and remote Southern Tasmania, the little island state of Australia. Each week we post a video document of one great run. Sometimes just the one of us, sometimes together, but always out on the beautiful trails of Tasmania ... and occasionally Austria and beyond.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.4KTwitter Followers 39Type Nano Since May 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChucZCptS.. Play
Discovery of place through running with DiscoveRUN. Runner also present through challenge.
Email ****@discover-run.com
YouTube Subscribers 882Facebook Followers 457Type Nano Since May 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Sam Running | Running Tips
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOcjNpADM.. Play
Running tips and videos by Sam Griffiths.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.7KType Nano Since Oct 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Women's Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqbbYCgLw.. Play
We update our channel weekly and cover all things including races, new running gear and exclusive interviews.
Email ****@wildbunchmedia.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 1.1KFacebook Followers 224.6KTwitter Followers 47.3KType Nano Since May 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Running Music
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCzDQmO5G.. Play
Best running music and running songs for your workout. DJ mixed jogging music and jogging songs made specifically for running. Workout songs that match your running, cycling, and walking pace.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 444KFacebook Followers 25.4KTwitter Followers 260Type Macro Since Dec 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Nike Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyicnSN1_.. Play
Helping athletes everywhere run their first, funnest, and fastest miles. Welcome to the Nike Run Club.
Email ****@nike.com
YouTube Subscribers 87KFacebook Followers 15.8MType Micro Since Jul 2008 Follow Get Email Contact
Trail Running School
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhdmAODN.. Play
SCHOOL RUNG on the rough terrain We are engaged in distance learning and training at the training camp. Our school employs professional trainers with higher sports education.
Email ****@trailrunningschool.com
YouTube Subscribers 22.5KFacebook Followers 2.2KType Micro Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
I Run 4 Ultra
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnP-1WkDy.. Play
We are a worldwide running club community that travels to bring you the latest news on badass races with videos, documentaries, articles, and photographs.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 12.4KFacebook Followers 47.7KTwitter Followers 10.8KInstagram Followers 74.5KType Micro Since Dec 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
That Running Guy
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZCzA8YV.. Play
Follow my journey, training to run for England as a Masters runner. Whilst also sharing my top training tips and advice that I've picked up along the way.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 6.4KFacebook Followers 477Instagram Followers 2.1KType Nano Since May 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Run Downunder
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5X-hoIyW.. Play
Here you will find a selection of virtual walk/run videos that are ideal for viewing as you do your own workout on your treadmill at home.
YouTube Subscribers 7.8KFacebook Followers 87Twitter Followers 14Type Nano Since Jan 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Mud Run Guide
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB17-G-zY.. Play
Mud Run Guide is your source for all things Obstacle Course Racing, Mud Run, Ninja News, and Extreme Endurance Events. We are the largest website and media outlet in the world in our industry and the most trusted source of news and information.MORE Email ****@mudrunguide.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.8KFacebook Followers 53.1KTwitter Followers 13.3KType Nano Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Leopardos Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuIhquPlB.. Play
Athletics channel, training to run, videos of the best marathons in the world, track events and more.
Email ****@leopardosrunning.com
YouTube Subscribers 10.8KFacebook Followers 1.5KType Micro Since Aug 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Men's Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3csTR1ws.. Play
Welcome to the official YouTube channel for Men's Running magazine! We update our channel weekly and cover all things including races, new running gear and exclusive interviews.
Email ****@wildbunchmedia.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 1.3KFacebook Followers 24.6KTwitter Followers 15.7KType Nano Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Salming Running | Learn Running Techniques
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZBr3056q.. Play
At Salming Running we focus in education of natural running techniques and the design of running shoes that facilitate a natural running style. Our mission is to help you stay injury free.
Email ****@salming.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KFacebook Followers 11.8KTwitter Followers 647Type Nano Since Apr 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Willpower Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9G5i8hbi.. Play
Willpower is a new independent, running clothing brand, that provides stylish, high quality running apparel and gear for runners with attitude, who stand out from the gaudy masses.
Email ****@willpower-running.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KFacebook Followers 5.9KTwitter Followers 278Type Nano Since May 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Running America
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ_SAqfDf.. Play
We are Dan and Janine McClain. We are your typical Gen-Xers who enjoy adventure, good food, and craft libations. We are also avid runners. We are not elite by any stretch of the imagination, just your average mid-pack age groupers. We are traveling across this great nation in search of cities and towns hosting amazing races.MORE Email ****@runningamericatv.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.5KFacebook Followers 1.4KType Nano Since Jun 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Ascend Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPJi4CAdK.. Play
Running. Trail. Ultra. Mountains. Coaching.
Email ****@ascendrunning.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KType Nano Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Let's Get Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCph2VMqyz.. Play
Welcome to Let's Get Running London channel. You run and they coach you to run better.
Email ****@letsgetrunning.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 658Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 2.5KType Nano Since May 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Motiv Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Q6NpC6p.. Play
Motiv Running will produce and publish the best videos from the world of running, including training tips, product reviews, athlete interviews, plus untold and inspiring stories that will move us all.MORE Email ****@motivsports.com
YouTube Subscribers 420Type Nano Since May 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Gone Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZC8z9JR6.. Play
Come visit Gone Running for all the latest running news, reviews, events, tips and celebrity interviews in Hong Kong and Asia.
Email ****@gone.run
YouTube Subscribers 431Facebook Followers 15.3KTwitter Followers 241Type Nano Since Oct 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
The Learning Runner
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBo_1ACDP.. Play
I am still relatively new to running properly as my main hobby. I've done a bit before for fitness but never dedicated much time to it. Now I'm going to track my progress and bring you guys with me through the downs and hopefully some ups of my running story.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 760Twitter Followers 2Type Nano Since Dec 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Running with Pravin Mishra
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdn4Zj0N.. Play
Best running tips and run technique videos on Youtube as well as nutrition for runners, marathon and half marathon training advice as well as trail running, strength training and injury prevention information.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 713Twitter Followers 1.9KType Nano Since Dec 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Run Fredrik Run!
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_g_46oYZ.. Play
Come and join me on my running adventures! I just love the feeling of running through a forest or up a mountain. Trail Running is my passion and I want to share it with YOU!
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 239Facebook Followers 152Type Nano Since Dec 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Julie Creffield
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfGmdigJ9.. Play
Hello my name is Julie Creffield and I am a plus size marathon runner, entrepreneur and motivational speaker. This YouTube channel is where you will get a flavour of what we do, wether you are looking to take up running yourself or you are looking for a unique speaker for your next event.MORE Email ****@toofattorun.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 476Facebook Followers 24.6KTwitter Followers 8.3KType Nano Follow Get Email Contact
The Running Cam
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPLm92af2.. Play
I originally set this channel so that I could post a few running videos as I trained and completed my first marathon, in an attempt to raise money and awareness for Dementia research. I now want to continue making fun running and exercise videos for/with my friends and continue spreading the joy I get from running.MORE Email ****@outlook.com
YouTube Subscribers 221Type Nano Since May 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
InstagramRunning /TBD VLOGS
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2cVrJjm.. Play
A running channel that documents running news, races, compilations, and other fun adventures.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 83Type Nano Since Mar 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Dorothy Beal
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEhwBW61E.. Play
I am passionate about motivating others to get or stay active. I am a content creator who focuses on running and other forms of movement as a way to improve the quality of your life.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 116Facebook Followers 14.1KTwitter Followers 28.2KType Nano Since Apr 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Running With The Boy In Blue
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX94njLQk.. Play
Follow my channel for my latest running videos and race updates.
Email ****@nbcuni.com
YouTube Subscribers 156Type Nano Since Jul 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
adidas Running
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/adidasrunningtv/.. Play
adidas Running is our official community where we connect running enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you're lacing up your first pair of runners, or are a world champ like Haile, stay tuned for the gear and tech launches that will change the way you run.MORE Twitter Followers 950.7KInstagram Followers 3.2MType Nano Since Sep 2009 Follow Get Email Contact