15 San Diego YouTubers in 2025

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Looking for San Diego YouTubers for your outreach campaign or for collaboration to promote your brand or product? Our San Diego YouTubers list is what you need.more When curating these San Diego youtubers, we’ve considered not just their following, but also engagement, as well as overall influence in the San Diego space.
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San Diego YouTube Channels

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San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC5NfQ6Mf..
YouTube Subscribers 489KType Macro Since Sep 2006 Follow Get Email Contact

NBC 7 San Diego

NBC 7 San Diego Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUPU09hfd..
Email ****@nbcuni.com
YouTube Subscribers 26.3KType Micro Since May 2019 Follow Get Email Contact

UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego Health Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOaegTYfi..
Email ****@health.ucsd.edu
YouTube Subscribers 107KType Macro Since Nov 2008 Follow Get Email Contact

The San Diego Union-Tribune

The San Diego Union-Tribune Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKCbC7uTe..
Email ****@sduniontribune.com
YouTube Subscribers 71.1KType Micro Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact

San Diego Web Cam

San Diego Web Cam Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC88QpAaX8..
Email ****@sundiegolive.com
YouTube Subscribers 56.2KType Micro Since Dec 2013 Follow Get Email Contact


countysandiego Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuIy75Gqr..
Official YouTube page for the County of San Diego government, including programs that are cablecast & shown on CountyNewsCenter.com and CNC TV.
Email ****@sdcounty.ca.gov
YouTube Subscribers 20.3KType Micro Since Mar 2009 Follow Get Email Contact

San Diego Humane Society

San Diego Humane Society Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ZPHK5ua..
Email ****@sdhumane.org
YouTube Subscribers 5.6KType Nano Since Sep 2010 Follow Get Email Contact

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEyExwIn0..
Email ****@ucsd.edu
YouTube Subscribers 8.9KType Nano Since Sep 2006 Follow Get Email Contact

Times of San Diego

Times of San Diego Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP06SZMpE..
An independent online news site covering the fifth most populous county in the United States.
Email ****@timesofsandiego.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.5KType Nano Since Mar 2014 Follow Get Email Contact

Nicholas Miele - Living in San Diego California

Nicholas Miele - Living in San Diego California Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7GZ5sX28..
Email ****@compass.com
YouTube Subscribers 4.6KType Nano Since Jul 2020 Follow Get Email Contact

San Diego Neighborhoods

San Diego Neighborhoods Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY8WQ_5BM..
Email ****@beerhometeam.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.1KType Nano Since Dec 2013 Follow Get Email Contact

UCCE San Diego

UCCE San Diego Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6jxtCq2x..
Email ****@ucop.edu
YouTube Subscribers 2.4KType Nano Since May 2009 Follow Get Email Contact

Welcome To San Diego

Welcome To San Diego Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCxtaid94..
Email ****@welcometosandiego.co
YouTube Subscribers 1.1KType Nano Since Nov 2021 Follow Get Email Contact

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