25 Whole Food YouTubers in 2025
Whole Food YouTube Channels
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Derek Simnett
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpyhJZhJQ.. Play
My passion for health sparked my decision to try a whole food, plant-based diet in 2011. Since making the change I have never felt better and want to share my success with you!
Channel Name Simnett Nutrition
Youtuber Name Derek Simnett
Gender Male
Email ****@simnettnutrition.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 757KFacebook Followers 26.8KInstagram Followers 144.1KType Macro Frequency 1 video/week Since Sep 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Tami Kramer
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa3oha66Q.. Play
Sharing my love of a whole food plant based diet that is delicious and healthy.
Channel Name Nutmeg Notebook
Youtuber Name Tami Kramer
Gender Female
Email ****@nutmegnotebook.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 51.5KType Micro Frequency 2 videos/week Since Nov 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Cheri Alberts
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClxUAWLKv.. Play
Learn to Live the Whole-Foods, Plant-Based, Nutritarian Lifestyle With My Weekly Videos.
Channel Name The Watering Mouth
Youtuber Name Cheri Alberts
Gender Female
Email ****@thewateringmouth.com
Type of Channel Influencer
YouTube Subscribers 43.8KFacebook Followers 54.9KTwitter Followers 3.1KType Micro Frequency 2 videos/week Since Feb 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh2D2ss44.. Play
The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show is a friendly step-by-step guide to home cooking plant based vegan recipes based on the leading nutritional research of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Michael Klaper, and so many more. We teach you how to cook and eat for maximum health through nutritional density. The focus in on eating Whole Foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, onions, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, and seasoning with herbs and spices. Removing all animal products (meat and diary), all processed and refined 'dead' food, and all refined salt, sugar, and oil. Join...MORE Email ****@plantbasedcookingshow.com
YouTube Subscribers 405KTwitter Followers 405Instagram Followers 59.3KType Macro Frequency 1 video/week Since Jan 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
High Carb Hannah
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs1uwp7bB.. Play
I have lost over 70 pounds following a whole foods plant based diet and I have shared that entire journey here on my YouTube channel. My main focus is helping people achieve their best health through both mind and body. I focus on eating whole foods, mainly potatoes, rice, beans, and other starches in their least processed state.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 794KFacebook Followers 56.9KType Macro Frequency 2 videos/month Since Sep 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpLiP-Ll.. Play
Our Core Values is that We sell the highest quality natural and organic foods. To date Whole Foods Market remains uniquely mission driven: We're highly selective about what we sell, dedicated to stringent Quality Standards, and committed to sustainable agriculture.MORE Email ****@wholefoods.com
YouTube Subscribers 94.2KFacebook Followers 4.3MTwitter Followers 4.1MType Micro Frequency 1 video/week Since Sep 2006 Follow Get Email Contact
Jeanne Schumacher | Plant Power
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsudrjn6I.. Play
Discover the Lifestyle that Changes your Health Destiny! Whole Food Plant Based living!
YouTube Subscribers 34.2KTwitter Followers 744Type Micro Frequency 2 videos/week Since Apr 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJVECMwdj.. Play
I'm on a mission to make healthy living more accessible by sharing easy whole food recipes and time-saving tips.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 84.8KFacebook Followers 374.1KTwitter Followers 5KInstagram Followers 245.1KType Micro Frequency 3 videos/month Since May 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Plant Sugar
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC081Jmnzm.. Play
You need at least 80%of your energy from carbohydrates from whole, fresh, ripe, nutritious plant based foods - organic if possible. A healthy lifestyle consists of having the right fuel for your body (high carb whole foods plant based), enough sleep, enough water consumption, moving your body every day, being active, and have confidence in yourself.MORE Email ****@grn.dk
YouTube Subscribers 5.1KType Nano Frequency 3 videos/month Since Sep 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Naomi Green
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPLcxpLl1.. Play
I'm a Stage 2 Breast Cancer Survivor gone vegan on a whole foods plant-based diet to take back my health.
Email ****@goingveganforhealth.com
YouTube Subscribers 896Facebook Followers 2.4KInstagram Followers 915Type Nano Frequency 3 videos/month Since Sep 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
WOW Recipes
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5_MeJPVv.. Play
WOW Recipes is a family cooking and food channel with hundreds of healthy, whole-food recipes for the home cook and master chefs. Find the best recipe ideas, cooking tips, cook books, how-to food videos, easy to follow instructions, healthy eating advice, Photo Kitchen (Brand New) on this YouTube channel.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 52.7KFacebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 59Type Micro Frequency 3 videos/month Since Sep 2013 Follow Get Email Contact
Mr & Mrs Vegan
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIebF9VhK.. Play
Low-Fat Whole Food Plant Based Couple share over 25 combined years of healthy vegan tricks & recipes & how to enjoy life to the fullest living in a toxic food environment.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 78KFacebook Followers 6.6KType Micro Frequency 4 videos/year Since Jul 2015 Follow Get Email Contact
Pamela Salzman
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJe9QKx6O.. Play
Los Angeles based natural foods cooking instructor and certified holistic health counselor.Visit my blog for recipes and tips on whole foods cooking for the whole family: http://pamelasalzman.comFollow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pamelasalzmanFollow me on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pamelasalzman/Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/pamelasalzmanMORE Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 17.4KType Micro Frequency 2 videos/week Since Nov 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Kim D'Eon
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPgurmgtn.. Play
Hi, and welcome to my channel! My name is Kim and I'm all about making healthy, whole food and wellness easy, fun and accessible. I'm a Canadian media personality and a holistic nutritionist with a passion for real food and real talk.MORE YouTube Subscribers 22.7KFacebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 4.3KInstagram Followers 13.9KType Micro Since Apr 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1E90BDS-.. Play
The Veggie Chest is a whole foods, vegan cooking demonstration series hosted by Dr. Ruby Lathon.
Email ****@rubylathon.com
YouTube Subscribers 19.5KFacebook Followers 5.8KTwitter Followers 2.7KInstagram Followers 18.5KType Micro Frequency 8 videos/year Since Nov 2012 Follow Get Email Contact
Susan Valkai
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDci84Bn5.. Play
Healing eczema using whole food, a plant-based diet low in fat.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 7.6KType Nano Frequency 8 videos/year Since Oct 2011 Follow Get Email Contact
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5OiGGbjW.. Play
WelleCo elixirs are dietary supplements designed by leading nutritional doctors using carefully formulated ingredients derived from whole foods. In easily absorbable powder form, they are designed to nourish the body's 11 systems from the inside out.MORE Email ****@welleco.com
YouTube Subscribers 2.3KFacebook Followers 89.8KTwitter Followers 44Instagram Followers 280.3KType Nano Frequency 8 videos/year Since Mar 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Mrs Plant
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_-8Up6P2.. Play
Welcome to Mrs. Plant in Texas's YouTube channel. I will be posting videos about health and wellness achieved through a whole foods plant-based way of eating.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 4.6KFacebook Followers 13.4KInstagram Followers 7.2KType Nano Frequency 4 videos/year Since Feb 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Soul in the Raw
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoH2yHQMX.. Play
This channel is all about a high-raw vegan lifestyle: a whole food plant-based lifestyle rich in raw foods. I post recipes, vlogs, and healthy living tips.
Email ****@gmail.com
YouTube Subscribers 5.4KFacebook Followers 5.5KInstagram Followers 1.2KType Nano Frequency 11 videos/year Since Jun 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
Natural Born Feeder by Roz Purcell
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2YU_6W_O.. Play
My approach to cooking is simple: use whole foods to live a whole life. Having developed a negative relationship with food that led me to make unhealthy choices, I changed my lifestyle by rediscovering my love of cooking. I used my passion for food to develop the tasty recipes that fuel the body, providing the energy and vitality needed to look and feel greatMORE Email ****@naturalbornfeeder.com
YouTube Subscribers 18.2KFacebook Followers 40.3KTwitter Followers 69.5KInstagram Followers 141.3KType Micro Frequency 4 videos/year Since Feb 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
365 by Whole Foods Market
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmefIzXGV.. Play
365 by Whole Foods Market is changing the grocery shopping experience. Committed to making healthy living easy, 365 by Whole Foods Market provides simple, affordable and convenient everyday shopping to neighborhoods nationwide without sacrificing the quality standards and dedication to food transparency that Whole Foods Market pioneered.MORE Email ****@wholefoods.com
YouTube Subscribers 1.2KFacebook Followers 43.4KTwitter Followers 4.8KType Nano Frequency 15 videos/day Since Feb 2016 Follow Get Email Contact
Natural Balance Foods
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRktCPeVA.. Play
Nakd bars & snacks are a great way to eat nutritious, healthy food without compromising on taste.
Email ****@naturalbalancefoods.co.uk
YouTube Subscribers 621Facebook Followers 102.2KTwitter Followers 45.2KInstagram Followers 75.3KType Nano Frequency 4 videos/year Since Oct 2009 Follow Get Email Contact
Jenny Jiles
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_652vaTy.. Play
Here on the Real Food Scout channel you'll get Fast & easy recipes made with REAL, WHOLE FOODS.
Email ****@realfoodscout.com
YouTube Subscribers 241Facebook Followers 807Type Nano Frequency 11 videos/year Since Apr 2014 Follow Get Email Contact
carly halliday
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBKAXpttf.. Play
Hey guys! My name is Carly and I live a whole foods plant based vegan lifestyle, something that has really been a major passion of mine. My ultimate goal is to go fully raw, but it's a long journey and I'm taking my time. In the mean time I mostly raw, but indulge in the cooked whole foods from time to time.MORE YouTube Subscribers 82Type Nano Frequency 8 videos/year Since Oct 2011 Follow Get Email Contact