80 Sailing YouTubers in 2025
Sailing YouTube Channels
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Elayna Carausu & Riley Whitelum
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdQjaSoL.. Play
We are an Australian couple with the intentions of circumnavigating the globe by yacht... Initially having no clue of how to sail, we have now sailed over 30,000nm through the Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Panama Canal and Pacific Ocean. We started making movies to share our adventure with friends and family back in Australia, now we continue to share our adventure with the world.MORE Channel Name Sailing La Vagabonde
Youtuber Name Elayna Carausu & Riley Whitelum
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 1.9MFacebook Followers 381.2KTwitter Followers 33.5KType Mega Since Nov 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Bobby White & Amanda Zakri
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkDwexrF4.. Play
We sail around the world on a 34 year old 37 foot sailboat with two full size labradoodle dogs. Watch what its really like to cruise and island hop as well as take care of two big dogs at the same time.MORE Channel Name Sailing Doodles
Youtuber Name Bobby White & Amanda Zakri
Email ****@lighthouseagents.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 663KFacebook Followers 120.3KInstagram Followers 79.9KType Macro Since Oct 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Brian Trautman & Karin Trautman & Sierra Trautman
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvLc83k5o.. Play
Sailing With SV Delos! This is our story, a story of three souls sailing around the world. It is a story about sailing and travel and adventure. But it's also a story about meeting amazing people and making life long friends.MORE Channel Name Sailing SV Delos
Youtuber Name Brian Trautman & Karin Trautman & Sierra Trautman
Email ****@sailingtoroam.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 882KFacebook Followers 148KTwitter Followers 12.5KInstagram Followers 227.4KType Macro Since May 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Jason Wynn & Nikki Wynn
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBo9TLJiZ.. Play
We're Jason and Nikki Wynn, a couple of perpetual travelers, Sailors, RV'ers and modern day documentarians. This is the home of our discoveries and adventures all depicting the unscripted tale of how we traded in everyday life to satisfy our wear-out-your-shoes sense of adventure. We have an irrefutable desire to search, explore, discover, grow, learn and of course share.MORE Channel Name Gone with the Wynns
Youtuber Name Jason Wynn & Nikki Wynn
Email ****@gonewiththewynns.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 632KFacebook Followers 232.1KTwitter Followers 13.8KInstagram Followers 119.4KType Macro Since Sep 2010 Follow Get Email Contact
Keith Whitaker & Renne Whitaker
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNYlvlreZ.. Play
We want to share honestly what we are experiencing on this adventure and how we are evolving as a family. We simply hope you laugh, learn, ponder, and get inspired.
Channel Name Sailing Zatara
Youtuber Name Keith Whitaker & Renne Whitaker
Email ****@sailingzatara.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 610KFacebook Followers 74.5KInstagram Followers 136.6KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Dan & Kika
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXbWsGV_c.. Play
Sailing the World. One country at a time. One project at a time. Creating videos of our journey, adventures, life on board, and lessons learned along the way.
Channel Name Sailing Uma
Youtuber Name Dan & Kika
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 425KFacebook Followers 40.8KTwitter Followers 5.1KInstagram Followers 99.6KType Macro Since Feb 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Parlay Revival
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYrqanbSk.. Play
A superyacht engineer spends his life savings on a Lagoon 450 catamaran, damaged by Hurricane Irma. With no experience with Fibreglass whatsoever, he and a friend work tirelessly to get her ready to sail through the Caribbean. Subscribe to see more videos on how to fix a hurricane-damaged boat, and to also follow their adventures throughout the Caribbean and on towards the Pacific!MORE Channel Name Sailing Parlay Revival
Youtuber Name Parlay Revival
Gender Male
Email ****@parlayrevival.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 325KFacebook Followers 133.5KType Macro Since Jun 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Nick Fabbri & Terysa Vanderloo
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9rRsBE2n.. Play
We have decided to sail the world. Yep, like many others. We sold up, rehoused the cats (that was such a wrench, we loved those cats), and moved onto a boat. We are now sailing around the globe, filming our adventures, and making some sweet videos.MORE Channel Name Sailing Yacht Ruby Rose
Youtuber Name Nick Fabbri & Terysa Vanderloo
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 167KFacebook Followers 29Twitter Followers 5.4KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Ben Brehmer & Ashley Stobbart
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaJ_xrKTk.. Play
We move from country to county as we wish. We poke into some the worlds least travelled corners. We live off the ocean when we can. Experience new cultures and sail vast distances without seeing land.MORE Channel Name Sailing Nahoa
Youtuber Name Ben Brehmer & Ashley Stobbart
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 405KFacebook Followers 29.9KTwitter Followers 647Instagram Followers 67.5KType Macro Since Jun 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Peter Lukursky & Margarida Lukursky
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDk8eedXB.. Play
I am an Australian guy that is sailing where the wind takes me on as small a footprint as I can manage.
Channel Name SAILING into FREEDOM
Youtuber Name Peter Lukursky & Margarida Lukursky
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 128KFacebook Followers 10.6KInstagram Followers 21.7KType Macro Since Mar 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Matt & Kristen Davis
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSpPCvsSt.. Play
Follow us as we live aboard our sailboat through the good, bad, and ugly! You will watch us try not to kill each other living in such close quarters. You will probably laugh at us through our mistakes. We just want to show how it really is living on a sailboat while traveling.MORE Channel Name Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Youtuber Name Matt & Kristen Davis
Email ****@yahoo.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 219KFacebook Followers 14.6KType Macro Since Apr 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Johan Rydqvist & Malin Rydqvist
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLYd5EnTT.. Play
We are a Swedish couple who wanted a different kind of life. So we moved aboard our sailboat RAN, a custom built aluminium sloop, Beason 40. We untied the lines in the middle of the Swedish winter, January 2016, and began sailing south along the coast of Europe. There is no set route and we will go where the wind and our minds take us.MORE Channel Name RAN Sailing
Youtuber Name Johan Rydqvist & Malin Rydqvist
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 171KFacebook Followers 22.9KInstagram Followers 58.3KType Macro Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Aubrey Wilson
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvC6orAap.. Play
Be Inspired, Challenged And ready to have lots of Fun as I take you on my sailing experience!
Channel Name Sailing Miss Lone Star
Youtuber Name Aubrey Wilson
Gender Female
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 264KFacebook Followers 7.7KInstagram Followers 23.4KType Macro Since Dec 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Bonita Herewane & Yoshi Herewane
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKzcVZX2x.. Play
Follow our journey as we sail Nandji across the seven seas, taking you to some of the most remote corners of the world. We bought Nandji without any sailing experience, taught ourselves how to sail from youtube and crossed the Coal Sea, beginning our offshore journey around the world.MORE Channel Name Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
Youtuber Name Bonita Herewane & Yoshi Herewane
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 131KFacebook Followers 29.7KInstagram Followers 76.8KType Macro Since Jan 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Matt & Jessica
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvJGfEEg7.. Play
We are a couple in our mid 30's, moving from a blog to a vlog as we catalog a complete refit of our Trisalu, a 37' custom aluminum sailboat. After having sailed the Caribbean (Bahamas; Jamaica; Cuba; Honduras; Guatemala; Mexico) and across the Atlantic Ocean TWICE in one year, we're moving on to bigger and better things in the form of a big metal hull.MORE Channel Name MJ Sailing
Youtuber Name Matt & Jessica
Email ****@mjsailing.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 174KFacebook Followers 22.3KInstagram Followers 40.5KType Macro Since Dec 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
James Evenson & Ana Evenson
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwVBc3Yzx.. Play
Cruising on a home-built catamaran. I produce some of my own music, and give you a real-life feel for what I'm going through. Hope you enjoy. 😉 Peace and love!
Channel Name Sailing Zingaro
Youtuber Name James Evenson & Ana Evenson
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 129KFacebook Followers 5.5KInstagram Followers 1.1KType Macro Follow Get Email Contact
Juho Karhu
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDpg-x8jI.. Play
Hi! My name is Juho and I live aboard s/y Sylvia. I'm now planning to spend my second winter skiing and sailing in Northern Norway, high above the Arctic Circle.
Channel Name Alluring Arctic Sailing
Youtuber Name Juho Karhu
Gender Male
Email ****@alluringarctic.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 187KFacebook Followers 40.7KInstagram Followers 105.9KType Macro Since Apr 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Troy & Pascale
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbU2ulPD3.. Play
The sailing channel for people who love self-sufficient travel and adventure. Join Troy and Pascale as they cruise remote Australia in their tiny home, a 30' yacht named Mirrool.
Channel Name Free Range Sailing
Youtuber Name Troy & Pascale
Email ****@freerangesailing.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 137KFacebook Followers 9.8KType Macro Since Sep 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Erik Aanderaa
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUH6fLsV6.. Play
Keep up with articles from Erik Aanderaa.
Channel Name Erik Aanderaa
Youtuber Name Erik Aanderaa
Gender Male
Email ****@nbjs.no
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 207KFacebook Followers 47.6KInstagram Followers 77.3KType Macro Since Aug 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Nike Steiger
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkYfFeySH.. Play
Hi, my name is Nike. With my videos I would like to inspire others to grab hold of their dreams and make them reality. I have always been drawn to the ocean and fascinated by the humbling experience of living close to nature. I had a faint idea that I was made for another lofe than the one that the people around me expected me to live. One day, I dared to follow this instinct and bought a neglected sailboat in Panama that I named KARL. My life turned into a wild rollercoaster of challenges that pushed me way beyond my comfort zone and moments of unknown bliss and inner peace.MORE Channel Name WhiteSpotPirates
Youtuber Name Nike Steiger
Gender Female
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 92.9KFacebook Followers 17KInstagram Followers 20KType MicroYouTube Since Jun 2013 Popular Post Solo sailing to Mexico. Follow Get Contact Subscribe
Joseph Bennett
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1lHDaNse.. Play
Covers catamaran sailing tutorials, demonstrations and live commentaries. Boat maintenance and reviews, and the occasional something for the monohull sailor.
Channel Name Joseph Bennett
Youtuber Name Joseph Bennett
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 36.4KFacebook Followers 1.7KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Barry Perrins
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClIKklzZC.. Play
This is the home of the exciting sailing and cruising adventure web series 'Adventures of an old Seadog' Gritty down to earth videos of sailing singlehanded across the globe. Showing the bad as well as the good, the heart aches and the triumphs of one mans' quest to live his dream.MORE Channel Name Adventures of an old Seadog
Youtuber Name Barry Perrins
Gender Male
Email ****@yahoo.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 121KFacebook Followers 26.3KType Macro Since Mar 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Steph Chung & Travis
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsi1icQ0M.. Play
We share our journey, the ups and downs of boat life and the adventures along the way! We are a young Canadian couple who sold everything and took a chance during a global pandemic one weekend to see if we could start our adventure sailing the world. Low and behold, we made it through and have sailed from Toronto Canada down to the Caribbean with minimal sailing experience, learning along the way.MORE Channel Name Sailing Jibsea
Youtuber Name Steph Chung & Travis
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 48KFacebook Followers 7KInstagram Followers 31.3KType Micro Since Jun 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Simon Stiles
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzOdwGHRO.. Play
Canadian nomad sailing full time with my dog Champ.
Channel Name Finding Simon
Youtuber Name Simon Stiles
Gender Male
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 46.2KTwitter Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 7.2KType Micro Since Apr 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Liz & Jamie
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkl0_R0LT.. Play
followtheboat is Jamie and Liz, two Brits on a boat with a cat called Millie. We've been telling the story of our sailing adventures since 2006.
Channel Name followtheboat sailing and travel
Youtuber Name Liz & Jamie
Email ****@followtheboat.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 62.2KFacebook Followers 9.4KInstagram Followers 20.2KType Micro Since Jul 2006 Follow Get Email Contact
Kirk Soulianis & Lauren Soulianis
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRqsOR0Y2.. Play
We escaped the traditional 9-to-5 life, sold our belongings, and left an idyllic Southern California lifestyle in search of what lies beyond the horizon. We've spent the last 10 years preparing our lives to set sail.MORE Channel Name Sailing Soulianis
Youtuber Name Kirk Soulianis & Lauren Soulianis
Email ****@sailingsoulianis.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 98.1KFacebook Followers 10KInstagram Followers 24.1KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Beau & Brandy
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWv34WrsG.. Play
We have been living aboard our sailboat, Saoirse, for two years, constructing her to be our home. All to prepare us to get on the water and learn how to sail. Please subscribe to follow our journey as we live a life of freedom.MORE Channel Name Beau and Brandy Sailing
Youtuber Name Beau & Brandy
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 53.5KFacebook Followers 2.9KTwitter Followers 101Instagram Followers 15.8KType Micro Since Jan 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Zivile Powers & Ken
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMNLnU40W.. Play
We exploring the world on our Aquarius - 53' Amel Super Maramu 2000 we want to share with you our experience and adventures.On our channel we share our experiences in different islands and countries, our boat repairs, 'How To' videos related to sailing and boat upkeep, various costs and interesting facts.MORE Channel Name Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Youtuber Name Zivile Powers & Ken
Email ****@sailingaquarius.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 46.4KFacebook Followers 1.5KInstagram Followers 2.1KType Micro Since Dec 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Vernon Deck & Marie Morgane
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgF3P33zm.. Play
My name is Vernon, I am an Outdoor/Sports Photographer. In winter as I travel from shoot to shoot in my role as Volcom Team Photographer I will hopefully give you an insight into my daily life and what it takes to get the 'Shot'.MORE Channel Name Sailing Learning By Doing
Youtuber Name Vernon Deck & Marie Morgane
Email ****@vernondeck.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 35.7KInstagram Followers 3.6KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Chris & Rosella
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC64BFQula.. Play
Keep up with articles from Sailing Britaly.
Channel Name Sailing Britaly
Youtuber Name Chris & Rosella
Email ****@helvellynlimited.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 36.9KFacebook Followers 2.4KType Micro Since Feb 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Ryan & Sophie
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeB8v6Yo6.. Play
Hi there! We are Ryan and Sophie, an American guy and a French girl who met in Sweden, on a cold night in March 2015. Shortly after, we decided to leave our corporate jobs to live a big sailing adventure around the World together! We had no experience of sailing at all and had honestly no idea what we were getting ourselves into. On this channel, we tell the stories of our voyage, capturing the memories of our life's biggest adventure. This is the most fun we've ever had, and we treasure every moment of it!MORE Channel Name Ryan & Sophie Sailing
Youtuber Name Ryan & Sophie
Email ****@ryanandsophie.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 77.7KFacebook Followers 5.5KTwitter Followers 610Instagram Followers 25.3KType Micro Since Jul 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Seth Hynes & Elizabeth
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM3yO1T4b.. Play
Seth & Elizabeth created one of the very first sailing channels on YouTube, but took a decade off to raise three kids. Now they're back, and this family of five is sailing around the world. With over 50,000 nautical miles of blue-water sailing experience, a fast performance cruising catamaran, and three boys who love an adventure, this channel is poised to take off and become one of the top sailing channels by years end.MORE Channel Name Seth Hynes (The Sailing Family)
Youtuber Name Seth Hynes & Elizabeth
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 65.4KFacebook Followers 6.4KInstagram Followers 25.2KType Micro Since Jun 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR_Bc26eS.. Play
Sailing adventures with Wes, Kate and the salty dog Lola. Parity is a 30 foot sailboat more specifically a 1983 Ericson 30 we bought off craigslist to sail to the Bahamas. This channel is made to inspire people to go out and take those first steps to making dreams into realities.MORE Channel Name Wicked Salty
Youtuber Name Wes
Email ****@gmail.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 48.6KFacebook Followers 14.1KTwitter Followers 1.5KInstagram Followers 8.5KType Micro Since Aug 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Tula's Endless Summer
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDm0d65Q9.. Play
Billy, Sierra, and Jetty here and we live and travel full time on our boat! We have sailed up and down the east coast, all of the Bahamas and through the Caribbean.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 229KFacebook Followers 80.2KInstagram Followers 61.5KType Macro Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Geoff Waller
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNogfmyQA.. Play
This is the best global boating TV channel covering all types of sailing and powerboat activities.
Email ****@boatson.tv
YouTube Subscribers 33.5KType Micro Since Feb 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Winded Voyage
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC--24Q3_Z.. Play
Just about everybody at one point or another has had either the dream or the passing notion of getting on a boat sailing into the sunset. Follow me from the beginning when I look for a boat to boarding my 40ft.Jeanneau Sun Fizz to sail around the world.MORE Email ****@windedvoyage.com
YouTube Subscribers 21.6KFacebook Followers 948Type Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Sunday
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLtDhypFk.. Play
We are a young couple from Australia and Canada who sold our house in Australia and bought a boat to travel full time!
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 31KFacebook Followers 2.3KInstagram Followers 10.1KType Micro Since Dec 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Cruising Off Duty
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-QDSd5Uk.. Play
Welcome to Cruising Off Duty. We are Craig and Janice. We love travelling and we love sailing, so we figure the best way to see the world is by sailboat. We presently have a 35' Beneteau Oceanis sloop that we sail out of Kingston, Ontario Canada, which is on Lake Ontario.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 37.9KType Micro Since Jun 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing with Thomas
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOlDUJE4i.. Play
Most of my life has been in the small coastal town Tønsberg, 95 km south of Oslo. With the national park at our doorsteps, and the Oslo fjord and Skagerak sea outside the windows, it was almost mandatory to own a boat.MORE Email ****@hotmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 23.7KFacebook Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 10.7KType Micro Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Mother Ship Adrift
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgd7ThMBC.. Play
We're an ordinary family who have saved over many years to live the dream of travelling the world with our kids. We generate our own electricity, make water, homeschool the kids and do our own boat maintenance. From packing up the house, buying a boat and teaching the kids, through to cooking on a budget and making money while we travel.MORE Email ****@ratandpallet.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.4KFacebook Followers 2.4KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Life is Like Sailing
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpePrK2Jr.. Play
Living Aboard, Cruising and Racing my 1982 C&C 34 on Canada's West Coast.
Email ****@lifeislikesailing.com
YouTube Subscribers 27.1KFacebook Followers 7.7KType Micro Since Dec 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
The Adventure Travelers
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrMhSsQ-3.. Play
The Adventure Travelers is a sailing channel by Michael & Melissa who sailed throughout Mexico, the Marquesas Islands, the Tuamotu Archipelago and the Society Islands and now RVing USA and Canada.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.2KFacebook Followers 87Twitter Followers 1.1KType Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Boating Journey
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCak7qyMSZ.. Play
We sold our home, our business and our first boat so we could move onto a liveaboard boat. We now have our second boat, a 2002 Bayliner 4087 Aft Cabin MY that we moor at Elliott Bay Marina. Our goal is to find a liveaboard slip within the next year!MORE Email ****@boatingjourney.com
YouTube Subscribers 9.4KFacebook Followers 789Type Nano Since Jan 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Avocet
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCREn7mlyO.. Play
Sailing aboard our Cheoy Lee 41 as husband, wife and cat! Join us on our adventures as we prepare to sail around the world.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 24.1KType Micro Since Aug 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCInCw7OVK.. Play
TheSailingChannel productions cover the gear, the people, the skills, and the places that interest cruising sailors. We distribute professionally produced sailing destination documentaries, how-to videos, and video cruising guides.MORE Email ****@thesailingchannel.tv
YouTube Subscribers 16.9KTwitter Followers 961Type Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Via
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpt6FogDd.. Play
We are Mike & Taylor: a couple in their thirties who sold everything, quit the city life in Seattle, and with little to no prior sailing experience, moved onto a 2004 Caliber 40 to sail around the world with our two dogs, Penny and Lucy. Join us every Saturday as we travel the world, find new adventures, and experience the beautiful planet and vast ocean.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 12.1KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Emerald Steel
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIPhNoMjs.. Play
LIVING THE DREAM ON A LOW BUDGET For 30 YEARS!! We gave up many of the trappings of a materialistic world in exchange for freedom from entanglements .This channel is more then just about sailing... It's about 2 young people that fell in love and worked hard to accomplish their dream.MORE Email ****@yahoo.com
YouTube Subscribers 31.4KType Micro Since May 2007 Follow Get Email Contact
Carl and Jenny Sailing Adventures
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj_96Msd0.. Play
Hi and welcome to Carl and Jenny Sailing Adventures. We are a married couple from England. In November 2017 we changed our regular lifestyle for a life upon the waves. We sold up almost everything we owned and bought our life aboard the yacht, a Bavaria 47 named 'DREAM'. We are breaking free of the traditional lifestyle, and creating a sustainable life cruising around the seas, perhaps the world one day. If you are thinking/hoping of doing something similar in the future subscribe and follow our channel. Let us make the mistakes so you don't have to.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.4KFacebook Followers 3.1KTwitter Followers 1.9KType Nano Since May 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing EV
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeJCdU51R.. Play
This YouTube channel is a record of my attempt to be free and live a life out there on the Ocean. All I know is my dream of sailing endlessly and exploring this planet. It has consumed me for 3 years now and has been documented here.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.5KType Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Rox
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbiZuyNIy.. Play
I am Roxana, I come from Romania and I am a traveling musician. I love sailing on my boat Doudou Miel around the Caribbean and play my violin along the journey. Life is short, the world is wide, and I want to make some memories. Like all of us, I hope to keep memories at heart of that what i deeply love: music, the sea, the people, life and travel , so without thinking it twice I started documenting.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 4.1KType Nano Follow Get Email Contact
GBay Sailing
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4A3Kakpb.. Play
Local sailors club racing their boats on Galveston Bay. No exotic cruising, no how-to repairs, just regular people having a great time with their regular boats. New videos almost every week.
Email ****@att.net
YouTube Subscribers 529Type Nano Since Jun 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Blue Dot Voyages - SV Pilar
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjfh_pM48.. Play
Blue Dot Voyages - SV Pilar is a Sailing Vlog video channel sharing the Catamaran Sailing adventures of Dawn and Stephen Bell on S/V Pilar, a 2015 Leopard48 Catamaran. We just started sailing together in June 2018, and are currently only weekend and vacation voyagers. Watch us and you will hopefully be inspired to try some adventure in your own life.MORE Email ****@bluedotvoyages.com
YouTube Subscribers 575Facebook Followers 302Type Nano Since Jun 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS42mqWHR.. Play
This is a sailing and travel channel by a Swedish middle aged couple Anders and Gitte that quit working life enjoy life as sailors where plans is written in sand. Our Devon Rex cat Litza is part of the crew. We will show our life onboard, maintenance and project work on the boat, Gitte share some recipes and show cooking onboard, a lot of sailing and places we visit along the way.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 656Facebook Followers 204Type Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Ixion
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0HdTt2pA.. Play
Sailing around the world, that's the goal. First, we must refit our boat starting with an electric motor conversion. Upon the completion of our refit, we begin our journey sailing the seven seas. It may only be a Catalina 30, but it's a massive journey. We're not looking to tell only our story, we want to connect with people around the world and tell their stories too. We're looking forward to sharing our adventure with all of you!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 839Facebook Followers 1.6KInstagram Followers 278Type Nano Since May 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Allan Haddow
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrwvSWXxA.. Play
Sailing Ophelia around Australia from Melbourne anti clockwise 2015 to 2018
Email ****@xsdrafting.com
YouTube Subscribers 419Type Nano Since Mar 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Morning Star
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7mPkW6p.. Play
Capt'n Ev is a full-time liveaboard on Morning Star a 42 foot Whitby ketch. Years of refit and upgrades and or new systems have made an already ocean capable cruising sailboat voyage ready. The captain is an avid photographer as well as adding new video equipment to document and share the adventure.MORE Email ****@shaw.ca
YouTube Subscribers 62Facebook Followers 923Type Nano Since Sep 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Living Hakuna
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrlbNFmD2.. Play
Alejo & Andrea, two nomads exploring North America in a self build off-grid camper with their two Akitas, Ozzy & Echo. Their adventures consist of enjoying their three biggest passions: kitesurfing, traveling & entrepreneurship.MORE Email ****@livinghakuna.com
YouTube Subscribers 41.4KFacebook Followers 1.7KType Micro Since Jan 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
sailing ZERO
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwXH3KzSK.. Play
Get videos on sailing from Fay and Christian.
Email ****@sailingzero.com
YouTube Subscribers 29.3KFacebook Followers 2.6KInstagram Followers 8.4KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8lsbXXdj.. Play
We're sailing couple Wendy and Kevin, and we traded in our fully restored Catalina C-22 for a much more robust Oyster 485. We packed up everything, rented the houses, and headed for Troon, Scotland where the boat was located.MORE Email ****@kelleycmi.com
YouTube Subscribers 15.6KType Micro Since Dec 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Beaver
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAcL8TEXk.. Play
Hello! We are a couple from Australia and Norway who bought our first sailboat in May 2017. We lived on the sailboat for about a year in Norway while we were getting her ready for a long-distance trip. We had no previous sailing experience from before we bought the sailboat. It has been (and still is..)a steep learning curve as we have been taking it easy and learning bit by bit as we go. Mostly from our mistakes and sometimes by example. We departed Norway late in the summer in 2018 and have slowly been making our way down south in Europe.MORE Email ****@hotmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 18.2KFacebook Followers 936Type Micro Since Nov 2019 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXr9tFO4x.. Play
familiaporelmundo inspires families to travel and educate kids non-violently.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.4KFacebook Followers 7.4KInstagram Followers 14.6KType Micro Since Sep 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Chasing Currents
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjZgqPzz.. Play
Two clueless brits sailing a small 28ft sailboat around the world.Through our love of the ocean, adventure and exploring, we came to the idea of buying a boat to travel the world. With no experience, a modest budget, and no clue about what we were looking for, we started viewing some boats and did a lot of reading. Mostly led by our naivety, we felt like we were equipped for the challenge - so we went all in and spent our savings on a boat. Thanks for joining us for what we hope is going to be quite the adventure.MORE Email ****@outlook.com
YouTube Subscribers 11.3KFacebook Followers 710Instagram Followers 6.6KType Micro Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing with the Litzenbergers
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaxSUcNKA.. Play
We are Breena, Spencer and Cat. We are sailing our 37 foot trimaran, subscribe and follow the trip.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 6.9KFacebook Followers 699Type Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing SV Compromise
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCr7IGvR.. Play
Wanting the ultimate adventure & freedom is what lead us to sail, after a charter holiday in Greece, we instantly fell in love with sailing and being on the ocean. We decided to sell most of our possessions and search for a boat, which you will see in our 'boat shopping' episodes. We finally found the right boat, but she needed some tweaks, which you will also see in our 'boat work' episodes. She's a 40ft 2003 Bavaria 38 Cruiser and we love her to bits, she's the perfect size for the four of us.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 4.1KType Nano Since Jun 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Pivo
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0MAyYHvP.. Play
There's Danielle, Conor, & Pivo, but to be honest its all about #Pivo, our half Swedish Valhund, half Labrador. The 3 of us, we're setting off to sail around the world at some point & this channel is about us learning to sail. We're hoping that if we love it enough and if you think we're funny enough (highly dependent on our mood, weather & amount of booze recently consumed) maybe our boat life will go on for a while.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 6.7KType Nano Since Aug 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrlfBWOV.. Play
Join us as we discover this world onboard our sailboat. We are strong believers in following our dreams, and in that everything is possible with a strong desire, motivation and the willingness to make sacrifices.MORE Email ****@wandersailing.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.8KFacebook Followers 684Twitter Followers 232Type Nano Since Sep 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Cold North Adventures
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCDZs9TNU.. Play
Welcome you to our channel l recently bought a sailing boat Hallberg Rassy Rasmus 35 Here you can find my self fixing it, I'm uploading videos every Friday for my self and friends if somebody wants to watch you are welcome to do that and comment below because sharing is knowledge.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.2KType Nano Since Oct 2017 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing on a Whim
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmAYbnPb1.. Play
Join Dan, Krista, Lilly, and crew as we leave the frigid north and head south to tropical waters in our new sailboat, Whim! We are excited to set off on our adventures and take you with us. We are just getting started, so buckle up and come along with us as we begin our new adventure!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.6KFacebook Followers 787Twitter Followers 188Type Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Between Sun and Sea
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0ew89Jz.. Play
Sailing Between Sun and Sea is creating a video logbook of sailing explorations. Our goal is to achieve a more sustainable and adventurous lifestyle, while learning something new everyday! We come from the same small town USA, but we are set on seeing the as much as this big blue planet as possible.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 2KType Nano Since Apr 2018 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Catamaran Escape
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEupefIKx.. Play
Sailing Videos
Email ****@hotmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 899Type Nano Since Jan 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Mutiny
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD7mUzBSw.. Play
Dave, Scrappy and I are rebelling against what society says we should do, we are buying a sailboat and going traveling.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 679Facebook Followers 479Twitter Followers 80Type Nano Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Views
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYb-Cqf2S.. Play
Sailing interviews, Boating talk, Sailing stories, regatta info.
Email ****@hotmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 370Type Nano Since Apr 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Decorum
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZsdf7huU.. Play
This channel is all about sailing sailing the down the west coast from Canada to Mexico and beyond.. Follow along to see where this adventure will go.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 368Type Nano Since May 2020 Follow Get Email Contact
Sailing Gabriel 1
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDEc1ffr.. Play
Follow the sailing adventures of Gabriel1 a 50' catamaran. Visiting exotic locations across the globe, diving pristine reef systems, land tours meeting new cultures, treasure hunting and just looking for a nice place to relax. Captain Lyle and his crew/parents Gary & Carol will be documenting there adventures on land and sea.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 350Type Nano Since Oct 2016 Follow Get Email Contact